Mystic’s Financial Astrology Update

This financial astrology briefing is not what I think should happen, it’s what I think will happen. Nor is what I think you ‘should’ do. It is not investment advice – talk to a certified accountant or advisor who knows your unique circumstances for that. This is my opinion, based on astrological trends and theories.

(1) Property – If you want to sell property, do it sooner or be prepared to put it off for a long time. The advantage of buying now would be that you could paint the bathroom indigo or get ten cats. More practically, you could have a garden. But if you were buying it with the hope of capital gains in the next ten years, no. It’s a comparison of rent payments versus loan interest and the upfront cost of purchasing against the downsides of renting. In this climate, both options have advantages.

To be hideously blunt, if there was a depression (a drop in GDP of 10% or more), you could more easily up and move from a rental if you needed to. Or negotiate the rent down. Your garden could be portable. But if your mortgage is reasonable/paid off, owning the place means you can turn it into a little hive of industry or fix things faster than most landlords. Whatever you’re doing, objectively crunch all the numbers and factors. There is no longer an inherent status or advantage in owning. We’re nearing the end of a Jupiter-Saturn in Earth cycle (see below) and far more innovative living solutions are the future. Eg: Ingenious forms of sharing resources.

(2) Debt  – Smash credit card debt as fast and savagely as you can humanly manage. It’s difficult because, if your work has become unviable because of CV-19 or your entire industry is at threat, credit cards and loans are not funding your ‘fun’ – they’re filling in to help with necessities. Even so, they’re a drag on your future so minimize them if you can. It’s been so long since we saw real interest rates but they can go up. Central Banks don’t want them to, of course. They are spruiking negative interest rates as ‘the solution.’ But there is a growing feeling against this style of banking and it’s not a fringe movement Read this if you’re up for an intensive, highly informative take. Interest rates rising could be unavoidable: Brilliant for savers and pensioners who live off the interest from savings, not crash-hot for people with significant debt. The upcoming Saturn-Uranus square has the feel of a clash between central-banking ideals and a return to more locally managed economies.

(3) Crypto-Currency – Investigate alternative currencies. Money, as many of you know, is not what it used to be.  Fiat currency (government-issued legal tender) is worth a lot less, because of the artificially suppressed interest rates. And banks are legally allowed to keep just a fraction of the money you deposit with them actually at call. The rest is used to ‘grow the money supply.’ Any book or article by Satyajit Das has brilliant info on all this. As interest rates are so crazily low, money deposited in the bank is not going to make any gains – a deliberate plan on the part of Central Banks wanting to encourage growth aka debt.

If you’re a Gen X or a Pluto in Leo person, you’ll recall the thrill of going into the bank as a kid and having your passbook updated to reflect the money the bank was paying you in interest. That is gone, for now. Enter cryptocurrency. It’s fast-moving (up or down) and volatile but it is not subject to fake limits. Bitcoin, the original crypto – was first mined (launched) on January 3, 2009 – with these words embedded into it as a snark at Fractional Reserve Banking: The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks. 

At that time, Jupiter was at 29 Capricorn, approaching the degree of December 2020’s Jupiter Saturn conjunction. Mercury (currency, ideas, merchants) was at 1 Aquarius, the exact point of it, and approaching the North Node in Aquarius (9 degrees). Venus and Neptune were also in Aquarius, albeit later in that sign. Taking the debut of Bitcoin as an indicator for all cryptocurrency, you can see that the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius is activating the original creation chart to a massive degree. If even one of the big ones is taken up by – say – a supermarket chain, things will evolve rapidly. Many merchants don’t accept cryptos because the value fluctuations make it tricky but there are multiple developments in the works – eg: e-commerce facilitator Stripe is backing Stellar Lumens.  For an intelligent status-quo take on cryptocurrencies and how/if they could integrate into the current system (or replace it) see this. (disclosure: I have some Ravencoin and Ripple).  I have a theory about astro-tracking some of these but I will wait till I’ve tested it some more before citing it lol.

(4) Stocks  – If you’re educated on a company or an industry and it’s not over-valued, buy some shares in it. If you don’t know what you’re doing it, stay out of it and leave it to the flash trading algorithms. I don’t have time to read the business pages as much as I want to so I just have a small amount of money in a super high-risk equities fund. Note: Not for everyone. My 2nd house is Pisces so this feels right. I know that sounds bad and the money is not ‘safe’ at all but it backs seed ventures and weird trends.

I picture the people running it as Space Dust Shamans who dabble in neuromancy and blue lotus futures. The returns are amazing but of course, the fund could go belly-up in a second. Managed funds are also handy in that if there is something weird happening – between the USD and the Yuan for example – these people will be across it. Or causing it, whatever. It is also automatically diversified. That axiom about eggs and baskets is for real. However, be aware that the Mars squares to Saturn + Pluto are full-on. The financial astrologer Ray Merriman has pointed out that the New York Stock exchange’s natal Jupiter-Neptune opposite Mars-Moon in Aries is affected by these cardinal squares all the way until 2021. If it got nutty enough, fundamentally good stocks could be down for ages.

