The Outer Planets In Astrology

You could see the outer planets as high cosmic voltage. Also known as Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, they’re relatively recent discoveries.

For millennia, astrology dealt with the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. My favorite historical astrologer Paracelsus, for example, would not even have known he had Mercury conjunct Pluto.

Broadly, the inner planets describe various aspects of human culture and experience. They’re archetypes – the Sun = identity or the self you’re trying to actualize while the Moon is internal you, your psyche and deep memory stores. Mercury equates to communicative you, your transmission.

But they’re also the Individualist, Rock-Star, Empath, Priestess, Scribe, Trickster etc.

Venus and Mars reflect Witch/Whore/Beauty and Warrior/Aggressor/Athlete personae. Jupiter and Saturn are omnipresent as hubris and nemesis, Hustler and Sage. People are described as mercurial, jovial, or saturnine – literally terms that pertain to Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn,

We measure our very days by the original Sun, Moon, and original planets.

But the Outer Planets are beyond these familiar concepts. They’re called “generational” as they move so slowly that their signs and aspects to one another or even Saturn represent entire eras. They’re epochal by nature.

For example, being a Pluto in Virgo person is more about being a part of Generation X than any personal characteristics. Having Neptune and Uranus conjunct in Capricorn reflects the early 90s culture you were born into more than your unique nature.

The children born between 2019 and 2021 will all have Saturn conjunct Pluto, a sub-generation within the wider Pluto in Capricorn people.

(That is why my Astral DNA delineates the outer planets by house and aspects to the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, and inner planets only.)

But what happens when you’ve got an outer planet conjunct the Sun, Moon, or personal planet? You’re an outer planet person and thus channeling higher voltage than other people.

It’s not that you are going to be literally zapped by some mysterious outer space force, but metaphysically, you’re more energized than most.

You would have grown up mystified by people frequently pronouncing you to be “too intense” or just flat-out “weird.”  If you remember being a kid and grown-ups reacting to you as if you were a peer of theirs – for better or worse, you’re probably an outer planet person. Your voltage scrambles other people’s systems – it’s like it creates interference in their frequencies.

If your Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars and – to a lesser extent, Jupiter + Saturn – are closely aligned with an Outer Planet, that’s where you’re tapped into a broader narrative. Likewise, the Ascendant, Midheaven or either of the Moon’s Nodes.

Somehow, you are your generation’s story writ large. It’s where you are ‘weirder’ – picking up on and transmitting the 5th element vibe – aka the so-called ‘Dark Matter’ that evidently makes up most of everything.

Honestly I don’t know how skeptics can even function these days – every second astrophysics discovery more or less proves some aspect of ancient magic.

In that area of life, you’re never satisfied with ‘normality.’ You probably experienced a definitive ‘inexplicable’ or paranormal event at an early age.

Paradoxically, outer planet people need to master Saturn Vibe earlier rather than later.

If they can turn the taxes, self-management, boundaries, worldly affairs, and dental flossing component of life into a streamlined marvel, they’re more able to  soak up magical potency from outer planet rays.

If you’re trying to channel that voltage through a troubled system or rickety relationship, psychic circuits can blow.

Do other aspects besides the conjunction count? Yes, of course. But the conjunction is your astral equivalent of being plugged straight into the grid.

And, say you have no inner planets, Sun/Moon or Ascendant/Midheaven conjunct an outer planet – you will experience it when an outer planet connects with one of those points/planets by transit.

Outer planet transits are the kind of astral passage where you wake up one morning, somehow drawing from a new, stronger power source. Change is no longer an abstraction or apprehension – it’s the energy grid or, as magical practitioner and author Aidan Wachter puts it, the Field.

Another syndrome: relationships where one person is outer planet-influenced and the other is not. They’re compatible, functional and in love, but the outer planet person has to moderate their ‘intensity.’

The strategy never works long-term, and when the 5th element/outer planet vibe comes back online, it will be like a power surge.

Outer planet people can feel alienated – as if people don’t connect with the real them and more enjoy/react to them as catalysts, stimulants, or impersonal forces.

