When you’re born with the Moon conjunct Uranus, you have a Promethean temperament. Automatically averse to instructions, your default mode is experimentation.
Couldn’t this be said of anyone with a potent Uranian or Aquarian influence in their natal astrology? Sure but recall that the Moon represents one’s inner world – deep memory pools and the tidal rhythms of our body.
It’s realm is the limbic brain and visceral instincts that bypass our more mercurial cognitive perception. If you think about it, just as Luna is the ever-present ‘satellite’ to Terra aka Earth, the astrological Moon reflects our internal everlasting now.
It’s not easy to be born with the Moon conjunct an Outer Planet because it aligns your everyday operating philosophy with these remote, epochal influences. Uranus is arguably the most difficult to integrate as it’s edgy by nature, prone to demolition over renovation.
Your birth Moon is consistency, comfort scent/food staples, nesting and your norm. Uranus conflates stability with rust or mold and is generally an ‘impersonal’ astrological force, most overtly influencing generations rather than individuals.
For the person born with these two conjunct, it’s a lot to channel and can be alienating. The good news is that the Moon-Uranus person doesn’t even get the chance to waffle on about originality or lose themselves in the pursuit of something un-them.
They’re prickly, cannot/will not conform and usually transmute the snark or notoriety into even more quantum quirkiness. If it earns them renown, they genuinely don’t give a merde about that either.
They are, as a journalist described Gordon Ramsay (Moon conjunct Uranus in Virgo) “exhilaratingly without bullshit.”
The chef – who sleeps for just three out of 24 hours – says pressure makes him “really tick. But I’m more excited about jeopardy than pressure. The risk element, the dangerous element. There’s something quite stupid about that.”
The novelist Elsa Triolet (Moon in Scorpio conjunct Uranus) had such a strange relationship with sleep that she’d lucidly dream she was awake yet unable to sleep.
Courageous, clever and completely fascinating, she’s weirdly underrated. I think it’s partly because her sublime romance with the surrealist poet Louis Aragon saw her cast as ‘the Muse.’ He wrote the most extraordinary love poems to her when they were in the French Resistance together, writing, editing and publishing clandestine anti-Nazi newsletters.
She was also sharp-tongued and utterly disinterested in deference. Her response to an accusation of being outspoken? “It’s a good thing nobody can hear me think.”
Filter-free self-expression is totally Moon-Uranus and Triolet, a Virgo Sun with Jupiter in Leo Rising, heaped on the hubris when she felt like it: ” I am Scheherazade, the great teller of stories, I am the Muse and Curse of the poet, I am beautiful and I am repulsive…”
Remarkably, Triolet also designed jewellery and accessories for haute French design houses such as Molyneux and Schiaparelli. It was a wily and resourceful move to generate money in the great slump after the 1929 crash but she spearheaded a major style evolution by making everything from found objects.
“I did my best to manufacture necklaces from a material that had not yet been used, so no one could teach me the technique. Likewise I had to adapt the tools to be suitable for doing the work’”
I also love that she wore Germaine Cellier’s polarizing “green leather” fragrance Bandit from the day it was released.
Another example of inventing your own thing so you’re not bugged by people freaking out because you’re subverting The Norms? The super-talented musician Charlie “Bird” Parker, co-creator of Be-Bop and eternal Beat Generation icon. He was a multiple Virgo with the Moon conjunct Uranus in oceanic Pisces.
“I’d been getting bored with the stereotyped changes that were being used all the time at the time, and I kept thinking there’s bound to be something else,” he said in an interview. “I could hear it sometimes but I couldn’t play it. … I found that by using the higher intervals of a chord as a melody line and backing them with appropriately related changes I could play the thing I’d been hearing. I came alive.”
His biographer Robert Reisner wrote that Parker was “a man of tremendous physical appetites. He ate like a horse, drank like a fish, was as sexy as a rabbit. He was complete in the world, was interested in everything. He composed, painted; he loved machines, cars; he was a loving father ….No one had such a love of life, and no one tried harder to kill himself….”
Tragically, he was hooked on heroin, amongst other things and died far too soon. Charlie Parker’s demise did, however, have a surreal Moon-Uranian tone to it – he technically had two wives at the time but passed at New York’s Stanhope Hotel in the company of a Baroness Pannonica de Koenigswarter.
