Your Mercury = Your Car

Your Mercury – sign, house and aspects* = your Car. If you’re a car owner or you have been before, ponder this for a few moments and you’ll know I’m right.

To a lesser extent, your Mercury also reveals your driving style but Mars is also a component of that.

Even if you don’t drive, your Mercury shows your fantasy car. I don’t drive because I am sincerely crap at it but as an example:

My Mercury is in Aries, 3rd house, quincunx to Neptune, trine the South Node.

Driving technique: good at speed on an open straight road without obstacles or other drivers. Everywhere else: impatient with obstacles aka everything.

Favoured defensive driving technique: If in doubt, accelerate.

Fantasy Car: The 1988 Porsche 911 Carrera in Lava Orange.

Soundtrack For Driving: Minimal tech – zero vocals.

How The Aspects Show Up: Mercury-Neptune aspects merge timelines and your map reading is prone to Freudian glitches. Mercury in Aries will not be dictated to by sat-nav.

How about you?

*If you don’t have this info, my Astral DNA report will tell you!

Images: Kate Bush – January 1978 – Angelo Deligio
Emma Summerton – Vogue Paris 2012

58 thoughts on “Your Mercury = Your Car”

  1. I would be delighted with a Ferrari F40 if someone would kindly let Enzo know, and I’d also like a tiny zippy car with some rally mods so I could Italian Job my way across the district. I have surprised myself here as I always thought it would be Vintage Muscle forever, or honestly just a tough old farm ute, but here we are …

  2. Cap Mercury, conjunct moon, in yes, 5th House.
    Used to have a 2 door red tiny chevy (5th house), that felt instinctively like home (moon) the first moment I test drove it.

    In honour of all of my cap, I got a good deal on the loan and sold it 10 years later for about 1/3rd the price I got it for, which is insane! Oh, btw, I repaid the loan in about 3 years. #CapFinancialPlanning.

    The part I don’t understand is why I named it based on a dream I had. No aspects to Neptune.

    1. Ooooh, you did say ponder over for a few minutes.
      My 5thHouse’s ruler Leo is my 12th house (dreams). BLOWN. AWAY.

  3. Get out of my FACE! I can’t even…this is brilliant…my dream car/fave car is a Maserati. Anyway, the emblem for a Maserati is Neptune’s Trident inspired by the Fountain of Neptune in Bologna. My mercury is in pisces. How do you even do this Mystic?!?? BRILLIANT!!!

  4. Year of the Phoenix

    Merc in Libra conj Jupiter trine Mid Heaven – Driving technique – Considerate and likes merging and loathes pusherinerers Favoured defensive driving technique: Waving Fantasy Car: something futuristic which flys itself Soundtrack For Driving: Old Soul singalongs and Ska classics How The Aspects Show Up: love an open road with a history of hitchhiking

  5. Mercury in Pisces Conjunct Descendant, Opposite Jupiter, Square Moon in Taurus.

    Cars have always equaled freedom for me. I grew up in the Central Valley of California and driving is in my blood. I also have lived in remote places so I have spent a lot of time in my cars, so they’ve always needed to be comfortable because I’ve lost count how many times I’ve slept in my car, even when I’ve had the option of elsewhere, and sometimes purely because that was the option I had left myself with.

    Soon after arriving in Australia, a major divine intervention happened by way of a head on collision. It was 3 May 2010 and the other driver also had my birthday 20th of March. He was fine, not a scratch, but my car was totalled and it altered my life path considerably. From then on I have chosen cars that had excellent safety ratings with air bags.

    Fastforward to last year and my family and I took an extended road trip here in Australia for nearly 8 months in an RV. We drive slow and steady and have every possible comfort a family could need and while getting to explore and then retreat back into our own space.

  6. Mercury in Aries, Sun in Aries.
    Fleet-footed on the ground, lead-footed in the car. Speed is my thing.
    Wayward younger years spent roaring around on back of English motorbikes.
    Ultimate fantasy car: 1956 sage green Ford Thunderbird. V8 motor.
    Convertible, breeze blowing through my hair, smile on face. Freedom.

