Haute Leo Versus Low Leo

A Comprehensive List of Leo Traits

Read all about Leo’s good and bad traits or as I prefer to classify them – Haute Leo and Low Leo.

Q: How many Leos does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: One, to hold it while the world revolves around them.

HAUTE LEO is GLAMOROUS: Legendary for their passion and dazzle, Leo is glamour-puss galore. Think Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis alighting from a private jet in huge sunglasses, Robert Redford arriving at Sundance, the film fest he started, Jennifer Lopez escaping from the paparazzi, Carolyn Murphy surfing, Prince Harry playing polo, Charlize Theron in full regalia, or Antonio Banderas in his dressing-gown. There is something awesome about Leo’s practically tantric appreciation of the power of personal hotness.

HAUTE LEO is BRAVE: Leos are dashing, courageous, and blessed with an innate sense of chivalry. Larger than life, they will not stoop to conquer. Often their showbizzy philosophies – the show must go on – provide them with the impetus to overcome whatever crap is thrown in their way and emerge as shining superstars. The idea of giving in is a threat to the Leo ego and thus not even entertained.

HAUTE LEO is ARTY: Art, drama, and music are integral to Leo’s life. For some, it is their life. “Creation is a drug I can’t do without,” said film director Cecil B. De-Mille. His 1923 epic film The Ten Commandments went so over budget that studio heads sent him telegrams saying, “You have lost your mind. Cease filming and return to Hollywood at once.” DeMille continued to build his city of the Pharaohs on a Californian beach. It’s very Leo to have an arty vision to fulfill. Think Omar Khayyam,  Andy Warhol, and 1940-50s swimming nymph Esther Williams.

HAUTE LEO is BIG HEARTED: Leos get into living well minus the “revenge” clause. Never small-minded, they are big-headed, big-hearted, and big-haired. They are unfailing sweet to older people and children alike. Three of the English-speaking world’s most revered children’s authors are Leos: J.K.Rowling, Enid Blyton, and Beatrix Potter. When Leo politicians kiss babies, they actually mean it. But Leos are not particularly likely to go into politics. Too grubby and too many stupid meetings where other people’s stupid opinions have to be considered.

HAUTE LEO is INSPIRATIONAL: Radiantly optimistic and divinely scented, the Leo presence is itself a morale booster. Leo is always a glorious sight. Large as life itself, melodramatic, and lover of fun, Leo whirls past in “never complain, never explain” mode… a blur of beauty, peace, and luxury.

HAUTE LEO is FAMOUS: For people who, like every other sign, officially make up only about eight percent of the population, Leos are obvious. In fact, they are the sign most likely to be famous. Naturally, it was a Leo, Neil Armstrong, who managed to be the first man on the moon. But isn’t every Leo step a giant step for the rest of us? Once celebrity is achieved, Leo is unlikely to grouch about fame’s burdens. They always give thanks to their mentors, assistants, and the public who love them.


In a public toilet, without a single word being exchanged, it is possible to tell if someone is a Leo or not. How? Leos wash and dry their hands without taking their eyes off the mirror for a moment. Then they will step back to assess their full and side views. Often they will leave the room but then duck quickly back to try and catch their reflection unaware or make one final hair adjustment. The person who invented the public toilet hand-dryers that can be tilted upward to whoosh through the hair was probably a Leo. Leonine vanity defies belief. Next to applause, awed gasps at their beauty, hair, or wit, and the sound of their own voice “My God! You are brilliant!” is the noise Leos most like to hear.


Leos suffer dreadfully from Attention Deficit Disorder. They cannot get enough of it. A Leo can get jealous of an animal if it appears to be scoring the Lion’s share of the spotlight. And although it had been noted that Leos are genuinely kind to children, it still wouldn’t do for the child to act cuter than Leo. This is not a sign that takes kindly to being upstaged, and they can perform some fairly ugly antics to regain any lost limelight. Loved ones who question the Leo’s right to rule or insist (gasp) on doing their own thing without supervision always infuriate Leos. Like a megalomaniac film director, they demand mastery over every aspect of production. Leos should learn not to worry when their partner undermines their previous personal dignity. They should worry when they stop. Whenever a Leo does manage to compromise or apologize for something, they expect the canonization certificate in the mail. They are not able to stop themselves from bringing up their great moment of clemency again and again. No matter how humiliating or tedious this is for Leo’s partner or friend, Leo insists on relating the incident if it makes them feel good.