Outer planet influences by any means negate the need or desire for drugs. And if you are grounded enough to channel the high-voltage, next-paradigm inspiration, energy, or information is there for the taking.


Image: Carson Ellis

42 thoughts on “The Outer Planets In Astrology”

  1. Sun, Saturn and Mercury conjunct Neptune in Libra in 6th/7th house – one very sensitive, over-thinking and imaginative individual who usually sees both sides to everything and as for making a quick decision – well pull up a chair and we’ll think about it ha ha

  2. Great piece – I echo the compliments. Sun and Mercury conjunct Neptune in 12th House. It builds on your Neptunian piece that finally made everything make sense that Sun in Scorpio didn’t.
    I didn’t have an unstable childhood or anything, but I had to talk to myself at an age like 8 that I was actually here and not a Sioux on the Plains of Dakota. It’s like the first part of my life was actually arriving in my body. Weird and intense – YES.
    I have had an affair heat up recently with a fellow who is part of the Uranus conjunct Pluto in Virgo mid 60s generation but also with Mars conjunct added as well, and then a Neptune-Venus conjunction in Scorpio. And when we caught up again, Neptune has been transiting backwards and forwards over his natal moon in Pisces. This is one lover who is definitely meeting me halfway on some woo woo gaga plane, although I suspect he too has had to seriously dial things down in his life. I think I have crashed through his normal life.

    1. Oh..the man who met me on the most woowoo plane must have been born the same year (?). He has that same neptune, Venus conjunction, along with Mercury and the sun in scorpio ( conjunct my Uranus) his Uranus Pluto on my Saturn+nn. It was a truly beautiful, magical and deep, and completely unsustainable in the long run. Yet…So wonderful!

      1. Hel – Great!! I am the bad influence, and I wear this with pride. A lot of things in this guy’s life were fairly locked down, and I arrive and scramble his synapses and also saying to him “Man, look at your chart”. He’s a total sceptic, but I asked for his birth details after he was sharing a story of a random connection unexpectedly opening up and telling him all of their deep dark secrets. I was curious if there was an astrological explanation as he doesn’t project this kind of persona, and this post completely validates my hunch. 🙂

  3. Great post Mystic! OG OPP here: Sun conj Ur, Merc conj Pl (exact & sextile Neptune in 1st), plus node on Ascendant, even Saturn on MC… Most planets all in OP ruled 8-12th houses (ex Nept 1st/Moon 6th/Jup 5th). Definitely relate to this. Dialling down in relationship – YES, HELL YES – and this explains my NEED to stay single.

    Something i read once which resonated about OPPs, is that they often feel they have a “calling” but it can take a long time for it to be realised. They’re generally ahead of the curve, the world is not ready for them and needs to catch up. For some brave trailblazers this can put them ahead of the game, but for the rest, we settle for being misfits and saying “i told you so”, whilst rolling our eyes and wishing they’d listened all those years ago…

    Being patient, compassionate with others, holding the vision, and resisting the ‘jaded & cynical’ default are the challenges for many OPPs imo. And not giving in to getting wasted and self-destructing whilst waiting for the world to catch up! Thanks for the post Mystic, love your work😊🙏

  4. Honestly Mystic I think this is one of the best things you’ve ever written! x

    Pluto/Virgo conj in first and loosely conj Mars in 2nd, trine Cap moon 5th and Jupe in Toro 10th. Also opposite Sun-Saturn-Merc-Chiron. Why am I not running the world, I ask myself.
    Dialling down my vibe is the default option as I learned very early in life I had to do it for preservation and just to fit in. I taught myself to be invisible. Where does that powerhouse astro energy go while I make myself invisible, I wonder now. I was always the loner kid who struggled to make friends. Or was it just that the trailer trash cohort I grew up with were like aliens to me? I always had the strongest feeling of being in the ‘wrong life’ when I was young, I put it down to trauma from moving countries and cushioning the impact of a parent’s mental health issues. But maybe it WAS the wrong life; a message from my intuition that I was too young to understand.

