Kary Mullis, the Nobel prize winning biochemist and co-inventor of the PCR test was renowned or notorious (depending on whom you’re speaking to) for his eccentricity.
An avid psychonaut, he speculated that many of his scientific discoveries came via his home-made LSD and he had outlier views on climate change, HIV and the paranormal dimensions.
But interestingly for us, he was avidly into astrology, an interest that most commentators also put into the “crackpot” category, naturally.
This is from his autobiography Dancing Naked In the Mind Field and while obviously I can’t extract the whole chapter, he goes on to thunderously discredit the traditional scientific disdain for astrology.
“I BEGAN TO think about astrology in the mid-1960s after three strangers had correctly classified me as a Capricorn. The probability of that happening by chance is 1 out of 1,728. The first was Emma, a ten-year-old neighbor in Atlanta, where I was a student at Georgia Tech. I was walking up the steps with my groceries when she proclaimed, “You’re a Capricorn, aren’t you?” I stopped in my tracks. How did she know? I asked her how a Capricorn acts. She replied, “Like you.” If Emma was just guessing, it was a good guess….
The next time somebody came at me out of the blue with my sun sign was three years later in Berkeley. I was at a party talking to some woman and she stopped in mid-sentence. “You’re a Capricorn. I know it.” How did she know? She said it was the way I was waving my hands when I talked. And the way that I held onto the countertop when I was not waving them. I was also leaning forward, then backing off. In terms of the number of people who had told me my sign, and the number of people who had been right, that was two for two. They both could have been guessing. It’s one in twelve. Two for two on a one in twelve is one in a hundred and forty-four…
One night about a month after that party in Berkeley, I was camping by the Navarro River in Mendocino County. People were walking all around from fire to fire and some guy stood outside of our circle listening to me tell a story. When I was done, he stepped into the light and announced that I was a Capricorn. He turned around, and I called to him. “How do you know?” He turned. “Because of the way you come on, really strong and then back off. You act like one…
He left haughtily, a swagger in his step, like a goddamned Scorpio. Three for three of one in twelve—1 out of 1,728. That’s the probability of three consecutive people independently announcing your sign correctly. I was convinced that it was not a matter of chance. Those people were observing my behavior and making a reasonable estimate of my sun sign. If people can really do that from a little bit of information, then astrology is worth investigating…
“One little experiment I did was by accident. I had my chart done by a shop in La Jolla that sent your birth date, time, and place, to a company in L.A. that used a computer to do the calculations and then to select a number of paragraphs about you from a huge number that they had about everybody. It was what you would call a computerized expert system. Most of the things that the fifty-page document said about me were correct.
But some of them were entirely wrong. It turned out that the ones that were wrong were derived from my rising sign. The rising sign in a chart is sensitive to the time of birth more than anything else in the chart. It is the part of the sky that is coming up over the eastern horizon at the time and place that you are born. It changes every minute.
The computer assumed that someone would not really know what actual time he was born if he was born during World War II in America. We had an extra hour of daylight savings time. In 1944, when I was born, if your birth certificate said that you were born at 1:53 PM in December, you were really born at 12:53 PM. I knew that when I filled out the form. I put in the right time and called it EST rather than EWT. The computer figured I didn’t know what I was writing and corrected EWT to EST.
The result was that I got a horoscope that was an hour off. My moon was misplaced just a half degree to the west. Against the backdrop of the stars, the moon moves slowly toward the east, not to be confused with its apparent movement to the west caused by the earth’s rotation. But my rising sign was way off. It was Taurus instead of Aries. Being educated in these things, I was more entertained than damaged. God forbid I had been dependent exclusively on that computer to tell me about myself.
To be an Aries rising and to mistakenly think that you are a Taurus rising could cause you to conclude that you were fucking up. A Taurus rising feels himself to have physical substance, he takes care of things like a farmer, he doesn’t depend on others a lot because he knows they can’t be trusted. His humor is ironic if at all, and he is thoroughly fixed. He is a mountain. He does not pray for he knows that nothing changes. But he believes.
An Aries rising feels his oats, but not his substance. He does new things. He is alone and so he originates. He has a conscience because everything that happens is his fault, but he can behave excessively since no one else is there. He dares. He prays. But he does not believe. I knew that a mistake had been made when I read the paragraphs that were based on my rising sign…”
to me he was a down to earth kind of guy – lve listened to quite a few interviews.
he didnt believe in the covid stuff and he hated fauci. its getting political around here
Ah he’s another one like Einstein who believed imagination to be a god molecule.
HOmemade LSD? Bet he knew Owsley the ‘chemist’ from the electric kool aid acid test & the merry pranksters :-).
Always thought my rising sign to be Aqua, also done by computer program in the early 80’s but when done by hand from New Zealand late 80’s astrologers it was Capricorn. Then around same era Bernadette Brady gave a simple ‘intro to astro talk’ & was quite gosmacked at her revelations about moon placements. Many have said our mission is to learn about ourselves…astrology is a key for knowledge& have always loved Copernicus. His life story is magical how he made the lens & his rivals/peers.
