Virgo Rising And Sun In Virgo Vision

Virgo Vision is most acute in Virgo Rising and Sun in Virgo people. Sure, Moon in Virgo and other planetary placements in this sign have the V.V., but it’s an optional upgrade.

But when the Sun or Ascendant is in Virgo, it’s a built-in feature. They couldn’t turn it off if they tried.

So what is Virgo Vision? It’s a penetrating style of seeing the world, people, and situations. People with V.V. will auto-scan for nuance and connections that are missed by most people. And then they cram the data into a complex details matrix that assesses it at Warp Speed.

Within microseconds, the Virgo or Virgo Rising formulates a multi-level analysis. They’re witty, informed, and lauded for their ability to wisely parse complex circumstances. They streamline convoluted thought and design processes. They save people and organizations significant time and money via their V.V.

Virgo Vision inspires pertinent observations that are useful in management, tech, science, politics, history, marketing, media, academia, and, well, contemporary living.

It’s an asset but also a liability. How could something so clearly a mercurial super-power be in any way the latter? Well, they can’t turn it off. Ever.

They Lose The Plot & Replace It With A List Of Continuity Errors

People with V.V. don’t have the comfort of overlooking something, to ease their passage through a stressful work week. Their mind is perpetually analyzing and making pertinent connections; if they are in an environment where people don’t care about those connections, the Virgo Vision doesn’t power down and go into ‘rest mode.’ It up-regulates into even faster operation.

If the person with V.V. can’t share or be understood, they gaze inward, running over every error, wrong step, miscalculation and poorly worded comment ever.

Details and data swarm their consciousness. They either freeze or default into a Saint Virgo stance. Without an appropriate outlet, the Virgo Rising or Virgo Sun person makes themselves the project. Every glance in the mirror is a call for a fix. Each meal a breakdown of the macros. They don’t view the scenery; they map it.

These people can lose the plot and replace it with a list of continuity errors and anachronisms.  They’re well beyond that old cliche about not seeing “the forest for the trees.’  People with Virgo Vision know the topography, soil components, leaf blight, mythology associated with that style of tree and the article they read on forestry four years ago.

When properly managed and understood, Virgo Vision is of vast benefit.


87 thoughts on “Virgo Rising And Sun In Virgo Vision”

  1. Perfection is…Virgo. Some people lie, claiming to be a Virgo Woman. Unlike her male counterpart. She is perfect. They exaggerated the part about Virgos and self-criticism. He is conceited, and with good reason. Not academically conceited though. Well, the world does have more idiots than Einsteins. My rising sign? That’s none of your business. I strolled over to this page after receiving an early birthday present from a friend. They reminded me of why our relationship lasted unlike others. Honesty, integrity, logic. Neither of us are burdened with that extra baggage of most women, that drives men to the breaks of insanity. Neither of us caters to his lower nature. We both demand perfection from him. Rather it is a one-night stand or we are thinking of being serious. Cowards cause train recks then try to blame someone else. Sending a near perfect world, backwards to Beelzebub’s table. Virgos lack traits of jealousy, and tantrums. The Virgos ladies’ metals of servitude, their names upon plaques rewarded mathematicians, scientists, veterans, and good samaritans. The lady virgin is consistently thinking of ways to improve, correct and prevent any flaw. The Virgo woman, is not the worry hog like the Virgo male, who is like a soap opera damsel in distress at the mere sign of danger. Nor is she like the attention needy, dramatic Libra. Whatever you expect of your stereotypical woman, will not be found in the lady Virgo. My friend is very childlike…an Aries. The charts often say we are not compatible. I guess I raised her well with that innate mature nature found in the Virgo Demeter Goddess of Harvest. That motherly guidance and direction. She adhered to my advice, plus we’re grade school buddies. That made it harder for me to just drop the friendship, like I usually do. It took a while for me to influence her to wiser decisions. In regards to romantic relationships, me…myself; I am untamable. Business partnerships, a pure stickler for perfection that independently does the “hard work” 1st; just to get that part out of the way…making whatever I am working on a flawless success. A benefit to any team she is on. Unless the Virgo is mentally afflicted cursed being stalked by her lovers other chick that has mad cow disease or under some other external influence. All that you will witness from the Virgo lady will be; Perfect.

