Jovial Solar Leo Vibing Moodboard

I’ve been all over this in the Horoscopes but you’d know it was a big Jupiter amped Leo vibe-up anyway. How?

It takes longer to cue your soundtrack for emptying the dishwasher than it takes to do the actual task.

Or you notice your aspirations inflating with or without external cues. Resurgent vitality. The desire to reign.

Here is a solar Leo moodboard that is also, btw, a good style cue for anyone with a Leo Home personality and/or Leo Rising.

35 thoughts on “Jovial Solar Leo Vibing Moodboard”

  1. Leo rules my 6th – and I have no personal planets in fire signs. I wore red to work and it was a nice boost! Thanks MM for the moodboard.

  2. MoonstoneMagnolia

    Thank you Mystic, gorgeous to see these on a freezing evening. An old school astro Taurean mate, left a box of flowers, three gleaming sunflower type blooms bursting forth on my sodden verandah…. Sun in Leo fifth house was very touched as I’d removed all evidence of my birthday from social media…. deciding it felt strange reading birthday messages, or dreaded texts, once a year, when 364 days, never heard, unless…. a favour needed. (Usually fearful, Non-athletic Mars R Sagg trine Pluto Leo, had enough). Felt empowered.

    Again, thank you Mystic. Hope you’re now settled in your new abode and managed the rare day off you promised us you’d be taking.

  3. How beautiful! Leo Sun in the 2nd loves all these tangible Leo objects, earth’s crystals, stellar gold (I read gold is from outer space?), flames, all that glitters.. though I haven’t been loving the Leo vibe in the last while, it’s been a bit soggy for my taste. Or I have at any rate. This tableau is inspired and I am ready for it now!

  4. Wish Upon a Star

    Off topic: this Scorpio full moon is proving invaluable for me for spontaneous deep shadow work.
    Thank Goddess !

    Is anybody else noticing this?

  5. So love this! Stellium in Leo & a multitude of Egyptian Asteroids (Sekhmet, Bastet & Anubis) & really allowing that Sun Radiance to fall. Thank you Mystic.

  6. Ahh! Harris’s Sun is one of my favorite cards to meditate on. It embodies the radiant optimism that all the fire signs hold in them while making that energy accessible to everyone simultaneously. The Thoth deck seemed almost juvenile and cartoonish when I first began reading but it grew on me.

  7. Something quite magical happened to me on Friday & Saturday evening.
    Had an open heart experience, then looked at astro. Voila an explanation,
    Sun & Moon in Leo.
    Had never asked the universe before for some help and was writing out a self -healing regime of frequencies and visualisations at the time and thinking about calling a Leo brother from a different mother who lives interstate.
    We have an unconditional love of over 60 years duration.
    ***sigh***Leo Love & the Heart = magic.

  8. Wish Upon a Star

    I just absorbed the moodboard and it did me good. Especially the pic of the Egyptian Cat Goddess? Who is she Mystic?


      1. MoonstoneMagnolia

        Apologies Wish Upon a Star (tugs forelock) haven’t seen it yet or maybe it’s my fading memory. Been a bit distracted … will head over to car post now,

          1. MoonstoneMagnolia

            Was tongue in cheek.
            Not a Pom, but early childhood years in Dunedin, NZ…. very Scottish … and a John Le Carre fan, a lot of forelock tugging in the Secret Service.

      2. MoonstoneMagnolia

        Hi Wish Upon a Star, I can’t reply to your beautiful quote re the moon and language. The reply button has disappeared …. or I’m a Luddite …. my Gemini mini tech astuteness has disappeared like the reply….. perhaps all will be revealed tomorrow….
        yes 0 Pisces ascendant … 51 percent water. Why I loved Aquarius rising and Saturn in softer libra and planets….
        thank you for checking up on me…. a couple of tough anniversaries, moths eaten my rugs …. no laundrette here… heating issues as can’t cart wood, roof leaking etc… having to ask for help! The shame of needing to ask for help and can’t spell bureaucracy….. weeks, months. I don’t have family in Australia, let alone a grandparent buried here, Perhaps it’s the Lilith transit…. being a hermette …. needing to be outspoken ….the injustice, rudeness and …. appalling grammar and no one reading the previous reports, told only way I’ll,get any help is to break my leg!
        short answer fearful, exhausted, jaded, battle fatigue, cold and feeling my age … not a youngster … maybe a secret fourth Saturn return … first world problems.
        I did see Sexy Tex & Matt Taylor last week and now proud owner of groupie T-shirt and Fat Rubber Band CD spinning when I venture out after midnight (JJ Cale)…. chatted to him (affable Capricorn) about his book needing a good edit…. pot calling the kettle black!

        How are you Wish upon a Star, are you twinkling?

        1. Wish Upon a Star

          So you are a Pisces Ascendant like me. Where abouts in Australia are you? Where did you come from?

          Is that Tex Perkins you are talking about? I remember seeing him in Melbourne many moons ago.

          I hope things get better. I am doing well.

          1. MoonstoneMagnolia

            Yes, secret Pisces ascendant. I live in the south west of Western Australia, ex Perth. Childhood Dunedin, NZ.

            Yes, Tex Perkins. An intimate seated concert at our local pub. I’m a Tex tragic music wise.

            Thank you Wish Upon a Star. There’s a wee ray of sunshine this morning and I’ve a lovely new warm tactile coat and a couple of strong Lilith transits to give me courage. I’m sorry about the rant … watery outpourings after midnight, no alcohol just chocolate. It wouldn’t let me delete. I love this page for its honesty and diverse subjects I’d long forgotten as a boomer, luckily not named Karen!

            1. Wish Upon a Star

              Why do you say secret Pisces Ascendant? 0 degrees must be interesting. What is it like. I have Chiron in Pisces also at 29 and half degrees. I now understand that. It makes life easier.

              So you live in WA, me in Qld. It is ok to rant. I was worried about you. Yes Lammas was last week. I needed it. Those rays of sunshine. Nice warm coat.

              I am a bit jealous of your abode. Sounds like you are in the middle of nowhere surrounded by nature? Very rustic? My Taurus Moon would love that.

              I’m a Gen X. And yes I like honest conversations too.

  9. Penelope Darling

    Loving the Leo vibes for Imbolc tomorrow. I spent all of yesterday out in the sunshine after two weeks recovering from covid and before that the endless rain we have had here. It was energising!

  10. Loving the imagery.
    Completely random but im in love with a colleague in a calm way.
    I just love being around him.
    Yes, i did a soulmating check on us.
    We have sun opp sun, moon opp moon.
    He is with someone, so thats the end of that. All i can do is enjoy working with him.
    Its progress for me as he isnt a ‘bad boy’, he’s a really decent man.
    Its been lovely and eye opening to just be around these decemt men, its been an education.
    Just had to express, thankyou

  11. These images are so very vibrant and solar, thank you Mystic ☀️
    I had Mercury in Leo talking right to the same degree as my Leo sun yesterday and there where some very feline conversations being had lol. I was wondering where my claws had came from and there it was. Being powered by Leo forces is no joke 🫣

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