She said that “at the moment of his going, there was a tremendous clap of thunder. I didn’t think about it at the time, but I’ve thought about it often since; how strange it was.”
Technically, thunder is the domain of Zeus aka Thor or Jupiter, but Uranus was the original primordial Sky God. The astrological Uranus is a synchronicity whiz and Moon-Uranus people are ultra-attuned with this dimension of reality.
As the atomic physicist Niels Bohr – the “father” of quantum mechanics – observed: “Everything we regard as real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.”
Born with the Moon conjunct Uranus in Libra/the 8th house, he was obviously eccentric yet also driven to literally delineate the occult forces of the universe. At school he gained a reputation for causing explosions in the laboratory. People who worked with him were astonished – in more or less equal measure – by his raw genius, shockingly bad driving and penchant for segues into subjects like blackberry harvests or ‘eeriness’.
He theorized that if you actually believed in ghosts, they wouldn’t be scary – that it was the ‘this can’t be so’ aspect of any haunting that made it frightening.
When not busy foundationing quantum physics, he designed his own coat of arms with the Ancient Chinese Taijitu (Yin-Yang) symbol in the centre and the motto contraria sunt complenta – Latin for Opposites Are Complementary.
In classic Moon-Uranus inflammatory style, Bohr accused Albert Einstein of not thinking but rather “just being logical” re quantum physics.
To this day, contemporary physics disagrees over who was correct but the latest discoveries have placed Bohr well in the lead. His most famous quote on the topic could be as easily applied to Moon-Uranus people:
“Those who are not shocked when they first come across quantum theory cannot possibly have understood it.”
Time and space do not permit me to cover all the permutations of this fantastically weird natal Moon phenom here but note that these people also have/had the conjunction: the always provocative feminist academic Germaine Greer – “humans have an inalienable right to reinvent themselves” and – tragically – Jessica Dubroff, who died aged seven in an attempt to become the youngest ever person to fly a light aircraft across the USA.
Finally for now, Thomas Picketty, author of A Brief History of Equality, has the Moon conjunct Uranus in Libra. In 2015, he rejected the French Legion of Honour order, stating that he refused the nomination because he did not think it was the government’s role to decide who is honourable or not.
My contrarian quirkiness kept me from reading this post until this morning, moon conjunct uranus in leo in the 12th, this explains so much about my experience of life!
Phenomenological brilliance at it’s best, and research twists to boot.
After writing my comments I reread the blog with the mindset that it relates to my Moon Uranus trine. Ace of Swords moment. Realisations.
Thanks a bunch Mystic.
moon trine Uranus seems good. adaptable, open to novelty, that kind of thing, seems to me.
funky home environment. pop of colour (as they say). simpatico with aquarians? 🙂 but then again you’re a Gemini I think:) think 💬
Yes I am a Gemini. And I do like a pop of colour.
Aquarians see me. I feel comforted by them if that makes sense?
Thanks Sam. How are you?
Adaptable, open to novelty: I’ll take that.
Just discovered in addition to my natal Taurus moon being trine Uranus I have Neptune 9th house sextile Uranus. I am a Pisces Rising. And I have the planet Urania right on my Ascendant.
I don’t feel so much a rebel. More like a very sensitive alien who mostly tries to fit in. But needs alot of alone time to hook into this Uranian frequency for healing and downloads. Now I know why some of my intuition can be electric as opposed to dreamy.
And I am of that generation that has Pluto conjunct Uranus. In my 7th house. At 57 I am weary of getting into a relationship.
Is it just me that can’t log into astro.com ? I have been trying for weeks.
* I mean asteroid Urania
I have moon Uranus conjunction- within 2 degrees— in 3rd house Scorpio. I had always heard it was a marker for a disrupted childhood. Indeed in my case there was a divorce when I was 3 and then my mom and I moved away from my dad. And, I am a tender but restless soul…it’s nice to see so many moon-Uranus readers…the ones the lightening struck.
Wow what a great read! This would explain much of Germain Greer’s ratbaggery at times, esp as it squares her Sun & Asc. It’s like she needs to create conflict to express her rebellion.