  2. Thank you your explanation of V.V. explains a lot of my behavior- I have a Virgo rising. Gradually, I’m seeing the forest despite the fact I have a lot of art work of trees. I did laugh about it when I realised a year ago what I had done.

  3. The familiarity was “gobsmacking” Ugh!!😳 – in a “been there, done that” sort of way…. Natal Virgo SOUTH Node in Tenth H …until I grasped Pisces Sun plus North Node Stellium in 4th & eventually found some peace🙏🏻

  4. All I know is, people freak when I haven’t seen them or checked their birth chart in months and will quote a future event based on their Astro details. Not to mention doing their numerology while I am doing a massage. (I am a massage therapist, BTW) yeah.. it happens.

  5. My Virgo moon. I credit it with my propensity for lists, planning, budgets, organization and analysis. I have a critical eye and can notice anomalies more easily than others. My husband is fascinated with my ability to read people and situations; he calls it “emotional intelligence.” It’s quite handy when interviewing people. I know who is going to be drama and can pick up informative non verbal cues. I notice things others don’t. Sometimes it’s because my timing is fortunate; I seem to be observing just as something key is occurring. I’m also an excellent proofreader 😁

  6. I have Sun, Mercury, and Neptune (in Scorpio) in the 6th House. And Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto in Virgo. So I relate to this post almost word for word.

    This helped me step outside myself and make sense of a lot of things I do. Thank you.

  7. OMG! I have never before understood my process mapping skills. I’m constantly frustrated.. . .cause others don’t see what I see!!!

  8. I can relate. Virgo ascendant, conjunct mercury and the sun both in first house. I’ve been accused of licking the walls clean in my house, would take a math class in college for an easy A grade, was voted smartest doctor by my nursing staff( the Sherlock Holmes of diagnosis and treatments) can wear items out from washing them. But I never thought I was good enough for various reasons til I reached my late 50s. Low Pisces can drive me nuts, dont even mention clutter, smells, wide swaths of modern culture and pointless activities.
    ps. here’s a classic example of my quadruple virgoanism. I have a collection of dictionaries…from the regular french,english,latin to the dictionary of cliches,rhyming,slang,pessimist dictionary,euphanisms,urban to name a few. My dirty virgo secret,lol.

    1. Aquarius will never rain on Capricorn’s big picture vision with doubts and second guessings. Only recruit Virgo once the main event is signed off, then set them loose on the process engineering.

  9. My Virgo Sun and rising friend is coming over to help me pack for my move. That will be well-needed help. I’ve been uncharacteristically disorganized around my move, maybe because retro-ed Mercury and Neptune have been sitting on my Pisces Mars/MC?
    I’m very stressed. Moving is messy, and I’m moving under financial duress to another town but I’m getting my wish overall, which is to move away from San Francisco. I’ve been living in the same apartment here for nine years, so it’s a big change but one I’ve wanted for the last couple years or so. I’m hoping to find some peace and quiet up in Sonoma County, where I’ll be living for the foreseeable future. My nervous system is destroyed from living in this crazy city. I’m not one of the tough ones, or the rich ones, for that matter..
    It’s been a long time, I hope MM and everyone here is well! 🙂

  10. Thank you! I love this, combined with my Gemini Moon and Chiron in Aries my mind is analyze, analyze, analyze. “When properly managed and understood, Virgo Vision is of vast benefit”.
    Good advice

  11. What a great look inside the virgo mind process! with much contemplation, Virgo has to be one of the most mysterious signs to me, this post helped a lot (I’m a Sag just fyi). I adore them haha. I’m just like; YEs please tell me your thoughts and tell me how you wonderfully execute your tasks and the cool things you know that can make the world and our lives better hahaha. #currentlycrushingonaVirgo

    1. My nephew is a virgo and boy does he not miss a beat. Virgos just seem like human Angels to me, of course because of the virgin archetype perhaps?