Another line of thought which I don’t espouse but which would be crazily ahead of time – like Neptune in Aries or something – would be to invest in dystopian shares, like whatever armaments manufacturer makes Putin’s weaponry or the business owned by the biggest oligarchs with CIA links in Belarus. And, more pleasantly for ethics and utopian beliefs, micro-lending is becoming a bigger deal, especially with banks covering themselves by rejecting a lot of worthy cases. And, if in doubt, invest in  You Corp – the same vegetable garden that makes good economic sense could also enhance your health.

(5) Precious Metals – If you can get even a small chunk of gold or silver and keep it safe, why not? It’s the archetypal and most ancient method of exchange. It is also immune from bail-ins in most places. While the official line is that a bail-in (where the government takes a percentage of people’s deposits to ‘save the economy’) would be extremely unlikely, it’s the fact this legislation exists which is fuelling the rise of gold bugs and chit-chat about it. If you don’t know, a bail-out is when tax-payer’s money is used to bail out the banks and a bail-in is when they just take it from your account. This is a good explanation. But again, while it is not as volatile as cryptocurrency or some shares, gold and co are sensitive to global trends. It cannot, like interest rates, be gamed. but it’s not always logical. However, precious metals seem to do well when people don’t trust their government. There are old-fashioned theories about gold being good when there are strong Leo/Sun aspects, Silver with the Moon or the sign of Cancer, and so on. Silver rose with the North Node in Cancer but of course, enough people buying in because of these folk-associations will drive up the price.

(6) Business – I’ve covered this before in Uranus in Taurus posts, but ultimately the new economic era will be good for healers, ecologically aware businesses and agriculture, people who make or fix things, building biology, tech, art, science, and medicine + any other field that will benefit from decommodification and decentralization. The current situation is challenging and destabilizing but it is transitional. Situations are fast-moving and in constant flux. Most people are at least able to be more nimble and informed than monolithic government departments and corporations. It’s possible that Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius will see more use of digital + tech to streamline government processes – in a far more sophisticated way than anything seen to date. Fewer rorts and exploitation, more fairness, and quality support where it is actually needed.

(7) Privacy and Ideology – Consider resetting your privacy metrics and, that there could also be good business or vocational opportunities in this field. Cybersecurity and all of the associated scenes are going to be increasingly important. “Learn to code” is a cliche because it’s actually an excellent idea. The increased likelihood of weird space weather and cyberattacks is another reason gold, silver and even cash at home are becoming less fringe than they used to be. Saturn square Uranus is also a more reserved sensibility in general. Struck by not only stress and health fears but the potentially volatile nature of disagreements on health, medicine, government, and potential surveillance, people will be sharing their opinions less. We’re emotionally distancing and intellectually decentralizing. Everything is going Aquarian: many of us will feel less pressure to ‘fit in’ and naturally gravitate to people more simpatico. The mainstream is stagnant.

(8) Where To Live – Moving away from the cities is a big theme du jour and I get it. If you can work from home and can get a superior house at a saner price point further out in a regional town or similar, why not? Many first-world cities have been mismanaged, polluted, and over-developed to the point that their magic is diminished. Commercial Real Estate outside of Central Business Districts is probably the most viable form of property job for the near future. It’s too soon to know whether this is going to stick or not. If it does, then there will be a lot of J.G. Ballardian city-scapes, repurposed towers and malls turned market gardens.

The contrarian Aquarian position would be to wait till the ‘out of the city’ trend was peak-happening and then acquire a rock-bottom priced cheap triangle of city space, from an offshore corporation that just wants it gone. Another point: if you are a single person, charging off to the country or even a regional area may not be the haven you think it will be. The classic modern city neighborhood vibe with late-night shops, a culture of individuation, and privacy-respecting easy acquaintanceship may not be as possible further out.

The Monetary Metaphysics 

In 2018, I developed a dog park friendship with an extremely wealthy, self-made individual. We did not discuss money or even the economy but I asked him once which investment he recommended. “A vegetable garden,” he said. He was talking about fuel reserves and supply chain disruptions even then. I learned a lot from this guy and he was right about the vegetable garden.

The fact is that with or without Cv-19 and the associated lockdowns, job losses, government expenditure, something would have been up with the economy in 2020. The 2008 crisis was not properly remediated and wages were already at a historic low even as the stock market was at a ludicrous, artificial high and still is.

The markets and many big businesses are being propped up by taxpayers’ funds or money created out of the aether. Regardless of what you think of capitalism, this isn’t it.