Even when Leos are relaxing, they have a self-conscious view of themselves as relaxing. They may call someone to pass on the news that they are relaxing in their Leo-designer outfit of the day, on their very trendy deck furniture, drinking a bottle of award-winning sauvignon blanc, and reading a book by the latest Booker Prize winner. Heaven help the celebrity or official personage who has even the briefest encounter with our Leo. Decades later, they will still tell the scenario – perhaps embellished to afford Leo more of a starring role – and the superstar quoted nonstop on whatever subject to burnish the ever-demanding leonine ego. Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini, the man who coined the term “benevolent dictator” – about himself, naturally – aid that “the history of saints is mainly the history of insane people” (as opposed to the history of dictators, of course). In true Leo style, Mussolini slapped on stacks of make-up when he made his public appearances and quite fancied himself as a novelist.


An amazing number of Leos are hardcore atheists and, while this may seem logical for many reasons, in Leo’s case, it is hard not to suspect the obvious: Leo has a problem with the concept of a superior being. Their secret belief is that they are a higher power and quite divine on a good hair day. According to actress Tippi Hedren, Alfred Hitchcock (an ordinary-looking film director) thought of himself as looking like Hollywood pin-up boy Cary Grant. “That’s tough, to think of yourself one way and look another.” Not for our Leo, it’s not. Introduced to an official genius, Leo will happily rave on for hours about how they determined their mega-high IQ via an Internet quiz. Leo meets a celebrity chef and insists on sharing Leo’s brilliant omelet recipe. A Leo wouldn’t hesitate to pass on hamstring-stretching tips (even if used every few months or so) to an Olympic champion.

56 thoughts on “Haute Leo Versus Low Leo”

  1. You once posted an article about Leos who were much less in your face and much more quiet and not attention seeking then the usual sterio type, you could say dark. Although I have searched for it I have never been able to find it again. Could you post it again? I would like to re-read it once more, it is a much more balanced take as I am one Leo who otherwise does not fit the usual guff written about them.

  2. My Leo rising daughter has been telling me a better way to… wash dishes, apply makeup, write my name (fill in the blank)… since she could talk! Seriously! Age 3, telling me how to wash the dishes.

    1. Have you asked her why she believes that her way is better 🙂 maybe there is some baby Leo rising wisdom in there.. or maybe she will soon learn to communicate a convincing ‘why’ alongside the ‘what’ 🙂

  3. This read gave me a flashback. First birthday party after starting school down at nan and I pops house. The guests arrive. I graciously accept all gifts. Lay on the fairy bread and party games. I look like a queen in my finery and play the part to the hilt. As the party winds up on the second hour and the last game of pass the parcel is played, it dawns very quickly that I will not win one game out of the entire proceedings. Yet every other tiny guest did! The hide of it! Commence tantrum of volcanic proportions. Outrage! Rage! I stormed into nan’s room and slammed that door hard! Then ripped that brand new dress in two with me still in it. Then the tears of injustice. There I stayed until the last guest went and I must say I never felt bad for my behaviour afterwards. Or since. I felt I acted as one only could in such circumstances. So yes to all of it.

    1. I really enjoyed this walk down your memory lane. I’m learning to appreciate the Leo aspect and natural spotlight they seem to incorporate within on a daily basis.

      I still remember the two colouring in competitions that I didn’t win. In my child eyes I’d put in hours and hours of precision into these works. One was in a Church competition and the other was at my local City Council Show or Fair. I understand the angst and disappointment and it was energy to be used for more creative works. I saw my competitors and they really didn’t have the chops to be awarded, (it was about charity and needs driven, I also asked too many questions in Sunday School).

      What I know now – these injuries to my artistic talent are deep. This was my safe space to regulate and focus in the face of turbulence in my early childhood environments. Time is precious and happiness comes from these memories. Thank you for sharing Sub rosa

  4. Ha, I was just looking at a bunch of old pics of myself, and they were not up to my own standard of my view of my-self. In the past, I would just burn/delete them, but I’m working on just accepting it; I still have at least a good 20 years left to get/be hot!