  7. Wish Upon a Star

    Mercury in Cancer 4th house. Explains why I love driving at night and find it visually easier.
    I also prefer white cars. Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Leo 5th house. Music is a must.

    1. MoonstoneMagnolia

      Same, same. Music essential!
      Mercury in Cancer, conjunct Jupiter and South Node all 5th house with Uranus and Leo Sun peeking through.
      Love a fast car, never British racing green or aggro red. Yes to,white, mines pearl. Leadfoot, confident driver after first owning a motor bike. Prefer open roads to sort dilemmas, straighten thoughts, moonlight and a bit of loud music on the six CD stacker. Old school Van, Bob, JJ, window down, heater cranked, much to the chagrin of my pooch settled behind the passenger seat. Constant companion, excellent traveller, just not keen on blues harp
      Present car, hopefully to see me out, Keith, the mighty Subaru Outback, perfect for country roads, Only a few lives used up, no hitting head on coconut tree 🌴

      First car with my own money a Yellow Toyota mustang style Celica, “Sally” after namesake in McMillan & Wife

      1. Wish Upon a Star

        Oh MM you just completed my story.
        When I was in my early 20s I just loved hitting the Hume Highway at night. It gave me space to think and dream. And then the odd truck driver sounding his horn and smiling to remind me I am young and free.

        With your astro line up you sound like alot of fun. What do you do to enJOY yourself?

        1. MoonstoneMagnolia

          On Hume Highway you’ll need a bit of Steppenwolf!
          Many moons ago did a fortnightly nine hour return trip for a year in “Sally” in WA. Red dirt, nothing to see but the open road, bending trees, relentless heat and a heavy heart as approached destination… No aircon, but I did smoke with windows down and speed, A LOT. A luxury after the motor bike with no face helmets, mosquitoes stuck to my face and defaced right cork shoes from the kickstart. In a black bikini.
          Enjoying myself mmmm
          At the moment … Learning to say no new mantra. Preferably without guilt or long conversations in shower bemoaning what I could have, etc. love water, no beaches where I live.
          Spontaneous Gorilla gardening sans gloves or secateurs, particularly tricky (but satisfying) with knee issues and hilly block.
          Taurean /secret Pisces ascendant food habits, licking of fingers etc. no Taurus in chart but a strong 4th house moon…. sidereal chart gives me a Taurus moon and home habits “home decor” latest mystic wonderful eye opening offering.
          Research, more research, Music, ballet, beginning to end stories, making a difference without anyone knowing, Nordic noir, indie film, language, French, good manners, old school (like Mystic writing a thank you note when you’re having a harrowing day, feeling grateful) beautiful or funny voices a la Jennifer Saunders, Joanna Lumley, Miriam M, Bill Nighy and Bailey… funny folk with bad histories like Judith Lucy… real books and writing workshops. Connecting occasionally and feeling spellbound for days. The moon on a clear night. My pooch snuggling, snoring under the covers, bringing me back to the real, simple things. Good food, sleep and a wee walk and cuddle.
          oh and a late night, spontaneous confession type mystic post where no one knows me …..
          thank you for responding Wish Upon A 🌟 Star. You’ve made my day.

          1. Wish Upon a Star

            I’m glad I made your day. You inspired me to find that quote and that article titled “The Sacred and the scribe”. The article is about the connection between language and magic!” I will do it this new moon.

            The quote is:

            “Sometimes only a walk and the company of the moon will do.” I Cut it out and put on fridge.

            When I initially read my sidereal report making me a Aries Moon, Taurus Sun and Aquarius Rising instead of a Taurus Moon, Gemini Sun and Pisces Ascendant I felt unsettled. But after reading Saturn in Pisces comment in the post the 13th Astrological sign it made sense. She made the point that being born on a dark moon (me also) made the sidereal more relevant.