    Re-reading the Saturn post has also proved instructive. Saturn is on my moon. Again. I woke at 3am with what I used to call insomnia but have now rebranded as Saturn Clarity because that’s the time it hits. I am very alone at the moment, my close friends are lovely but all dealing with their own stuff and just can’t be there for me as I need. I also lack a cohort of people who share my real interests. I’ve got so used to going it alone that I haven’t ever found that tribe of people who want to do the stuff I want to do. There is something really wrong when I am struggling to find someone in my circle who would be interested to come to an art event. Or someone that I want to spend that kind of time with.

    I went on a dating app as a reaction to my ex-Toro moving on at the speed of light, lied about my age and am chatting with randoms in what I know, if I’m properly honest with myself, is an attempt to find a quick fix.

    Not sure I know what to do about all this yet, but the clarity is something. Saturn-sun conj in the 7th has a tendency to be a loner, right? How to plug back in without crashing the entire grid?

  5. 1h Pluto, Uranus in scorp opposite Merc (+ personal planet stellium), and neptune on ic ( square 12h nn+11hSaturn ) . I have had my most rad activatoins via transits. I am very glad i am not allways a catalyst or impersonal force.
    I am glad my Pluto is not cj AC in natal chart, the experience of it progressing over it ( and being activated in transits) gave me the weird experience of being a powerful theacher or guide, who was sought out by people, and that i spoke the right words to them, looking at them in ways that made them understand, sometimes they were saying that their late mother was speaking to them.
    I am happy now for the dull gigantic earth trine ( Virgo AC, Saturn,nn, taurus stellium+ Cappy transits), that was the answer for my prayers of grounding.

    1. My S.O. has both Sun and Pluto in Scorpio 1st house, and even though they’re not conjuct, he’s a walking triggerfest (his Mercury is conjuct Pluto, also 1st house). As far as I can tell, he’s mostly enjoying it though. Are you?

  6. Saturn conjunct Neptune and Pluto conjunct Midheaven over here. Very much resonating with the need to have good Saturnine habits in order to function at a higher level, as well as the sense of alienation mentioned. Also, while always having an interest in psychedelics (read a lot about others’ experiences) I have never been drawn to drug use myself. Remember even using the words, “they’re not my teacher in this lifetime” – so it was very cool to have that reflected here.

  7. Pluto person here
    Yes my partner often tells me that it’s getting “too intense”, when I’ve barely scratched the surface in what I imagine is a very vanilla conversation. And that goes same for people I just meet, doesn’t take long to summarise an experience for me.
    Must admit, it gets lonely sometimes.

  8. Thank you Mystic! I feel
    So seen and understood! I have a lot of inner aspected planets to outer planets which include Neptune conjunct my mid heaven and Pluto conjunct my Venus.
    I’ve had relationships where I’ve had to dial
    down and inevitably my neptunian self starts to high volt everything… and they can’t handle me. I grew up with paranormal experiences not realising that it didn’t occur for absolutely everyone and I’ve always felt kind of like I don’t really fit this paradigm. But I wouldn’t change the enriched inner workings for anything. I tried normal many times… I now love MY normal. 💖💖💖

  9. Shockingly resonant. You have been writing about Outer Planet and Plutonian and Uranian people for a few years now and am now more tuned in about what it means.

  10. Thanks a lot for this Mystic, it explains so much of my childhood (Pluto cj AC+Saturn cj Mars)
    People always telling my parents that I was a scary silent and serious child
    It took me decades to realize I might have a temper…😂

    “Outer planet people can feel alienated – as if people don’t connect with the real them and more enjoy/react to them as catalysts, stimulants, or impersonal forces.”

    I can relate as well as being a catalyst for destruction too (especially is something is already broken/weak) for such a long time I thought I was just super clumsy…
    I wish I could tell my therapist about all this, it could save me some time 😊

  11. “You would have grown up mystified by people saying you’re too ‘intense’ or ‘weird.’ If you remember being a kid and grown-ups reacting to you as if you were a peer, you’re probably an outer planet person. Your voltage scrambles other people’s systems, like it creates interference in their frequencies.”

    check. check. check…this resonates with me.
    Still takes me aback when some people before I even met them seem to have an extreme reaction to my personality- love or hate.
    I’d prefer a more neutral reaction, but what can I do? tone my weirdness down? I try to hide ot but people can just sense I’m weird. or Shine on?

