Daily Mystic For Tuesday 10 May

Mercury Retrograde is here again. This Daily Mystic from late April has all the intel re dates + strategies but I would like to quickly stress two paramount Merc-Retro protocols that particularly apply to this one:

(1) Back up your data and know where it is – eg: identity docs, pertinent bank records etc – ideally in a physical form as well as digital.

(2) For the next three weeks, be mindful of wording in any communication – especially if it’s in writing and to someone you feel familiar with or has acted familiar with you but who you don’t actually know at all/well.

The Virgo Moon is imminent and properly deployed, these 56 hours of heightened focus + nuance control will help you complete Mercury Retro prep so you can focus on the more metaphysical aspects of this phase.

It means Mercury harmonizes with Pluto for far longer than the usual fly-by, augmenting intellectual strength, investigative processes and potentially providing an opportunity to recover a lost or relinquished aspect of yourself.


Image: Andy Warhol

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