            She makes a compelling point. I so much relate to the Aries Moon with the impulsiveness, not like being told what to do and drive. Aquarius Rising: yes. I do have the hair and aloofness. And to be honest it is this new combo that gives me the initiative to move forward with my life. So the report was a blessing.

            I would like to get the decor report for my sidereal. I will ask Mystic.

            When you say new mantra : no. Do you mean to other people? I love those pommy comedians. Bill Nighy has such a prescence doesn’t he? I love the open space he creates. I once saw Judith Lucy in a carpark when I was picking up chinese takeaway. She is exactly how she is on tv. There is alot of depth there. Bad history? Please tell me more. She does have a strong Pluto feel.

            Are you a Pisces Rising like me? Or is that your Sidereal?

  8. My Mercury is in Aqua in 11th, conjunct Sun, trine Jupiter, square Mars

    Driving technique: prosocial and generous with letting others in the lane; not focused on speed/time efficiency
    Favoured defensive driving technique: Let them overtake
    Fantasy Car: Tesla Cybertruck
    Soundtrack For Driving: Astro forecast podcast or local community radio (no ads)
    How The Aspects Show Up: satellite navigation with voice on; occasional pick up of hitchhiker; slower pace to enjoy scenery

  9. Merc conj. 5H Aqua NN/Sun, trine Libra Asc./Pluto conj., sextile 3H Saggo Neptune. Maybe this is why when I *finally* learned how to ride a motorcycle, I knew I was totally *meant* to be riding a motorcycle and everywhere I travel, no matter what city, I always look to rent a boat first.

    Moto riding has deffo made me more cautious as a *driver,* but I love speed, though I am careful on the bike, not reckless. I think I was a rather Mars in Aries driver but I grew up driving in Chicago, where pretty much everyone drives like an over-aggro’ed 23 year old Italian American, taking T just for fun and coked up anyways, in his first Corvette. I’ve had two men get out of their carswhile I was on my bike waiting at a stop light to yell at me for passing them between lanes on the road, thereby getting AHEAD of them. Lord they do not want anyone ahead of them in Chicago traffic. That’s how attached these two dudes had their driving to their so-called masculinity.

    Amusing (perhaps not relevant tangent): In 1989, when a 17 yr. old SheRat went to the Elston Ave. DMV to take her driving test, she sat with the old dude test guy and before starting the car said: “So, do you want me to drive by the “Rules of the Road,” or do you want me to drive like we’re actually going to get somewhere?” LOL.

    He failed me. I went in a month later and the woman at the counter was like “You’re that girl who asked whether you should drive by the rules of the road…lalalala” and all the chicks around her had a great laugh. I couldn’t tell whether they thought it was hilarious (in its truth) or that I was stupid for having asked the question.

    1. Oh ha! My dream car is a 1972 silver Dodge Charger, and my dream bike doesn’t exist: It would be an 88 Honda Hawk NT650, with the ability to attach and detach a windshield. I had a Hawk, but the windshield, man. You need one.

  10. Mercury in Virgo in the 12th house. I literally just got my license in quarantine at 48 because I grew up in NYC. I definitely like to drive fast and around curves. I hate red lights and other people but I am in LA haha!

    1. And I was gifted a 1994 Acura Integra which drives like a sports car and I love it. I wanted a big black bronco initially but hey free is free!

  11. Mercury in Gemini was a total hoon wheelies, dragging people off at lights, burning clutches. Always wanting to race and fleeing around corners to see how I could handle the car, got a HR license In my 50s. Hence 66 now and a bit quieter. But looking to get my motorbike license. Never give up!

  12. Mercury and Mars in 4th Taurus, took a long time to like driving, my L plates kept expiring(home body?) Rover 3500 1972, last of the great interceptors, automatic. I couldn’t avoid hitting a turtle and it took out my Speedo and taco-ironic. Now? A string of second hand automatic Mercedes, my current concept is other drivers go sh!t a merc don’t hit that. Must look up beauty therapist career changing daughter#1 has a Subaru with canons and now drives a 800 tonne capacity dump truck (12thH Gemini)

    1. Ahhh…the Rover 3500. My dad worked for Leyland and we owned all manner of ‘different’ cars through the years, unusual to the Holdens and Fords at the time.
      We stacked in a Marina of all things. And yes we owned a P-76 for a few months.