  12. This weekend I passed an important threshold wherein I decided to use Neptune/Uranus Rising for personal advantage rather than personal destruction! I was going to a social event (cue phobia) and I happened to be driving past the hospital where, at six months old on Nov 8th, the day the Sun is coming into an exact conjunction with my Midheaven, I had my skull reconstructed to correct an otherwise-fatal birth defect (how’s that for Cap Rising, Neptune, and Uranus being the main influences on my physical body?). The surgery was a smashing success – I did the chart for the surgery itself and apparently Jupiter was Rising exact as it began – and the only hint of what happened is a massive scar on the back of my head (appropriate for a lot of Aries).

    This hospital is 5 hours away from my current city so I don’t visit a lot, and I certainly had not intended to drive past on Nov 8th. I got stuck in traffic and I started bawling my eyes out as I waited, I felt all this pain that head been held in me, this fear, dissipate, and I realized I didn’t need to live in fear or suspicion of other people anymore, that I have fully turned my life around and it’s going to keep being amazing.

    Despite me “not remembering” this surgery, I have always known it played a massive role in a lot of my dysfunctional reactions to people/etc. especially when I was younger – infant trauma is very real, despite the medical industrial complex’s denial of it when I was a kid in the late 90s. I have always struggled massively with trust – I’ve had some other issues with interpersonal relationships as an adolescent/adult that contributed to that, but I know it stems first from my not having ever processed that infant trauma.

    I did not know the date of the surgery until this year when I was going through my baby file and found my grandfather had kept the newspaper from that day. My grandfather has since passed on, but his birthday was the day I accomplished a major professional goal I worked 12+ years to achieve, and I received a gift of moonstone shortly after to celebrate my accomplishment – my grandfather was Sun/Moon in Cancer and to me the moonstone reminds me of his continued strong protective influence in my life.

    Anyway, after this sudden influx of deep healing (also Pluto finally entering the third decan of Cap until 240+ years from now?), my former severe anxiety about the social event dissipated. I realized people do not “hate me.” I decided (without actually thinking all that much of astrology) to use my “I am whatever you want me to be!” powers of Neptune Rising to my advantage. At the event, I was remarkably social, friendly, magnetic, and immensely popular with everyone – it was miraculous. Afterward, the folks who were there who know my social phobia repeatedly assured me that I not only had nothing to worry about in the social department, but that I am a “social SUPERSTAR.” I struggled with major social ostracizing as an Outer Planet kid and this was a huge personal milestone. I usually avoid anything social to an extreme, and the idea that people actually like me and want to be around me is difficult for me to appreciate. But I’m living my new best life as someone who does not assume that folks hate me/want to hurt me. I’m opening myself up to having relationships, finally.

  13. Well i could relate to this…Sun at 29th of Scorpio , conjuct with Mercury and Pluto ….As well as Neptune and Uranus conjunct with Venus in Capricorn…My whole life feels tapped into a broader narrative , everything is symbolic and connected at times tragic but essentialy transformative….I would not call it paranormal cause my eyes are used to see the way they see , but by the standards of others the events and the narrative of my life would be that thing you call paranormal…

  14. Personally I am
    Virgo pluto conjunct asc,
    moon and mars conjunct neptune (3rd house)
    south node uranus jupiter conj ( 1 st house) opposite venus chiron
    MY grounding force is saturn in 8th and Mercury at 0 aquarius.

    I feel so on edge at the moment as if I need to listen to Les Miserables as the students revolt. I want to sell everything to cash up and invest in food security, but at the same time feel what the hell debt will mean nothing after 2020 so just hang on in there. As a person who has always been 10 years ahead of the trends I am sparking from the energy of the marching of change

  15. God yes, if only I could master Saturn I would be set. I’ve sun, moon, mercury tight conjunct Uranus/pluto. I was told by a psychic that looked like an alien at 17, that people would think I was a weird bird. When I’m on high energy, I will walk into a shop and my energy is so buzzy that just afterwards a crowd will suddenly fill up the shop and start frantically buying things. Shit, I should be in sales!

