Daily Mystic for Wednesday 8 March

March is a month of change – as you know. But Saturn in fluid, mutable Pisces makes evolution easier and the fresh Pluto in Aquarius* vibe will take a while to parse.

So why not chill and make plans to maximize the upcoming Venus-Mars sextile? Here’s how and why:

*In effect from Friday 10 March till Monday 13, it’s the last surge of breezy, opportune astro ahead of a tricky few days.  Dart in to take advantage of this snazzy astro or postpone vital negotiations and expansive ventures till after the 18th.

*Venus-Mars sextiles are always fabulous for flirtations, intimacy, rapport and hormonal oomph. You don’t have have to be on heat or in love to enjoy these alignments but if you have a romance to re-enrich or seek new love, this is your go.

*Venus will not only be in friendly aspect to Mars, she is conjunct Eris-Persephone. This adds an extra element of drama and daring. Mars has been super-potent for weeks; this suggests an augmented Venus matching the Mars strength.

*Venus and Mars at this intensity has the feel of release or resolution after a long build-up. Think also matched-energies, a slightly combative style of banter and wordy, competitive courtships.

*March 10 to 13 is also fantastic for a broader charm offensive – reaching out to reconnect with friends you’re estranged from or to energize failing morale. Be as effusive or demonstrative as you like. This is not a subtle influence.

*You may feel this at the arty end of the spectrum – Venusian styling genius blends favorably with Mars in Gemini wit and eloquence. If you’re not in the mood for love/social synergies, create and thrive!

*Depending on how Mars-Venus sensitive you are, you may feel this zing even earlier – anytime from today! However, it is exact at 15.05 Universal Time on Saturday 11 and most ON from Friday to Monday.


*From March 23.

Image: Erte

3 thoughts on “Daily Mystic for Wednesday 8 March”

  1. Corduroy jeans

    Whoa !!! Now the full moon//Saturn ingress to Pisces has safely? passed (as in, I was able to quiet myself and listen for Universe Insights, and avoid any Zap pot-holes, thus far – it was square my natal Neptune in Sag, after all) – I simply HAVE to share the synchronicity the Universe laid on so thick it was laughable, in past few days. Including*:
    – Walking past surfing shop literally HOURS before FM to see word “SATURN” emblazoned across a photo of a surfer on barrel of a wave (ad for Quiksilver’s new men’s collection, I kid you not!!)
    – On FM day, my Pisces Moon/Cancer rising Aries husband had a wisdom tooth removed under “twilight sedation” (Saturn in Pisces) in clinic literally and coincidentally next door to our tax accountants (also Saturn),
    – I am writing this awaiting my ultrasound on middle finger, after bones were X-rayed 20 mins ago (also Saturn) for weird joint inflammation/swelling since Cap season (have MC-Mars in Pisces), and
    – Cap sun son, who has Saturn exact cj Virgo rising (which will be opposed soon) came home literally TODAY from school complaining of sore bone/tendon (Saturn) in right foot (Pisces) from sport.
    Of course this could all be complete coincidence and I am just sensitive to imaginary signs … (oh! And the headline of the Australian newspaper read yesterday “Act now before it hurts like the 1990’s”, or something (re interest hikes). Cute…😄😬✨). Xx
    *because this list by no means exhaustive. And I swear I didn’t plan the timing of ANY of it – doctors’ orders!!

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