  5. This is all mostly correct. And I can say that if I’m walking down the street, I will look at my reflection in each car I pass by. Ha.

  6. How come I have been stuck with so many Leos in my life considering Leo barely makes it onto my chart? Cancer crosses both 1st and 12th houses. My husband, sister’s fiance, brother, aunt, grandmother and all best friends I have ever had since high school all Leo sun signs. My daughter is a quadruple Leo (please save me). My mother, sister and father Leo rising.

    1. the way my mother describes it is that the piece of pizza which is my Leo (and my Aquarius) was cut too thin, so doesn’t show up, but it is subsumed within the house

  7. unpredictable pisces

    i think i need to Embrace The Leo in my life. too much moochy life-avoiding pisces lonerish tendency atm 🙁 bah.

  8. Lol Mystic. “Loved ones who question the Leo right to rule or insist (gasp) on doing their own thing without supervision always infuriate Leos.” In hindsight that is an exact fit of probs with the ex-scorp.

    It is my Leo boy’s b’day (9) tomorrow and last weekend I innocently asked him whether he wanted iceblocks or cupcakes for school celeb. “your cupcakes are awesome mum, I want cupcakes”. I supply local bakery with coloured/themed patty cake papers and then I get to decorate them. (Not a fan of baking multiple batches of cupcakes but love the decorating).

    In true Leo style this has morphed into a mini production: Rugby themed cupcakes complete with scaled field with correct line markings, goalposts, sponsor logos surrounding field (made from fruit palette and lined with green felt), Mini Wallaby flags on cocktail forks for all the “fan cakes”, and Gilbert rugby balls on icing (this is the icing you can get from photocopy at specialist cake shops) to add to green and gold iced cupcakes. The 15 on the field will be numbered and maybe named (doing this part in the morning) and in true formation at kickoff. I made a second felt lined palette to hold the reserves (also numbered) and fans waving their flags.

    It looks so good I decided to use the props for a celebration after his game tomorrow night for his team and today increased my order of cupcakes. Talk about overdoing it 🙄

    Loved some of those descriptions and some seem to fit to some degree but I’m a very watery Leo. Remember my first ever visit to an astrology at age 15 – he told me I needed to get my Leo out and kick but more often 🙂

    1. scorpalicious robot

      well done on the cupcakes FF. *clap* *clap*
      My Leo sister loves baking cupcakes too. Fiercely protective of her two kids.

      1. Thanks scorpybots. Cakes were huge hit! But two bloody hours icing and setting them up this morning, oh well, me and my Leo boy got our moment in the spotlight today fittingly with sun and moon in Leo this morning

        Now I’ve got to do the next batch for Rugby team tonight (but fewer cakes). And I’m an expert now I’ve done the first lot.

  9. This has been fasciinasting to have my personality dissected, hugged, put under a microsope and even trodden on. Love it all and mostly because it comes from so many differnt perspectives. Thank you all. I agree SS we are very endearing in an annoying and lovable way. I find the air and water tempered Leo’s not too OTT and undeserving of the usual stereotype. If you can’t stand the heat…..

    1. Leonine Librarian

      See this is where I need another Leo for a consult…while I think it’s nice when people approve of me, and yes I can glory in glory sometimes too…I really do not need other people to ‘get’ me…if my selfworth was all tied up in other people’s perception of me it would do my head in…yes as a child there was a measure of this but now as an adult it’s a nonissue.I can’t be the only leo that doesn’t really give a shit…

  10. Is it me or are the low traits Mystic listed of a Leo as endearing as the haute?? It just makes them all the more fun to have around!! I’m terrified of the day we get the Aqua haute and low list, don’t think I’ll be able to read it…..gulp.

  11. Bingo! My ‘god made us sisters, but proazac made us friends’ Leo GF just called from
    Sydney because she needed to tell me the Sun’s just gone into Leo, & grateful to be
    out of Cancer where her whole month has been about peeps moving houses, looking for houses,
    & changes of accomodation
    She isn’t a blood sisters but she says we are sorta coz we both had Scorpio Mothers.
    We were in awe of their glamour, figures, style & how easily they handled men.
    That & we both adore french champagne & torquiose lagoons. Give her a tiara & a cape & she’d
    rule the world.

