Cyber-Uranian Hi-Jinx

The surreal dystopian chic of the ‘Blue Screen of Death‘ (BSoD) splayed over the world’s screens was a byproduct of the apparently most severe cyber-outage in history. Black Mirror eat your heart out.

Set designers, Philip K Dick’s phantom, sci-fi writers and high-concept post-algorithm fashion people are already onto this aesthetic, guaranteed.

Pity the swamped support people trying to talk millions of “end users” through the “safe reboot” and, of course, everyone affected by the latest fuqery.

It was caused by a cybersec company called CrowdStrike and their explanation for it is here. It may not be sufficient to prevent the company being – as Hacker News put it – “litigated into non-existence.”

Did a reckless dev look at the tedious task of testing the update before taking it live and go with ‘fuq it’ instead? Or was it something weirder? The astrology says ‘weird’ but this Mercury Retro will not be the  automatic go-to weird.

I ramped up the Daily Mystic alerts because Mercury is about to square Uranus 3x in a row – think provocateur, lightning, super-astute perception, sharp-words, electro-pollution and inadvertent, surreal exposure of hubris.

This is a Uranian Mercury Retrograde. AKA thunderbolts, cultural quakes, casual metamorphosis and rapid social/cognitive change. This little zap of a thing occurs on July 21-23, Aug 17-19 and Sept 6 – 8.

The Cyber-Outage came within hours of Mercury moving into the shadowzone and FYI, Mercury returns to this particular point on August 23 and September 5.

But it also happened with Mars conjunct Uranus, as did the attempted assassination of former President Trump. To be clear, I am against the assassination of any politician, regardless of whether I would vote for them or not.

The astrology around the event is fascinating: Mars was nearly exactly conjunct Uranus and on Trump’s Midheaven – Mars-Uranus has visionary potential but can also represent sudden attacks and the Midheaven is the maximum point of visibility.

Being both shocking and hugely public, the shooting fits the Mars-Uranus brief. But more strangely, the Mars-Uranus duo was squaring the Republican candidate’s Mars + Ascendant in Leo.

It’s a super-difficult influence, the sort of planetary snafu that an astrologically adept assassin would choose to take someone down.

Yet as everyone knows, he turned his head at the optimal moment to avoid the bullet. Trump’s claiming divine providence and in a sense he’s correct in that Jupiter was near his natal Uranus in Gemini.

His natal Jupiter in Libra is already trining that Uranus in Gemini so Jupiter in Gemini strengthened that already potent Uranian energy.

So the cyber-outage and attempted assassination both occurred with Mars-Uranus in play. Each was unexpected and weird with inexplicable elements: The assailant evidently meandering around for some before taking up his position on the roof which should have been scoped out as a danger spot. The flawed security update being rolled out without any testing – something that just doesn’t happen.

Astrologically and leaving Mercury Retrograde shadowzone out of the picture, the Mars-Uranus involvement in the cyber-fuqery is an attack, not a mistake signature.

So, the software update was initiated at 4:09 Universal Time on July 19 – I love it when companies provide event data this exact – and I used Austin, Texas as the location because that’s where CrowdStrike are headquartered.

So if you look at this chart below, Mercury in the 6th (employee?) square Uranus in 3rd suggests miscommunication, particularly as Mercury in the Shadow-Zone. But it’s also square Mars which could technically reflect an element of malice.

But you know what? Even though they’re not in the same element, Mars and Uranus are trine Pluto in Aquarius which makes me think that there may have been an A.I. component to this ultra-costly error.


37 thoughts on “Cyber-Uranian Hi-Jinx”

  1. Mystic, to get the chart you show above you must of put the hour of the CrowdStrike snafu at *23.09 pm for 18th July* …??
    Otherwise I am flummoxed because when i put in 4.09 a.m. on 19th July for Austin Texas, the chart (Astrodienst extended version) shows the Ascendant at 22.20° Gemini & not Pisces … ? am i going mad or missing something?