When was the actual time of birth put on certificates i wonder…..mother said she remembered time as i came out feet first very Sagittarius & often proven to land on her feet.
……………..to the stars.
Fascinating. And what a smile it put on my face to read his description of Aries Rising (me and my firstborn daughter) and of Taurus Rising (my second born daughter).
But as a Capricorn moon – wow. I’m in hard (emotionally) and then I’m gone/distant. Outwardly at least. I love this verbalisation of how it feels to have that placement.
I followed the link and read he was paid a 10k bonus for his invention of the PCR test, and the company sold it for $300 million. What is in his second and eighth houses? He does have a good readability style, I’d like to read more about him
I’m thinking there’s some strong pisces in his chart
ooorr an interestingly aspected mercury with Neptune in the vicinity
ok so nope! no pisces lol. it’s a 9th house sadge mercury-mars (!) and capri sun, opposite 3rd house moon (Gemini!) and with a 6th house t square from Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron all conjunct (virgo and Libra!) holy moly this guy would have a lot to say and not be afraid to say it?
sorry! for spam. I only guessed birth time for Aries. houses could be all wrong. I’m wisely choosing sleep now
the way he writes about the signs is cool imho. it feels like a character analysis for a script, their experience of and in the world and being in their bodies relating to the world.
I appreciate how he describes Taurus rising too, that helps me understand a couple of ppl I know.
also. if I could. not every practising scientist is a hard core skeptic when it comes to esoteric information. there seems to be this idea that science people are labcoat-wearing goons who want to genetically engineer the world into a neat little tetris landscape, freeze-dry our pituitary gland(?) and beat up hippies behind the toilet block in their spare time. look ok only some of them are like that. worse are the ones from professions who have decided that they are indispensable, but in reality they are the ones who would be most useless in a zombie invasion – finance, commerce, lawyers, politics, etc
i also have a theory that aries-cap combo almost looks like aqua but I don’t know how to elaborate
Dan Schreiber wrote about Kary Mullis in his fantastic book The Theory of Everything Else: A Voyage Into the World. The book talks about a lot of scientists who had beliefs, practices, or experiences that a lot of people would not class as scientific or rational – he calls it batshit. Kary Mullis has the most batshit of all batshit, like meeting a glowing, talking raccoon that was also witnessed independently by other people!
“…the way you come on, really strong and then back off…” I have never heard Capricorn described that way, but that is the best delineation I’ve ever come across! Describes one of the most endearing/frustrating traits of a Cappy very close to my heart…
As an Aries rising, it is not the easiest ascendant placement. Maybe because it is a Mars sign, but I never understood why people will call me intimidating or say I have a powerful presence when I am just trying to make friends with them. It definitely makes you a loner in a lot of ways.
It could well be, but maybe you also have Pluto lurking somewhere – like conjunct an angle or conjunct your Sun, Moon or Chart Ruler – Mars in your case? I mention this because my 11th H Pluto is conjunct my Chart Ruler, Venus – so apparently (& i’ve been told in no uncertain terms) i tend to vibe a little intimidating/scary/intense even when thinking about fluffy kittens.
I have Pluto and Jupiter in my 8th; Venus in Scorpio exactly conjunct my North Node in my 7th, and it is part of the grand water trine in my chart. But what is most noticeable, I am told, is the initial “Aries” energy. There is a lot of “you’re so strong, nothing bothers you” that gets tossed around.
I looove Aries rising people! it frees my air and fire things to be totally themseves. the people who say you’re intimidating or whatever just aren’t for you, that’s all. While there’s something to be said for reading the room, other than that, trying to water down your bright colours would be like only using the Maserati to drive to the shops to get milk.
Thanks, I have had to get really good at reading the room. I’m Cancer moon so it isn’t super hard, but that combo of ascendant and moon can be alot at times. You’re totally on point with the Maserati!
also that astro. isn’t Pluto Jupiter (in the 8th!) a massive wealth signature? with Venus node. and the intuitive af Cancerian moon. all I see here is shake your moneymaker. are you literally Richard Branson
I know right?! I think i’ve got a case of chart envy here.
As a Taurus rising, this is perceptive. I have friends with big Aries energy that I love but sometimes I just have to step away when they’re at peak impulsive racing around! As they do with me when I’m in Taurean taking-my-time mode.
Big Aries energy…right! My Aries ex protoge is a tornado. When she visits i sit in my massage chair for the duration. Ramzilla is the word in deed 🙂
I truly respect the scientists who are open minded
loved this!
I cannot discern from this if he is an aries rising sign truly?
He’s Aries Rising, sorry. I didn’t want to quote the whole chapter although it’s so fascinating, I’m going to message the rights people to see if I can get permission.
!!!Thank you Mystic, it’s fascinating to me as well. He was born in a different year than I was, but the same day, same rising. Down a rabbit hole I go 😉
oh yes, & at 1:53 as well, yikes