And i strongly applaud Thomas Picketty’s refusal to accept the Legion of Honour – too right!
My Moon is in the Leo stellium i have in my 10th H where Uranus sits – bang in the middle & conjunct my personal planets (except Sol). So i guess this is why all of this resonates SO MUCH. And I can hand-on-heart vouch for synchronicity & left field boulders being order of the day. Especially if trans Uranus is also aspecting this melee, as it is now (squaring), with two freaky house fires & multiple weird happenings.
Funnily enough, & similar in spirit to this post, i was just re-visiting “The Rebel” by Albert Camus. It discusses the deeper meaning to being a rebel & craving freedom & the difference between this & revolution. But my favourite quote of his, bordering on Buddhism, and especially apt for now, is from another of his books (i paraphrase):
“The only way to deal with an absurd world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion.”
Anyways, that has been my motto since i read it in French class in another absurd world away …. And, btw, who the fuq can argue right now that the world is not absurd?
Camus’s Moon & Uranus are 25° apart in Aquarius, not conjunct but near enough to be in the same vein as the rebels above. Maybe that space between them gives his Moon enough room to adjust to & filter the sudden-ness that Uranus bestows. Maybe this makes him a more reflective rebel than the all-out explosive tear-it-all-down types?…hhmm… sorry, ranting now.
camus is one of my faves too. a wise and I bet also v fun scorpy
Thanks for the Camus reference Skarab.
I also applaud Thomas Pickettys stated reason for declining the nomination. It is clear-sighted.
An maternal aunt of mine was born with Moon conjunct Uranus in Taurus in 1941. A few years later, her family (my grandparents and their children) were evacuated because the European city they lived in became the arena for one of the ferocious final battles between the Nazi army and the Allied army. The fear and anxiety my aunt felt as a displaced little girl stayed with her all her life. Moon Uranus did not give her a Promethean temperament, it made her fearful and afraid of change.
As an addition to my earlier post, I think ‘displaced’ is a good description of people with Moon conjunct Uranus. With Moon being a symbol for belonging to a place and Uranus as the disrupter of having a sense of belonging…
I’d agree with this.. and sympathy for your auntie as a little girl. moon is safety and security, Uranus is disruptor.. one way or another .
Thank you Sam. I think with for Uranus (as with most planets) the placing in a sign is important. Uranus feels much more at ease in the air and fire signs, and has the potential to express more freely there. Uranus in Taurus is essentially a very difficult placing, as Taurus needs to feel grounded in matter and Uranus doesn’t care about those needs at all. By contrast, the people who were born with Uranus in Gemini in the later war years had a ball experimenting with new ideas when they were in their twenties, in the 1960s
Calcifer you make some good points about the placing of Uranus.
I hope you are well?
Hello dear Wish, I am quiet well, better than I was 3 years ago when I had just moved house (coinciding with Uranus transiting over my natal Moon in Taurus). Haven’t been commenting much on Mystic’s lovely blogs because of a shortage of time, but I always read. And how are you, in my imagination I always see you in a hammock in a lovely garden, birds and animals nearby (don’t even know if you have a hammock, but I know you have your Moon in Taurus just like me, and a hammock seems suitable for this placement ☺️).
Hello fellow Taurus Moon Calcifer. Well my lease ends mid October due to the owner wanting to sell. I’ve been here 5 or 6 years and it has been lovely. Where to next: not sure?
Lovecraft? Libra 1st house…(AND Neptune conjunct Pluto, don’t see that every century—too Cthulu for school?) (actually he wasn’t much fun)
Another thought just came into my mind. As moon is also mothering… my youngest daughter grew up WITHOUT ANY kind of rules. Not even school or education. I just showed her the alphabet and plus and minus.
She turned out to have a totally independent thinking and high responsibility and a huge social competence. 😉
Herself having Uranus sextile her Capricorn AC and trine Venus exact conjunct DC.
What a thoughtful brilliant post! My moon is conjunct my Neptune, within a degree — I think this is probably an easier outer planet-moon conjunction to live because of Neptune’s watery qualities. But I do feel people a person with moon-outer planet conjunction sometimes without realizing channels the outer planet into mundane behaviour, leaving others feeling slightly subconsciously discomfited, or in case of Neptune, spooked.