    She is both high & low Leo, as you said Nat, it’s gotta be Produced, Directed & Starring them,
    but the HEART, she’s all heart now she doesn’t have PMY anymore….OMG…the roaring & clawing.
    Symbolically as a Saggo, i may outrun them but the claws can be a problem:)

  12. Ira Pirsig slammed Redfford in beginning of book “Lila”

    describes first scene of Butch Cassidy “To what do you owe your luck at
    cards? – Clean living…. bang bang….

    Appreciate it if you would say you want to play cards with us..

    Pirsig describes violent America…

    Redford wanted to buy rights to Pirsig’s zen and motorcycle maintenance
    Pirsig was so offended by the guy, haha, slammed his whole view of America… pretty interesting..

    I kind of like him tho’, need all liberals we can get…

  13. I flicked the hi-lo list off to a leo friend who has been both a bit low and a bit lo lately.
    I’m hoping he’ll take the compliment, however my gemini wanting to question everything nature often gets interpreted by him as me disagreeing with everything he says. How dare i!
    I wonder if he’ll dignify me with a response.

  14. Loved ones who question the Leo right to rule or insist (gasp) on doing their own thing without supervision always infuriate Leos.

    Oops. My Dad was a Leo, (now gone to God). I suspect, nay, I know I infuriated him no end. He was an apparently mild-mannered man, a GP. He had a Gemini Moon. I never could understand his feelings, but we shared (I suspect) a Sag Asc.

    I was sulking once, in the poo again and swinging on a swing that the house, owing to having been extended, now butted up against, house extensions being the parent’s toot suite. My Dad I will say at this point, discouraged and disparaged vanity in his daughters and whenever we were complimented by anyone he never failed to counter with some sarcastic derogatory remark. Er . . tanks for that Dad. But there he was practising his forehand in the bathroom mirror, or maybe he was practising the expression on his face. Such a sight cheered me up no end. He had no idea he was being watched. For some reason I never made this incident a source of public humiliation for him and kept it filed away for many years, only revealing it to my Mother and sister after he died.

    A Cancer Mars definitely helps soften the Leo Sun King. He died of the big C at 57–just a boy–we never saw eye to eye, but we will one day and then we can both apologise.

  15. Champagne Bearing Aquarian

    I am thinking of all the Leos I know and how beautiful and big hearted they all are. In fact, it’s making me a little sad that lots of them aren’t in my day to day life. Time to call on the inner Leo – zhuj up the hair, spray on some fabulous scent and drink champers without spilling it while making expansive hand gestures to demonstrate my point.

    I have almost no planets in fire signs excpet for Leo north node – which makes me almost as happy as being an Aqua. I’ve never had any desire to be another sign apart from these two. I mean, I adore other signs, but just not for me 🙂

  16. wow ‘grokking’ a lot!

    also learned a bit about the rarely mentioned sign of the Hornet, and how understanding doesn’t always equal compassion. some people, when they’re blessed, want the credit for themselves!! send creepy-crawlies running up some people’s trousers and they’ll just get annoyed with you. also don’t tell hippies if you believe in god! unless you wanna see peace love and mung beans fly!

    and that i shouldn’t over-estimate my teachers!

    good luck, crew

  17. I adore my Leo pals. At the cute cancerean’s birthday bash last week the three wined-up Leos had a mock battle as to who most deserved to be my flowergirl (their job description) if marriage is on my agenda. I wasn’t consulted. After listening to the banter for ever I said that Sag-shrink would be first applicant as she made the introduction. They were horrified and said in one voice “NOOOOOO, she’s too fat” Gotta love ’em.

  18. Hilarious and twinkling like a diamond Mystic!

    Present Lovely Leo company (LL, TLS, FF,… etc.) excepted, my limited experience with Leos has been at work and left me feeling… exhausted! The Leo desire to be generous and grand lead to massive over complication of simple things. For example, a simple beer on the verandah turning all Cecil B. De-Mille with savouries on platters and wait staff… it can get tiring & annoying when quick simplicity is more appropriate. Not to mention the Loudness & The Unrelenting Drama… *shudder* it scared this lil’ crab back into her sand hole more than once!