  12. Wish Upon a Star

    So I have Virgo on the descendant, so how does that play out? Fairly new to astrology? Any suggestions peeps?

  13. You’ll love this- For many years I worked as an RN IV therapist -so I worked all over the hospital – inserted iv’s(aka a path for healing- where there was no path before!- my definition!!) so I always would scan the area immediately for each patient room I walked into there was this like 45 year old male – he had a purple armband on- I mmediately said “you’re young and why do you have this purple armband on? He said what is it? I said this means you’ve decided to be a DNR (do not resesitate) he said what!!!?- i went out and told Kathy, his nurse, Ummm this patient is a little upset and wants to talk to you about his DNR bracelet – she said.. “Kim , are you causing me trouble ?” I thought what?

      1. Yes- but no harm came from it, so mostly just miscommunication – the RN would have made a note to the physician and I’m certain the patient cleared it up with the doc!! I was leaving out details in an attempt not to make my post too lengthy! The important feature I should point out in regard to your VV analysis is that the patient had been there for several days- which means many staff members were in and out of this patients room- but when I came in I automatically do a quick survey- just like you described- not even aware that I do that- but I do!! All too much! I have a Scorpio moon- my Scorpio husband- will say “I see the wheels turning”. Maybe it’s like a primal survival skill?? Like a gazelle in the Serengeti ?? Thanks for your insight- as always- appreciated

  14. Virgo AC conjunct pluto with Sun/merc/uranus stellium in 1st house (but Libra)
    This is what I do for work but also how I operate at all times on everything.
    Constant monitor, evalaute, fix – every micro decision. The good thing is that my libra ‘weighing the scales’ is parsed at pretty much lightning speed so no one knows I’m actually indecisive.
    The bad thing – dating and relationships are assessed and analysed rather than ever just felt.

    Have recently stopped dating a flakey as **** Scorpio and started dating a Virgo sun. He can’t understand why I call three times to confirm dates and am amazed that he turns up when he says he will rather than at random hours.

  15. I have Virgo rising and I just thought everybody overthought everything. I think of virgos as nurturing compassionate people… my thesis advisor was a Virgo and I loved her ❤️

  16. Virgo Rising, Saturn and north node. I am incredibly curious, and i am very happy to have found astrology actually. I am not trained in math, and i love skanning and reading to find answers, but first i need the questions, and those nice circular charts can keep me happy for hours.
    So i am mapping my reactions to the astral territory. Strong feelings, thoughts that seem foreign to me, an interresting string of events, all have the added pleasure of astro analysis.
    I have usually turned inward before, often obsessed, and had a life long project of growing and learning in every possible aspect of life. And now, with astrology, it feels like it gives me both hunreds of questions to tickle my curiosity, a safe area of obsession, and something that is not me, not ( the millions of errors at) my workplace, and not the people around me.( or sometimes all of them, yet with a meta perspective)

  17. Thank you for articulating how precisely I operate- with a Libra rising thrown in. Oy! My current career revelation is that I must extricate myself from traditional workplaces and set these V.V. skills to work as independent consultant.

  18. My manager at work is a Virgo Sun and he fits the bill to a T! He will question everything, asking questions no one else even thought of. He is very detailed in that regard, more than most. He also never drinks and is a police officer part time. Very straight arrow but I actually like his preciseness.

  19. Wish Upon a Star

    Hi Virgos. If you feel like a laugh watch Sheena McQueen on Q & A. (Australian show).

    Just thank God you are not like her.

    On the flipside Roxanne Gay is grounded and intelligent. The contrast is mind boggling. You have to laugh.

  20. Oh god please put my profile pic on top of this post.
    Virgo rising with Pluto in the first house.
    So the “will auto-scan for nuance and connections that are missed by most people” is defo augmented by Pluto, in a way that sometimes become uncomfortable.
    I wish I could switch it off because I know/get things way before the manifest and I know I would be living a much more positive and light life. Yes I do not have the comfort of overlooking.
    “If the person with V.V. can’t share or be understood, they gaze inward” yes this is me. Unfortunately this takes place mostly by night.
    But the thing that I find most illuminating – that I did not know about VV – is “Without an appropriate outlet, the Virgo Rising or Virgo Sun person makes themselves the project. Every glance in the mirror is a call for a fix. Each meal a breakdown of the macros. They don’t view the scenery; they map it.”
    I have been doing this for the past 5 years: alone in my single-ness, no juicy life project and a work environment where they don’t seem to like my VV asset simply because it does not match their vision, and I am often caught in an endless loop of me obsessing over thing because I missed something and I never know what was exactly and how to fix it.