MM — Would you please link/post if you have written on Moon-Neptune?
My three year old has moon conjunct uranus and her ascendent in taurus and trine her virgo moon, both exact.
This kid is so magnetic and charming. People go silly trying to win her over and she just looks right through them. We joke that we created the next Tesla, or that we were used in an alien breeding program to create her.
If she is three years old, she would have Uranus in Taurus – so if her Moon is conjunct Uranus, her Moon is also in Taurus. So she can’t have a Virgo Moon – maybe you meant to say Virgo ascendant?
My bad, she was on my lap wriggling around while I typed! Ascendant is Taurus, Moon is Virgo.
Some ghost encounters are scary, some are not. When I lived in an apartment in a Victorian townhouse, I regularly saw a woman in widow’s weeds walk from the foyer to the kitchen, not scary. But one night in the same apartment, I woke up to find a man in white coveralls and an Amish beard staring at me. He looked real, an intruder? I grabbed the lamp off the table and swung it at him. He vaporized! Terrifying. Years later, in the gallery where I now work, a mischievous child in a checked pinafore would on occasion lock the front door when you stepped out. Not frightening. When the building was renovated, she moved on. Haven’t seen her in years.
I’ve had a lot more scarier encounters with humans than i have had with ghosts, let me tell ya.
Ditto Skarab.
Last night, Seattle experienced an epic and rare thunderstorm. So synchronicity? Check. Moon, BML conj in Libra with Venus closing in all in the 8th, and Aqua asc conj Mars. Oddly, the quietest rebel in the room.
Uranus in Scorpio exactly sextile my moon in Virgo. A little Uranus goes a long way! I also have Uranus conjunct my Scorpio Mercury and Venus and sextile my Virgo Saturn. I originate from a very religious and traditional extended family and I’m the only female in the entire clan of over 80 people, to have never married or had children. Fortunately, both of my parents were black sheeps so my “strangeness” was welcomed and even encouraged and celebrated in my nuclear family. I’ve never felt at ease in groups, always rebelled against them but curiously, I was student body president and got elected without even trying. (Sun, Merc and Uranus in 10th). I ruled as a rebel and the student body loved it! I was a “refreshing” aberration from the normal popularity contest that were student body elections at the time. 1997.
I’m 46 and it’s taken a long time for me to fully understand my Uranian nature but my God, I must have freedom. Interestingly, just recently I have found my tribe in the knitting and crochet community and it’s because there’s like, ZERO ego in the knitting world. I’m in “community heaven” for the first time in my life.
Samuel Adams, who was the real, boots on the ground, instigator of the American Revolution had Uranus on his ascendant. I’m reading his biography right now. Highly recommend!
Thank-you Mystic! You are the gift that keeps on giving.
stitching communities 4eva.
Love this!
Also, i just realised that you’re in good company (so to speak) with Barbara Walker – knitter, feminist, writer.
Well i’ll have to stop procrastinating & join the local stitching group. I’ve been putting it off because, you know … group.
Moon conjunct Uranus at my Midheaven in Leo here, square Neptune/Vesta ASC in Libra. Moon-Uranus trine Saturn:
Traditional-Rebel here….
I love this! Moon conjunct Uranus here in Scorpio in my 11th house — have a hard time going with the social flow and can see through all the BS in social circles to the point I have never really maintained a group affiliation more than a year or two. This blog at least comforts me on why I get so restless, and the only groups I enjoy are those I create, on topics I love, where we’re always growing and changing collectively. Also makes sense why group leaders find me infuriating and threatening and then are upset when I leave their group lol
Also I forgot to say that I’m an intense dreamer, ever since I was young, and met my partner in a dream 3 weeks before meeting him in real life (where we met at a meet up event on Lucid Dreaming)…so I love the part about lucid dreaming into life
I’m Aqua but always get along famously with Scorps (poss. b/c Pluto Rising), or those with strong Scorp / Pluto in charts and I deffo feel you on all of this. Petty group dynamics have totally bugged me out of groups that then fell apart once I left. Perhaps it’s Fixed sign energy? Not sure about you, but I’m cool doing all the little crap no one else wants to do…spreadsheets, whatever. Fixed signs like to organise. But I got 5H energy, (and Mars in Aries lol) so I’m cool being inteviewed on the news or leading the protest. Whichever is most useful to the org. I love the quote from the Libra Conj. writer above how the government shouldn’t be responsible for deciding who is “honourable.” Just in a discussion last night about “geniuses” where Albert Einstein was brought up. The whole concept bugs my Aqua sense of egalitarianism.