      The fave was the super cool looking Citroen. Not mothers cup of tea mind so it did not last and none of them were or did. Until we settled on second hand Volvos of course. Mind you I could not wait to get my license and the day I could I did and then came the string of five hundred dollar cars. Good times.

  13. Mercury in Taurus 2nd house conjunct moon. I love reliability in cars so have owned 3 Toyota hatchbacks. The hatch makes them seem a bit sporty and you can fit more in the boot than a sedan because you can put the back seats down. Next car will be a Toyota Corolla hybrid – super economical. my dream car to go on weekend trips would be a vintage Jaguar or bmw convertible! Not very practical, so unless I was super wealthy I’d just rent one

  14. Ok and this might start a troll war but whatever your view on the AH JD trial .. (I am pro JD) however the comment on seeing her in the boot of a Honda Civic – and a lot was vile in that case so I’m sticking to point here- but Honda Civic was my first car. I lived in a house at the back of a v dodgy car yard in fortitude valley many moons ago, yeah a house at the back of a car yard. Sure- it was the 90s. But I fell in love w this little shitty Honda Civic and bought it for $600 plus some car washing for senor dodge.
    so anyway. As much as I was offended by many things in that case, the demeaning reference to the Honda Civic was well, kinda stupid… now that I’m writing this down!

  15. Merc in Sag, 10th House – my best car ever was an ’85 Saab 900i Hatch, went like the clappers, but my student self was not able to afford the upkeep. My Merc Cap, 10th house mother and I both regret passing it on…..
    I then spent 12 years car free, but with a plane ticket ever in hand – freedom or die! I was also part of a great car share in NZ, but now days I have a Mazda 3 hatch to drive the Meanjin suburbs. Love to rock the hatch, as the best ones literally can be used to move anything, camp anywhere…..

  16. Mercury in Aqua and agree with previous comments that the perfect car for us doesn’t exist yet. I am quite fond of the Aston Martin DB5’s and 9’s as driven by James Bond though too. Driving style – I don’t like to be noticed, literally fly under the radar so to speak because I like to go fast. I can park in the tightest of spots and I am impatient but fine with city driving (Mars in Aries). Give me a wide open road for driving through the country and I am in heaven. I can’t imagine not driving, it’s taken me to so many places around the globe that would otherwise have been quite difficult to get to.

  17. Mercury in Pisces – always a convertible. My latest retirement ragtop is a yellow 2002 retro Thunderbird with a Jaguar V8. It’s a visual representation of my personality.

  18. Mercury in Gemini in the 9th. I like speed and I definitely put miles on my car. Plus I’ve driven internationally multiple times!
    Not sure my favorite car, but small and fast!

  19. I don’t yet drive, but this post & the comments are extremely encouraging to my aspiring Mercury in Gemini! Experiencing that total freedom with the windows down, tunes playing + the beauty of open roads & quiet nightscapes sound like a real pleasure to me. My Mercury is exactly opposite Saturn, sextile Jupiter & sextile my Asc, plus conjunct Chiron. The responsibility I would have while driving has always intimidated me, but it’s really great to be reminded of the benefits 😊

  20. A subject close to my heart. One that, thank goodness, I cannot indulge otherwise I would have to buy several acres for all of the cars I would want to purchase and then struggle with my conscience about self indulgence and environmental repercussions. Mercury in Sagittarius is only one of my four Sagg placements and I have Mars in Virgo. Personally, cars need to be practical and economical for me. They need to ferry, furniture, whitegoods, massage tables, plants and animals and firewood. However, if I could look the other way and had the funds, I would begin with a 1920’s Austin 7, BMW Isetta, Triumph Stag, E type Jaguar, XP Ford, all the slant 6 Valiants, XY Ford . 1976 Statesman, all the minis up until the Leyland mini and that is only the beginning. I have driven a Porsche 911 Targa and it was a very uncomfortable drive. Porsche drivers have told me it is the distinctive engine sound that attracts them, not to mention German engineering. I, currently, have a Hyundai Getz that literally lives up to its name, gets me everywhere and yes I have moved almost everything in it including washing machines and a single mattress!

