Daily Mystic For Thursday 24 March

The Weekly Horoscopes are up, as well as the post with the medieval anti-Saturn tips and a Machiavelli rave that got a bit out of hand.

So I hope you find those useful and here is advance intel on some factors that you could successfully add to your schedule or note for reference:

(1) The Void Moon in Sagittarius from 12.59 PM Universal Time Thursday – it’s nine hours long and great for tangents, outdoorsy strides, and conversations where you want to wow with your candor. People often confess to things or pull escapist stunts during this particular Void Moon, at least if they’re restless already, so you could make some interesting field observations!

(2) Mercury will be Retrograde between May 10 and June 3 – going Retro at 4° Gemini and Direct at 26° Taurus on June 3. As always Mercury Retro has benefits but with a Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse in mid-May, be careful with impulsive commitments or signatures.

(3) It may be difficult to perceive this exquisite metaphysical frequency with everything else that is going on but Jupiter conjunct Neptune is potent and becoming more so as we head into April. Stars, birds, dreaming, music, liminal moments, and strange shapes in the clouds can all tell you things – you don’t need a guidebook or trip: it’s a consciousness thing.



Image: Ophelia Redpath