yeah, i’ve got it too…in 1H Libra 17 degrees away from Pluto Rising. The Moon/Uran is conj. Lillith as well, all of which trine my 5H Aqua stellium Sun/Hecate/Persephone etc.
Obviously it’s been a huge ain in the ass to have both Pluto Rising and this conjunction in the 1H. Reading this I wonder: How much easier is this to transmute when it’s in a mutable sign?
I think the nature of the conjunction itself clashes with a cardinal sign period, but more specifically a Libra Rising, which lends me a diplomatic impulse, esp. with Lillith there. I project leadership qualities but Pluto Rising irks people and Moon/Uran/Lillith gives people reasons why on a platter.
I imagine it’s worse in a Fixed sign, for whom the storms would feel even more contradictory. At least it’s *trine* my fixed sign stellium and at least my fixed sign is a 5H Aqua. What about the poor soul who has this in Taurus? I also pity the poor souls *around* the people who have this in a lo-vibing Cancer!
I’m fascinated that Triolet and I share the Moon/Uranus conjunction in Scorpio – I had to go look at my chart to figure this out but I was prompted to do so because I too have vivid dreams in which I’m trying to fall asleep – quite often!
My moon is conjunct my Pluto-Uranus-Conjunction.
Not to mention, my moon is exactly at the 12house cusp.
I do for-feel, I sense potential in others or in events and where they can/will lead to.
Working to bring fire (consciousness) to community or individuals and inspire others, whenever I am totally me. But i also have to reinvent myself over and over again. If i dont, everybody around me suffers. Not at least me and my liver.
my “enemy” are all rules, except the few spiritual laws, the government and everybody who puts a hold on my freedom. (with freedom, being my highest guiding force beside the divine).
I live in between. Not just in a proverbial sense but, literally in real live.
One day, i discovered, that i always lived at the borders between countries. one time in a house that had a border going through (one side was in germany, the other in austria). another time i lived in an airbnb where the living room was in one town, the bedroom in another.
speaking of living, I live a nomadic live since almost 10 years. In some of these years, I changed hotels, or bnb, every 1 to 3 days.
solving the conflict with my moon, who wants to have a garden helps by simply wwoof from time to time (wwoof for those who not know: willing workers on organic farms). they give food and a bed, in exchange for working for them on their farm.
Okay wwoof?? THANK YOU!!!!!
In almost every country in the world.
Dang, I was reading this thinking that Moon Uranus conjunctions sounds so fun and then remember I have moon in Virgo exact square my uranian mid heaven and part of a cross with Pisces/Jupiter rising and Gem sun…not so fun always lol but I can identify with all of the above.
Pre Saturn return I would have said that balance is boring as I was gallivanting around the world doing sex and having drugs or possibly the other way around 😂 but post Saturn return I am finding balance in giving these planets what they need.
Actually read Triolet in my uni French Lit course and thought it was literally the strangest most surrealist yet sharply critical of social phenom book I ever read. French is not my first language but I’m fluent and Triolet’s language was far beyond my grasp.. due to that and possibly the time lapse I forget most of it but the imagery from the final scene has been burned on my brain for the 20 years since… the story centred around a woman’s demise due to her faith and investment in the credit system SPOILER ALERT she died alone in her apt and had her face eaten by rats 😭 unforgettable really…just saw there’s a film version with Lea seydoux 😍
Thankyou MM, this is exactly what I needed to read tonight.
I try not to use the word Promethean too often as invariably my false teeth tumble out after first four letters
Of course my Libran Moon remembers Bandit. So that was Germaine’s scent…it was around the same time as The Female Eunuch. Ogg’s of Collins Street sold it.
Weeelll, there’s a list of people i would like at a dinner, date (and maybe more).