  21. Brilliantly written, Mystic. It strikes me that the VV autoscan is a natural affinity with patterning – an instinct for correct and healthy pattern that will produce the healthiest fruit. I think of Virgo’s connection to Demeter, the harvest, serving the great goddess, fertility and the land; and of the magical aspect of the pentacles/Earth suit. This connection to well manifested flow (aka pattern) definitely can backfire into relentless problem solving and, let’s be honest, low level panic / doom thinking when it looks like they can’t save the day or turn an apparently sinking ship around. There are some situations that are just meant to be lived through, sinking and all, not least in order to grow or release old karmic ties. But tell that to my (sometimes) high functioning VV Virgo moon!!

  22. you always write negative things about virgos. Even the positives are negatives. or is that me ‘parsing’. Virgos rock. if you want something done well ask a Virgo. They turn up on time. They leave the place tidy and turn the lights off. They are great conversationalists, well turned out and exceptionally loyal and they prove it by doing things for you above and beyond.

    1. Are you for real? Did you read the post? I will cut and paste to make it clearer for you.

      “Within microseconds, the Virgo or Virgo Rising formulates a multi-level analysis. They’re witty, informed and lauded for their ability to wisely parse complex circumstances. They streamline convoluted thought and design processes. They save people and organizations significant time and money via their V.V. Virgo Vision inspires pertinent observations that are useful in management, tech, science, politics, history, marketing, media, academia and, well, contemporary living.”

      Which part about that strikes you as negative?

    2. I am Virgo rising and I think this post rocks. It says amazing things but it’s also very understanding about how tough it is to not have the chance to turn off the VV or how, if you can’t find an appropriate outlet (which I read as an invitation to find one but also a wish) you turn it inside and you get obsessed.
      Which is not like saying “virgo are obsessive”.
      I am Virgo rising and I found this article illuminating and very much understanding. Actually it gave me an explanation (the “not having an appropriate outlet” +”being in environment that does not care”) to some aspect of my approach I had no explanation for. In which way is this article supposed to be negative?

    3. WTF?! I’ve always found MM’s description of Virgos to be annoyingly positive and she’s always praising their virtues. It’s lucky you’re not a Leo then.

  23. Not 100% sure but Gemini Gunslinger Boyfriend May be a Virgo rising. The Gemini sun augments it. Any tips for “proper” management?

  24. Luv these comments… so funny and of course all relatable. Like a hidden family.

    I lived on a ‘Sacred Site’ for a number of years… just me and the animals. It was such a nurturing and magickal experience for Virgo. Really chills and refocus’s our active mind. And your visionay skills pick up/see/hear/feel so much magick. It’s like living in the Dreamtime.

    I had a vision of Virgo when I was there… that Virgo was the Spirit of the Earth.

    Lovely Virgo…

  25. Oh god!! Exhausting. Like a deep dive under my skin.

    Compassion please, for us all. Turn up the Pisces? Darling Virgo needs that flow and ease.

    Thank You

  26. Year of the Phoenix

    Virgo / Virgo rising here (with Moon in Scorpio for added nuance deciphering)

    Yes it’ can hard to live in a world of people who seem to be blindly stumbling around but it’s MUCH harder to work with them

    My Moon conj Neptune brings a magical realism to my private life (square Venus in Leo in the 12th …..cue drama)

  27. On account of their built in pisces descendant, I think I am better with virgo risings than Virgo suns. We connect over finessing words, fashion ideas, and the epicurean parts of life. Bitchy repartee is a delight too, but only if they have some solid Scorpio or Gemini emphasis !