  21. This discussion makes me wonder about my two Mercurial Gemini offspring. My son’s first word was ‘car’ and the only way I get get either of them to stop squarking was to take them for a drive (even in the middle of the night). When my daughter grew older and developed emotional problems we would drive and drive and watch the world go by. The only thing that soothed her. There is definitely a link here.

  22. Ha. So when I first read this, my Sagittarius Mercury and I thought we had nothing to contribute. The important thing about my car besides the fact it’s red is that I don’t have to worry about it. It’s fairly no-frills, but newish so not likely to break down unexpectedly or strand me anywhere. Those are important things, but kinda boring. Case closed right? But later as I was off on one of my spontaneous little jaunts going no place in particular, just out and about with my tunes cranked and my window open to the breeze, it struck me. That’s it! It doesn’t matter to me what kind of wheels I have. I don’t need status wheels. What matters is that I have them period. That they are available to me at a moment’s notice. That I can jump the fence and gallop away anytime I need to. And I do. Often. Sometimes several times a day. For no reason.

    Nothing pleases me more or calms my edges faster than watching telephone poles slide by. And nothing makes me more anxious than not having access to a get away vehicle even if I am not planning to go anywhere. which is of course totally Sagittarian. Once again, your insights are right on the nose.
    p.s. when I was a kid, it was my bike. Which naturally I pretended was a horse 🐎

    1. EXACTLY!!!!!!!

      Sometimes when I’m in a dark mood I reflect on all the little true pleasures of being alive and driving is #1, particularly with the radio up, windows down and speedometer high.

      I LOVE driving fast and free, be it to the grocery store or down country roads. It is both the expression of my inner forever-young wild child and a reliable practice of meditation and stress relief. As a little kid I could not wait for the freedom and power to drive. I remember a dept store Santa telling me that a driving toy was a “boy” thing to want—and me thinking “fraud.”

      In my 20s I always took the overnight shift of a cross-country roadtrip. Wondering who was in the other sporadic vehicles from 3:30-5:30 am. Where were they coming from/going?? Then zenning out on the road trance and waxing philosophical in my own head as I flew through towns and cities and farmland and little sips of other lives.

      Fantasy vehicle fleet: 1950s corvette for several rides per year + beat up yet well-running 1970s Ford pickup truck for weekends + sensible electric car for day to day.

      In reality, I drive Volvo wagons and treat them poorly. They are amazing in snow (love driving in blizzard conditions) and are almost invisible to cops, so it lets me speed with little consequence and haul all kinds of randomness as needed.

      I’ve often thought I could be a part-time trucker.

  23. I’m seriously caught off guard at how attractive the cars make two already seriously attractive women. Would drop everything in a nano second to go cruising with Kate.

  24. OOOps spat my morning coffee over my keyboard. A POST ON CARS!
    Thank you Mystic, this has the undivided attention of my Saggo Mercury.
    Visions of a winged mercury riding a flying horse way above anything like mundane traffic.

