Daily Mystic For Thursday 24 Feb

A Thursday – Thor’s Day – aka Jupiter’s Day – with a Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius Moon has natural potential. Elevate your mood – or someone else’s – and you’ll see that the benefits are speedier or more substantial than usual.

The Moon – and classically – this day of the week support big-dreaming visionary truth talking and spend-it-to-make-it sorts of investments. Note that the latter can be time as well as money. Contradicting this? Mercury square Uranus: it can be erratic or offbeat but it’s fantastic if you know what you’re doing and you will.

Anticipate that some sort of vexation or thing you thought done last year will rock up and resolve now to be cool about it. Strategic, yes but not letting whatever it is kill your vibe. In fact, not even a passing side-blow. Because if you skip the initial reflexive resentment or acting out, you’ll be able to tap the ingenuity. And, if it’s bureaucratic, put it off till Mon/Tues if possible.