  16. Yep that fits for me. It’s Inspiring, alienating, catalysing, transformative etc. all of the above.

    Most of my friends are a generation older than me, or they’re not in bodies at all, or anymore.
    I tend to experience a lot of off-planet contact/support.

    Sun conj Uranus ~ Telepathy (very informative but not all it’s cracked up to be), constant sudden insights/BFO’s (Blinding Flashes of the Obvious), both enlightening/inspiring & interrupting of conversations & daily life.
    Pluto conj M.C. ~ Strong sense of purpose/priestess path. Visits from the other side from an early age, after a couple of NDE’s.
    Nept squ Moon ~ Extreme sensitivity. Porous boundaries.
    Experiences with dodgy wannabe mentors, & feeling/seeing all the unpleasant stuff without always wanting to (murders, corruption, really yuck stuff)

    Had that life affirming reading several years ago, with a ‘high priest’ (apparently) in Bali, who summed it up like this:
    “A life of many deadly moments; You have high sensitivity power & many try to destroy you because of this”

    Sounds dramatic but somehow when he said it, things finally started to make sense, 😆

    Definitely no drugs required nor recommended (Does chocolate count?)

  17. “Your voltage scrambles other people’s systems, like it creates interference in their frequencies”. Oh God. Really? That explains a lot. Definitely in sync with the adult as kid bit.

  18. Does Vertex and do the Nodes count as “personal planets”? (Apologies for ‘dumb’ question but I’m never sure.)

  19. Pluto conjunct sun, venus. Uranus conjunct moon. Neptune conjunct jupiter. Is that a lot? Aqua rising and Virgo sun so I pretend normal really well. A lot of eighth house so hiding comes naturally. Def can see that the energy doesn’t run well because I haven’t squared away taxes and mundane duties. No need for drugs tho. One sacred plant ceremony a while back annoyed the crap out of me.

    1. Me too re: taxes and mundane stuff, but have had serious rebellion/authority issues re: aligning with a corrupt patriarchal system.

      Annoying sacred plant ceremony. Lol

  20. Scorp Neptune-on Libra Moon 12th. Spouse Leo Pluto-Sun. Eldest- Saggi Pluto-Jupiter-Moon. Sister was Libra Sun-Neptune. Mum Pluto Sun- Gem.

    We all have an urgency about life and have had chaos, death, tumult in greater portion before 1st Saturn Returns than most- and miracles, grace, near death…

    Most uttered musing here in Outer Planet Ville is, “She/He They just doesn’t/don’t get it…”

    I am truly enjoying the Cappy progressions- cleaning, ordering life, raking leaves before the snow. I resigned from all those endlessly fraught committees- narrowed my focus- tx to Uncle Pluto- and have head down to make prepare in all areas for orderly succession- come what may. Eating sleeping exercising well.

  21. Sun conjunct Pluto 8th house! Totally have felt the alienation thing at times and fear of letting the real me out in relationships or wondering if I can have a normal relationship (fear or being too intense or weird as you say)…maybe I just need to embrace it

    1. I get this. Uranus conjunct Scorp Rising. Relationships can’t seem to deal with the real me for an extended period of time, and I can’t/won’t pretend I am happy when I am not. Currently trialling a newly rebooted regime of having fun in the social arena despite feeling utterly alien. Mininum base line levels of (g)intoxication help immensely with the careless x factor to stalk around a dancefloor seeking the best spot to get sweaty solo – my Sagg Moon is pleased when she gets her way. And that prickly aloof Asc of mine deftly dispatches any unwanted attention quick smart so it’s a win win 🙂

  22. I was teased as a kid for being weird, a witch even (how cool is that…now). I heard that my rising sign Aqua may make me feel as if I have two versions of me, I feel I have four and I have conjunct Pluto, Uranus, Pando and Isis in Virgo 8th H plus a sh!t ton of planets and asteroids and the North node in my Sun Sign. No wonder I love quiet me time.

  23. Uranus conjunct moon and Lilith, yes to all of this. I have been described as weird and intense my whole life…….only just beginning to see it as a good thing and not something to fight.

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