Planets in transit, your natal planets and every permutation of planetary astrology you might want to know about!
Astrology Notes on the American Election
Mystic’s astrological notes on the hyperbolic American Election
When Mars Kicks In
This Mars in Cancer phase is really quite something – have you had any water weirdness?
Revisiting Uranus square Pluto (2012-2015)
Why revisit the Zap Zone of 2012-2015? Because everything you learned (the gnarly way) then is about to be a maximal asset.
Kary Mullis – “I Am A Capricorn”
His love of astrology was one of the reasons that the Nobel-prize winning scientist Kary Mullis was “controversial” – He was also really erudite on it.
Moon-Uranus People: “Exhilaratingly Without Bulls**t”
What does it mean to have a natal Moon-Uranus conjunction? Well, experimentation is your basic go-to protocol and you’re probably not big on sleeping.
Neptune Re-Engages With Pluto
What to make of Neptune back in sync with Pluto for the first time since the late Eighties?