A mix of music romance design and science****sigh***** my Aquarian Neptunic Moon thinks it the perfect mix.The Baroness as a plus one for a surreal magical evening.
Happiness the personal daily was read as was getting into an overload of boring PST admin, you now the ‘send money guns & lawyers’ headfuq.
Permission now given for a cbd vape and half a peroni.
Brilliant research, your forte and exciting reading Myst.
En forme!
This was glorious. I have Aquarius moon quincunx Uranus almost exact and every bit applied to me as well. So well written!
What a summary of history & astrology. What a group of personages!!
Thank you! And yes, I should have clarified – this applies to every Moon-Uranus aspect but I selected examples with the exact conjunction as the most intense expression of the dynamic.
Ah I was wondering because my Gemini moon in the 12th opposes my Saggy Uranus in the 6th! Not exactly but dang close.
Saturn also happens to be next to Uranus. Must put a damper on things, bah! But I can definitely feel that rebellious tendency in myself!
Thanks for clarifying that Mystic. My Taurus moon 3rd house conjunct North node is trine Uranus in Virgo conjunct Pluto.
It might not be as intense as a conjunction. I am sick of conformity and bull shit. Now I know why.
I’m an Aqua rising and have them conjunct in Libra in the 9th house and totally related to Tiolet’s,”It’s a good thing nobody can hear me think.” 😝
Moon is also conjunct Pluto and sometimes it’s been exhausting- fun but constant churn
I can imagine.
I have my moon in Aquarius, sextile Uranus and a lot of this resonated!
What if your partner’s Moon is conjunct your Uranus (and Pluto)? Hang on I’ll check my cosmic compatibility.
I loved this, am a moon conjunct uranus in scorpio (very right conjunction only a couple of minutes off) with an aquarius rising, aquarius sun and aquarius south node, asteroid prometheus is also on my rising. I’m having my originality severely limited at the moment, my freedom as well, and it’s killing my soul, it was timely and powerful for me to read this, thank you mystic x
Oh no AB that sounds horrible! Can you free yourself from the situation?
Mutable – lucky you, I’m so fixed it hurts haha — i just saw this, That situation got a bit better, it improved after aqua full moon, thanks for the love xox
I have moon conjunct uranus & jupiter in sag in my 8th house. It’s influenced me to be pretty interested in lots of different things including astrology! I’ve definitely not had a boring life. Sometimes I think I could write a book about all the adventures I’ve had & can’t wait to create more.
Sounds like a juicy book that I would love to read!
Love the dive into Uranus + Moon. Listening to Charlie Parker now too, thank you. I have Uranus opposite Moon natally and currently it’s transiting and conjunct my moon. I have always been drawn to the “weird” ones – the ideas/people that do life their own way. My husband and both boys have strong Uranian aspects too. Synchronicity as a way of life, always changing, always reinventing.
Interestingly and aligned I got into a quantum physics group this year – I just don’t feel like I’m this timeline I have the time to devote to it. Have a fun quantum for kids book that teaches it with pictures. Love to have a mind bend.
So funny the synchronicity…I was *just* reading about Charlie Parker’s influence on NYC lower east side poetry.
Dear Mystic, what a coincidence or perhaps synchronicity:
I was thinking about my late maternal grandmother today who had Moon conjunct Uranus in Gemini. She was a true Aquarius rebel (her sun sign): in the conservative part of Soviet Union she was twice divorced with 2 kids by the age of 25, built a house by her saturn return, raised kids while providing for her poor relatives. I don’t really know her since she passed away tragically when I was 1, so reading this makes me feel like I’m getting to know her a little. I bet she was cool but misunderstood in our backward culture. Thank you, Mystic ❤️
So many thoughts. I have a child with Moon conjunct Uranus in Pisces/Ascendant. Watching others react; and the endless pressures to force conformity in grammar school, etc. Yeah , good luck taming lightening!
take it out from school.
Bless her/his cotton 🧦 socks.
Haha yes, I have Moon Conjunct Uranus 1 degree apart in Aquarius in my 8th house. A crazy ass life to say the least.
Oooo I loved this post! My scorpio moon (5th house) is conjunct Uranus, though I wouldn’t call myself free of bullshit- I just find my bullshit fun and interesting.