  28. So true, I see this in two of my Virgo friends. As for me I have Virgo in Mars, Jupiter & Saturn gifts me with acute sense of smell, attention to detail others miss and when I have to organise something, I will damn well organise all right…boarderline OCD.

  29. I’m a Virgo sun and rising- this is so accurate!! An old coworker of mine once said to me , “Kim- you think too much”, of course I immediately thought … maybe you just don’t think enough!!

    1. Wish Upon a Star

      Great comeback

      Reminds me when an airhead friend said that to me. I didn’t reply I just stared at her incredulously.

  30. Having a Virgo Moon and switching on V.V. is so weird. On a surface level, I’m a jovial Sag Sun two steps behind an aloof Aqua rising, so I don’t seem to know or care what’s going on.

    But oh my God, I have lists, maps and flowcharts in my head. I have mapped out what everyone’s outfit means, the way they talk, the way they act around other people, what kind of car they drive, the list goes on. Even the most chill, egalitarian group of friends has a hierarchy mapped out in my mind. Works the same with places, too. I catalogue everything from the street a building is on to the type of doorknobs it has inside.

    It can be exhausting to other people (my taurus/cap/libra sister comes to mind, as we’re looking for an apartment and I never seem to be satisfied), but in truth it’s just an effort at self-preservation. Virgos despise failure.

    1. “But in truth it’s just an effort at self- preservation. Virgos despise failure”. So true. I’m Aries Sun and Rising but have a Virgo Moon and can completely relate. Wish it was an optional upgrade for me but I came in hardwired with Virgo Vision.

    2. My best friend is a V moon (aries sun and gem rising). This is her (or rather, an aspect of her) to a T. i adore her planning ability and I don’t usually have an issue with her ‘taking control’, because very often, she can do it best. However, when an issue does arise in relation to this, a direct approach along the lines of ‘Darlin, WTF’ jolts her out of strategic mode and into real life.

  31. Unicorn Sparkles

    I had to have therapy for the continuity errors.

    And the number of times people have looked at me bewildered when I list my observations. And I’m there, “ what? Didn’t you see that?”

  32. I have moon, saturn and NN in Virgo and I often feel like the the Terminator (Arnie version) with the constant scanning. He had to be dropped in molten metal until his final little red laser point went out and I feel much the same. I even dream in HD Virgo #relentless.

  33. Cancer ☉ and moon. Virgo rising. I’ve been in health for a long time, mostly in mediation, bereavement and maternity. Now I’m looking into better laise for vulnerable people and how better to coordinate care. It’s a lot of questions and analysis but with feelings and person-centred. Add to this an experimental cherry pick of data based on intuition as well…. there is no rest. NONE unless forced; St Virgo is resting in bed today because health has tanked 8 weeks in. First client died last week. I’m also having apocalypse dreams. Virgo doesn’t know when it’s stressed until it is STRESSED, like a steamer about to blow… and how do I chill? More process in a technical arts lol! I’m also considering research into solving my own health condition because it’s so obvious but it’s not being funded. Virgo never stands down.

    1. Apocalyptic dreams. Ok so why are we feeling this just now? Pluto SN ? Because I’m feeling very on edge and just waiting for boom !

  34. Yes! so on point, thanks Mystic for explaining the Virgo Vision. You’re genius. Will forward this to my family and friends, as they sometimes (often) look at me: “What are you talking about – considering the macro AND the micro? at the same time? ALL the time?” lol.

  35. This is ridiculously on point! I am a Virgo Sun, Libra rising, and Gemini moon (for a double dose of the Mercurial curse!) Couple with that lot, also being an artist AND having ADHD.
    My ability to hyper-focus is beyond a super power — it’s High Priestess indigo Ju Ju other-worldly abilities stuff… BUT can be completely crippling in almost every facet of life. It seems to be especially debilitating within the realms of ‘real life’ romance.
    It just seems sooooo much simpler, spending four years therapeutically (and obsessively) dotting ink on a page, all in the name of Art!

    1. Yes! fellow virgo obsessive artist here, and so much better for ones loved ones when all that vv and energy is being channelled into that! Are you doing a P.H.D by any chance?