    1. Crowdstrike said “July 19, 2024 at 04:09 UTC” so you want to put in July 18th 23:09 for Austin Texas not UTC.

  2. “Dear ChatGPT v24, Please check this code for security update, should I proceed?” “Yes [insert evil robotic laugh]”
    I thought solar flare but it was only M class, or secret, watch what happens to the Earth when I press this button joke, via a hacker. Either way we need cash was made very clear.

  3. noticing in that chart the Saturn exact ascendant, squaring moon on the sadge MC and also square Jupiter in the 3rd. that does sound like a Big Oopsie (/ requiring reality check) beamed into the innermost parts of our lives. It has a relationship with that mercury in 6th house you mentioned too mystic,
    the Pluto trine mars Jupiter sq (2-3 house cusp) seems a little separate from that, like maybe it’s a parallel situ rather than directly implicated? this is a rookie hot take not a deep dive tho

    althouuuugghhh chart ruler Neptune is square moon on MC. maybe the whole situ is a value bundle after all 🙂

    1. Yeah, Neptune (1st H) square Moon/MC – isn’t that the signature of deception/confusion/fibbing/scandal? Also, the Moon was exactly ON the Galactic Center for extra nuance . The question remains – did some nefarious organisation – or even governmental (Saturn-Asc) just do a global con job? Or was it an accidental blip due to the foggy cozmic overcast?… but then there’s the Uranus-Mars factor of attack … Well, there’s a saying in heist circles that goes something like: when there’s a major blip – somewhere, someone, will somehow benefit during the ensuing chaos – always.
      Anyway, just musing here, and i don’t know why i think there’s gold involved, but i do.
      Also, just noticed a fairly tight Grand Fire Trine involving Mercury/Chiron/MC … needs pondering 🤨

      1. hmm. gold as in the metal? gold standard? federal reserves? the blip used as cover to somehow raid a government’s juicy gold reserve? maybe someone “accidentally” took a zero off there and added a zero on somewhere else more convenient? (now I’m definitely in the weeds)

        Mercury Chiron MC vibes wisdom and leadership to me. or some kind of advisory structure?

  4. DOUBLE TROUBLE You might be interested to know that Crowdstrike CEO George Kurtz was also head of Macafee IT when the Macafee issue happened back in the day. “On April 21, 2010, the antivirus company McAfee released an update to its software used by its corporate customers. The update deleted a key Windows file, causing millions of computers around the world to crash and repeatedly reboot. Much like the CrowdStrike mistake, the McAfee problem required a manual fix.” George Kurtz born 5 May 1965 New Jersey.

    1. Really? Wow! I was wondering why people were posting John MacAfee memes and quotes all of a sudden. Interestingly, Uranus was at 27 Pisces then, ie: late degrees of Pisces as Neptune is now.

      “How did this problem occur in the first place? The short answer: poor testing. McAfee recently changed its quality assurance process, leading to the buggy DAT file to get past the test environment and onto the PCs of customers”

  5. Simone Schroeter

    The breakdown/hacking of the internet was always on the cards, no? I assume this was just a prelude. Can’t say I was at all surprised when I heard of it on the news the NEXT DAY lol how did I miss it!? Was in a bubble of nature and yoga and ignorant bliss apparently. So lovely!

  6. And along with all this Biden has dropped out of the race for White House!

    ‘Leave the World behind’ showed us a world sans web-net and how people adjusted to it or didn’t.
    My first thought was staged assassination until another died & others wounded, or maybe collateral damage?
    ‘Mimicking the heavens to look like it’s divine’…….hmmm.

    What was that bird that flew around in smaller and smaller circles until it disappeared up its own ass? This is my analogy of the world as it is at this moment in time.

    1. Yeah, I’m intuiting staged event too. I find it very hard to believe the secret service boffins missed that roof as a security hazard – I mean puhlease. Then again – CrowdStrike – aptly named. Maybe that was a ‘test run’ to see how such an outage would affect things. We’re surely living in interesting times.

