Daily Mystic For Tuesday Feb 8

Mercury is, as you know, now direct but the most revealing part of this Mercury Retro phase is about to begin.

From Thursday to Sunday – Feb 10 to 13 – Mercury is conjunct Pluto for the third time in a row: if you’re a news/trend watcher, anticipate some interesting info drops – especially pertaining to late December scenarios.

That was actually when NASA launched their new trillion dollar telescope so it would be astrologically apt if they announced an unexpected finding or something that posed a multitude more questions than it answered.

On a less galactic level, while these days are good for probing personal mysteries – your psyche, creative blocks etc – they’re too loaded for bringing up difficult subjects or launching into negotiations with tricky people.

If you’re super-confident of your ground, go for it but the conversation could dive real deep and fast. And, if the person you’re engaging with is problematic, Mercury-Pluto alignments can strengthen manipulative tendencies or even flashpoints – it’s close to a Full Moon as well.


1 thought on “Daily Mystic For Tuesday Feb 8”

  1. Totally agree…If something dosent feel right it probably isn’t and the energy invested isn’t worth it.
    Tricky= manipulation,narcissistic, egotistical.=LIARS.
    .Thankyou Mystic

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