      1. No, but I would love to!
        I am an art teacher for a day job & often talk to my students about how ADHD is excellent for helping me see super big picture, but also break each task down into manageable steps. (I’m not sure my principal or the parents would be that ‘into’ me schooling kids about their astro signs 😀 ha ha!) Vv is a fabulous super power in education…so…much…relentless…admin…

        1. I like your elements strategy. Pity astrology didn’t work for Raymond Domenech, French national soccer team coach. He had a real problem with Scorps – didn’t trust them – didn’t play them even if they were key players. He also didn’t trust Leos to do the team thing coz he felt they’d be looking more for personal glory.
          Obviously he didn’t get very far with his team – they ended up rebelling & he ended up being the most loathed man in France.

        2. That’s actually my fave anecdote from you. Combo of sport, girl power, alterna-coaching, a change of fortune, and outright victory

          1. Ha! Amazing! I am so an Arts nerd & sports in definitely not a strong point! But I actively include ‘risk taking’ opportunities & ‘developing confidence’ behaviour, in all I teach! It’s kinda along the lines of…well…at the rate technology is changing these days, the future these kids will exist & work in is likely to be completely unfathomable to us…”So you’d better get good at creative problem solving & learn how to think outside the box champs!”
            (also…I love encouraging kids to incorporate their astro identities into their work if they are already interested!)
            Thanks for the enlightening & amusing comment thread guys 🙂

  36. My neptunian omnipresence is totally different to my Aqua mans moon pluto Uranus Virgo mash up. He’s got this on top of a touch of spectrum. He reads situation in an instance and sees stuff I’d rather float past. And you can’t watch anything in peace without his continuity assessments. Spoton

  37. Saturn and south node in last degrees of Virgo here. Quote – “Not a hair of his head shall be lost.” I find them all (mine), usually on the carpet having resisted the vacuum cleaner and then I sacredly cast them to the four winds. I am being literal here. It is a pastime of mine especially when moon passes through Virgo and I’ve done all the laundry and wiping of household surfaces. If I absolutely run out of hairs then it’s weeds in the garden. It’s only a problem if I see it as one. If I see it as a sacred joy – who am I to scope its meaning? Usually a little indulgence soothes my agitation and I am back off and running with everyone else in samsara. North node 27 degrees in Pisces.

  38. Wish Upon a Star

    I worked with a Sun Virgo friend in a job I hated with a lot of muggle type people. I was in awe in how she efficiently navigating her way through merde people. Now I know how she did it.

    And get this. Her name was Virginia. She left a lasting impression on me. She was a woman of substance.

    1. Hi, My name is Megan and I’m a double Virgo, meaning Both my Sun and Ascedant are in Virgo. We have been grossly misportrayed as being robots consumed with recording facts and analysing it all, but this is not actually true. I’m not detail oriented at all. I can’t do mathematics and I’m the worst to have in charge of continuity errors. I could really care less about details regarding facts and figures. I hate budgeting, I’m not a clean freak or sexually cold as we’ve also been portrayed. I’m a big picture type, I’d rather come up with the big ideas and then everyone else can figure out the derails.

      From my observations over the years, Virgo Vision (I like that term) is not a curse or a superpower. I would say it means that Virgos are sensitive beings and critical thinkers which cam be advantageous to the world at large, yet, when they begin to think critically anout themselves, it can lend itself to an immense amount of negative self talk that never gets them anywhere.

      I do like being organized and I like a flexible routine.

      Moons in Sagitarious so maybe that’s what keeps me from being as described in the article.

      However, the whole “freeze” thing and standing there like a saint with no expression. Yep, I relate. And yes, there’s so much analysis going on it’s craxy.

      1. @megan shea, as a Virgo Sun & Moon, I feel it fair to say that you ooze Virgo self-criticism, whether you intended and/or recognize that at all. You just have to accept it but it’s hard. My guess is that you are fairly if not majorly good in these or other things but are downplaying your strengths. I’ve done this as well. At any rate, we are what we are and that’s a beautiful thing!

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