  7. Triple Air Gem

    Your comment about AI and malice in the Crowdsteike update struck me – has AI become sentient and tried to wipe out all our systems? 🧐🤪

  8. I have no doubt the “attempted assignation” was staged. To me it looked like he brushed off a fly and as someone in X speculated- who could miss a head that big?
    The reactions of the security people and crowd were also intriguing- especially as they let Donny pause and wait for the perfect heroic pose to be photographed aka the orange one posing as a hero with his fist in the air. I suggest that if his life was actually in danger he would have been shielded and hustled away in seconds. He’s a con man and reality TV star, and lies and fakery is his MO

    1. Triple Air Gem

      While I am no fan of the orange buffoon, I think simple human factors could explain the reactions around the event – it’s probably due to cognitive confusion as everyone tries to understand what’s happening. If he was shot and seriously wounded, it’s easier to understand that there’s a shooter, and you would dive for cover. But as it just grazed him, and he’s still standing, etc, that could explain the confusion. It doesn’t mean it wasn’t staged, but…

      1. I reckon it was a ‘false flag’ moment designed to shift the narrative firmly away from the disastrous announcement of Project 2025, which was getting a pretty robust negative response. The whole ‘attempt on Don’s life’ really doesn’t stack up – no way that roof didn’t factor into security considerations.

        1. Triple Air Gem

          Agreed, the roof security was laughable- and so many people looked at the footage and their first intuition was this doesn’t feel right/stack up 🤷‍♀️

          1. Secret service need sacking.
            they knew 10 minutes before Trump even went out there was a sniper.

            if it was staged, it wasn’t by Trump.

        2. The whole incident had a fake hollywood movie feel to me, and I immediately thought of those fake blood capsules that are used in movie shooting scenes

          Plus when has the ex president ever been honest or truthful about anything? he’s all self promotion and BS and maga is a cult, just like scientology or evangelist churches

  9. CrowdStorm (such a fitting name!) may be based in Austin, Texas but I will bet the crew that does the heavy lifting are overseas programmers who are getting pennies on the dollar in wages and subject to extreme deadlines. If they operate the same as most businesses, a programmer (or many) may have said something about the updates were untenable bur their supervisors probably said, “make it happen anyway.” Tech is notorious for routinely assigning these types of tasks.

    Perhaps this crash was a push back to the expectations of hyper-productity and in settings that blatantly tell them they are expendible. Is that really sustainable? Tech has recently made huge purges of their workforce (especially here in America). Read the San Francisco Chronicle and you can hear all about it.

  10. There is an Illuminati game card depicting Trump’s assassination. The blue screen cyber attach was shown in the movie Leave The World Behind. The world is a stage and it’s all orchestrated chaos. These people are trying to mimic the heavens and play out their own drama. They use the stars as their blueprint and people think the story is Divine!

  11. Blue Screen of Death resonates bigly in these times. “Surreal dystopian chic” indeed.
    With Pluto in a last gasp with Capricorn before the New Paradigm in Aquarius, who knows what atrophied, sclerotic, toxic and outdated
    tech/belief systems will face a reckoning before the year’s end?
    Satire died years ago because reality is now more absurd than ever.

  12. My Dad was born three weeks after Donald Trump and had the same Jupiter/Uranus trine. My father was a bit of a trouble maker and very controversial to say the least. He used to say, “I fall into a bucket of shit and every time, I come out smelling’ like rose!”

    Donald Trump earned the nickname “Teflon Don” because he evades consequences and nothing bogs him down. Seconds after his ear was suddenly blown off by a machine gun, infront of thousands of people, he’s fist pumping and chanting. That’s some supernatural shit right there. 😂

  13. …Not to mention the mere name of “CrowdStrike” sounds so ominous and targeted. Yikes.

    The assassination breakdown and Trump event was insane in many ways and elevated him in a sense to his followers and the world stage. I’m sure he saw it as serendipitous. The photo and video where he is shown all bloody and disheveled as he raises his fist and mouthed “fight, fight, fight” …whoa! Even I as a non-supporter was a bit intrigued by it.

    1. Oh also, my flight was cancelled twice attempting to treat myself to a vacation. (Natal Leo Mercury – 12th house)

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