    1. Pegasus I am so happy you survived that ordeal. I’m off to murder the GP who prescribed the antibiotics without warning you not to drive on them.
      praise be 🐴

  25. Mercury 0 degree Aqua. My fantasy car does not exist yet. Always loved the idea of one of those jetson flying things

  26. mercury in virgo loosely conjunct the sun in libra, all in the third, and sextile to the asc in cancer and mars in scorpio. I looooove driving! I come from a small village, so in the ’80s more than now a car was indispensable and I started driving school the day after I turned 18. drove a lot until I moved to the city, then unfortunately never owned a car until 20 years later. it’s a lancia y, small car, and really represents me: emerald-green, with sand-colour interiors (exactly the colours of the water and sand of my favourite beach in ibiza), and has stickers and hanging trinkets and mexican cushions in the back seats. she’s called sonia, sometimes sonia-chan (especially when she was young: chan is the suffix for young creatures in japanese and I find it adorable), and I drive like a fiend! never had any accidents (I’m lucky, but I’m also a very experienced and careful driver). love long highway journeys, and listen to loud music (mostly because the car is cheap and therefore noisy when going fast), and sing along and flail my arms around to the hilarity of truck drivers who can see me from above when they take over. music is ’80s oldies on the radio, or house, or techno. I especially love driving when it’s dark and have wonderful memories of night drives, just me, the music and the moon. love sonia-chan to bits, and luckily she only let me down once in 20 years. dream car: a super silent, comfy one (crab rising), with all details well thought out (esp. colours). I’ve driven a vintage jaguar a number of times in los angeles, but not being able to really go fast took some of its magic away. and I’ve been inside a ferrari (tiny inside and scarily noisy, but also I’m 5’9”).

  27. Lol this is fun! I have merc conj Venus in 8th house cap. I am also currently a Subaru Outback car owner but don’t love it.
    my fave car was my Dads Pajero that I got after he passed away. Loved that car.
    First Dream car was a red Ferrari a la Magnum PI, which switched to a classic Kombi in the 90s. Now I’d like a cool little electric car to zip about locally in plus a Landrover.

  28. I am an Aries with Mercury in Aries, trine my 9th House Jupiter, quincunx my Pluto in Virgo [my Mars is in Gemini] – all within 1 degree orb. I don’t actually own a car but I am repeatedly designated driver in long road trips, like LA to Vegas. I also keep being given other people’s cars to mind while they are away. I think I am a nominated driver on at least 10 other people’s car insurance. I car-sat a Porsche for almost 2 years as the owner was in jail (don’t ask). During my impoverished university student years I worked for a luxury chauffeur car company and drove a few famous people around, including a couple of infamous ones (like Christopher Skase). I have had some extremely flashy cars, and never owned any of them! I was once pulled over by cops to check why I was driving the BMW that belonged to a local entrepreneur (they knew him and the car) – yes, I was genuinely car-sitting.

  29. How fun! And what’s with all the Subarus astro dudes? I have Mercury conjunct Venus in Cancer in the 3rd. Trines Saturn. I long for an old Mercedes with the chrome edges and leather seats (white with red piping) but drive a 21 year old, dinged up Toyota Echo. Best car. Never costs much to service and if you have a tiff with a carpark pylon it is no matter. However I inherited it from my mother (Cancer) and my Gemini son drove it for 3 years before I totalled my other car. So it does embody the Merc/Gem/Moon/Cancer energy. And it is old and reliable (Merc trine Saturn). Astrology always speaks true.

  30. Too funny!! My Mercury conjunct Sun in Virgo trines Mars in Taurus, both sextile Saturn in Cancer. Steady she goes for sure and I drive the heck out of that thing (thank you, Gemini Rising)! Once I could afford to go beyond beaters, my cars were tres reliable and I had them for a minimum of 7 years, only to sell them to pay for the next one (thank you, Earth trine with Mars!). An astrologer at first thought one car was a luxury one (nooooo) and when she found out it wasn’t she blurted, “but you’d never overpay for a vehicle!” True, I always buy something pre-owned but maybe a year or 2 old.

    Funny you say this, Mystic, because my old, faithful Prius is aging. I’m nervous about having it more than 8 years or when they start needing frequent trips to the mechanic (we Yanks call it “nickel and diming”). I am considering another car but the supply chain is making hybrids very high in demand. I’ll sit on this for a bit, and maybe watch the skies!