    The Babe in Chief (Barrack Obama) is a Leo non? Sty-LISH and smart.

    1. Leonine Librarian

      lol nat, just talked with Pisces friend who is going through enormous changes at the moment and said to her I was going to have a simple dinner soon with just some minestrone and good bread…and if she was up for a stress free evening with no frills…

      I’d say I was the anti leo, except so much of what Mystic has outlined, both high and low has at some point in my life been true for me too.

        1. Leonine Librarian

          thanks nat…I have my moments though…and the keep things simple thing is because I’ve seen how much a ‘production’ is repellent to a lot of people…time and place.

          Recently I did go a little beyond the pale when my Sagg daughter’s Sagg boyfriend and I discussed (like we had every right to) who had custody of the auto opener thing for the secure parking at my daughters new apartment…neither of my daughters have a car…so we were discussing the pros and cons of who should have it, me bringing up length of stay, him frequency when Spazzy Aqua chimed in with(quite rightly too I may add, when I engaged my brain) that as she was one of the two people that were actually paying for it perhaps maybe it belonged with her…so trust me I can be atrocious.

          Not mean spirited just a little too used to the luck of the leo coming my way.

    2. Ooh Nat – you just changed your flower again – tip of my tongue, what are they?? or are they made of icing? Jonquils?

      1. Yes, they are Jonquils FF – real ones grown in my garden. I wish I could make something as lovely from icing!

        1. They are gorgeous green-fingered one, shame I there’s no virtual scent available yet. I think I spent too much time in the specialist cake shop the other day seeing all those iced flowers everywhere.

  19. Lmao, love this! I’m sagg with leo ascendant, and I feel my leo quite often. ME-ow ;)! My natal saturn is also in leo, UGH, like the iron fist of god…

  20. I love the leo zest for life – my darling sweet sister in law – a very creative, arty steiner teacher – has so much joyous sparkling energy, i just love her – for her raising children is an art and a life philosophy – so much warm playful fun to be around her and her family xx fearsome protective instinct

  21. xox rockstar libran publicist xox

    I love Leos!!
    Am surrounded by funny, talented, generous, particular about grooming, fascinated bu fabulosity Leos.

    Father, brother, niece, nephew – then a plethora of dear friends.

    Years ago, I wasnt well. An Australian Leo with a well known surname insisted I speak to him should financials become a problem – he said “what’s $10-$20K between friends?” before spiriting me off to the family ski lodge to crack a bottle of Grange for cheer-me up!! Bless :-0 xox

    1. I agree too lovely people.

      You can warm your hands on them and poke a bit of fun at them, to their face of course, when they are being a pain in the ar$e.

  22. scorpion_tongue

    this is spot and funny as hell too!
    Now, what do you do with a pesky lion in your life that won’t leave ya alone. that would be a great selling book.

    1. Triple Cancer Chick


      Last time i saw my leo younger sister she mentioned that her new hairdresser had refused to cut her hair the way she normally has it cut because “that would look horrible!” I can still see the horrified look on her face…

  23. Stress Princess

    Haaaaa! Step back into the public toilet to “catch their reflection unaware.” That is just perfect, Mystic. That is EVERY Leo I’ve ever known.

    …Except for one poor gal pal who is all big blonde hair, gorge tan, incredible body (living on a diet of cheese and Champers) and sexy as hell at 50 – but she has body dismorphic disorder. She hates mirrors, photos, anything that shows her image. And she’s a LEO. Unsure of her rising, etc. Must get her details. But when she does catch her reflection, she carefully checks herself out with squinted eyes. It’s hilarious (despite the BDD). No beating the inner Leo.

  24. Matthew Minerva


  25. Us Leos aren’t that bad are we? I have too much “nebulosity” from Sun/Moon/Neptune aspects to cut it as a hard-core strutting Leo…

    1. Me too starstrokes, fish rising and 2 planets in fish in first , Neptune (ruler) in Scorp plus stellium in Cancer.

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