  31. Oh this is fun! Leo Mercury 10th house, not conjunct but presiding with Saturn and my sun. Trine Chiron (7th) and sextile Jupiter (8th). I drive a Subaru Outback and my husband drives my old Subaru. He has libra Mercury conjunct his moon and pluto.

    The first car I really wanted was an older model red Jaguar, which my boyfriend talked me out of due to maintenance costs. Then I wanted to drive my mom’s old 1964 gold Mustang. But my dad decided it would be a good idea to have his friend fix it up for a low cost because he’s an auto body teacher and it could be integrated into hands-on learning. That car has been in his shop in pieces for years now. If I could drive anything, I’d have a little electric car for local trips and a newer van (probably a Sprinter) for road trips. I can’t drive enormous vehicles but I think I could handle that one.

  32. OMg here I will out myself as the chronic jalopy driver I am. My car is most definitely the most unglamorous and least integrated part of my, uh, “style” as I see it as a purely functional thing to get me places and I’d rather use the money I would spend on a nice car elsewhere (*ahem*, that would be on my other ride, my horse). Most of my peers are at a stage where they have a payment on a decent ride but after many carless years in the city I have regressed… to a forest green 1999 Oldsmobile Bravada. A car most have never even heard of.

    The back seats are ripped out and the carpet is dusted in hay residue. An average of 5 coffee cups and 2 sweaters litter the passenger side floor at any given time. I gotta roll with the windows down in the summer because there’s no AC. My past crappy cars have been the object of my subtle resentment but weirdly I like this one. It drives and functions as a mini truck that still fits into compact spots. In a sea of homogenous Marin-mobiles (white Tesla, black BMW, grey Audi; now mix and match the colors and manufacturers and that’s the whole parking lot) it’s got personality. We’re a good team.

    Mercury in Pisces in the 10th house SQUARE Ascendant in Taurus, trine Pluto and Lilith. Hell on wheels? lolol Mercury also sextile Venus and Neptune.

    I must say that my dream car is like an upgraded version of my current car! I like the new Ford Broncos and if they come out with an electric in the next few years I’d consider that as my first-ever new car purchase. I LOVE the classic Broncos and Chevy Blazers but can’t commit to the maintenance a classic like that would take. I also loved the initial angular prototype of the Tesla Cybertruck! But it keeps getting lamer every time they delay it and release new information.

    I am excited to read people’s responses, this is fun ^__^

  33. Cool I’ll play! My Mercury is in Capricorn, 4th house, which also houses my sun and Venus. I have Mars conjunct Neptune and North Node in Sag in the 3rd. I drive a Subaru Crosstrek and I love it which vibes with the Earth / Home / practical logistics, but if I were to go with something fancier it would probably be a Tesla or some kind of understated expensive luxury sedan. My driving style is pretty much “beat the GPS estimated arrival” lololol which my Mars in Taurus husband hates – this all sounds about right. He’s got Mercury in Aries and although he also drives a practical boring Subaru his whole drive in life is to get the sport package most turbo charged engine option available for whatever he’s driving (but as noted above even with the power he drives it like a fuddy duddy – Mars in Taurus, lol)

    1. Hey, we must’ve been born around the same time, Woowoo! I have exact same astro (but minus the hubby.) I drive a practical hatchback which is very ‘pragmatic Cap’, but inner snooty ‘cannot WAIT ’til I’m filthy rich’ Cap definitely longs for an understated, expensive luxury brand vehicle. Weirdly, I hate pretention and pretentious people but the ideal boyfriend I’m gonna meet (c’mon, universe, he’s GOTTA be out there) will have to drive something fabulous or I will get all judgey-judgey and might not want to date him. So I’m a car snob even though I hate car snobs. Ugh! That’s how my Capricorniness sometimes plays out – earth pragmatism vs nose-in-the-air “aspirational”!

  34. My current car is a Subaru Impreza. My Mercury is in Scorpio, but I have a stellium in Mercury-ruled Virgo, which seems to align with the Subaru line pretty well.

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