Don’t Believe Artificial Highs

2020 is the scene of three major cycles that are significant in financial astrology: Saturn conjunct Pluto, Jupiter conjunct Pluto, and Jupiter conjunct Saturn. The first two were and are in Capricorn, a sign associated with the establishment, business, and governance. Uranus is in Taurus, representing currency and agriculture, among other themes.

Financial Astrology is a varied and complex scene, with many conflicting schools of thought. I am going to be doing more posts on it and some of the more compelling characters who pioneered it at a later date.

But one of the more fascinating ones was William Gann, a Gemini with Jupiter in Aquarius square Neptune in Taurus: speculative and inclined toward the supernatural. He was Moon, Uranus, and Ascendant in Leo.

He had a speed boat named The Coffee Bean, after his most successful investment. He learned to fly so he could get to certain places to play their lottery at an appointed time, wrote a science fiction story featuring his take on Atlantis, and used astrology, numerology + sacred geometry.

Trader William Gann Used Astrology, Numerology & Sacred Geometry

He is most renowned for having told all his clients to sell their stocks on the eve of the 1929 crash. Interestingly, his more famous peer, Evangeline Adams, was telling people to buy up at that point.  Gann’s charts and theories are still in circulation today but – in my opinion – often distorted by people who know a lot about finance but less about astrology and vice versa.

I’m reading all of his works and theories as primary texts as a back-up for if I can’t get to him on the astral plane and if I can confirm anything useful, I will share it.

Old-style financial astrology was often based on “rules” – almost like the ones about cutting hair if you want it to grow or a farmers almanac. Buy metals when the Moon was in an Air sign and only sell stocks when the Moon is waning. There is a heap of Vedic astrology associations of elements to commodities as well.  The relationship of oil stocks to Neptune is a sub-genre unto itself and the study of the Jupiter-Saturn cycle alone is voluminous. It’s considered the most important indicator in financial astrology in that their conjunctions – every 19.85 years – signal a new money-biz focus.

Saturn-Pluto and the associated Cv-19 situation exposed myriad defects within the neoliberal global order. It is complex and the entire episode will be argued and chronicled by historians for years to come. But astrologically, at least, the worst of it – health-threat wise – is conquered by late September 2020 (Saturn Direct) and more obviously so by Saturn back into Aquarius in December.

Astrologically, The Worst Health Threat Is Over By Saturn Direct In Late September

Jupiter-Pluto over 2020 represents the freakish, ruthless ingenuity of the billionaires who are acting like Batman villains, extracting mucho money from the system, taxpayers and earthly resources, trying to ‘shape the world’ or perform large-scale acts of epochal altruism/whacko ideas. Because apparently just paying your tax is too dull. I get it. If I was a billionaire, I’d do something about ley lines and heavy cash-strapped small governments to employ druids.

And Jupiter-Saturn on the Equinox this December is the first such conjunction in Air since the 13th Century. It’s GOOD. It represents scientific advancement and a return to valuing thinkers, culture, and ideals. We are coming out of a Jupiter-Saturn Earth cycle. Since 1802, the broad emphasis has been land, agriculture, ‘proper’ qualifications, and so on.

At the beginning of the last Jupiter-Saturn cycle in Air, King John was compelled to sign the Magna Carta, guaranteeing more rights for non-aristocratic people and bringing royalty under the rule of law. On the darker side, that era was also the Crusades and the Inquisition – both ideologically inspired ventures. It would be undesirable – to say the least – if “fact check” degenerated into “thought crime: you can’t say anything non-approved by the government.” Or billionaires and tech tycoons.

Fact Check Must Not Be Allowed To Degenerate Into Thought Crime

Jupiter-Saturn element shifts represent a new sensibility and Uranus in Taurus = currency changes, possibly to the world reserve currency or fiat currency itself. If you’re big on history, check out the Jupiter-Saturn dates here and draw your own funky conclusions. Every cycle, the second alignment is in the upcoming cycle element. Eg: Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Libra in 1980.

And, as the financial astrologer Raymond Merriman points out, in 2000, Jupiter-Saturn in Taurus (last of the Earth cycle for a long time) was square Uranus in  Aquarius. 2021 is going to be the reverse of that: Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus. These will be exciting times with loads of opportunities for growth and progressive, planet-saving initiatives. Aquarius is – loosely – ‘the people’ and Uranus = new technology.

Imagine tech and digital genius deployed to improve the existence of everyone – including animals – on the planet and create a more sustainable ecology. It is possible and as stressful as things are now, it’s a breakdown of many inequitable and illogical systems at once. Stay calm, do your research, and keep your mind/eyes open.

*For a more ‘how we got here‘ take, read this Economic and Financial Crisis Astro post from Feb 2019 or Freak In About The Economy from June of that year.

75 thoughts on “Mystic’s Financial Astrology Update”

  1. Thanks Medusa! I’ve been delving more and more into finance-ee stuff, and only just ‘got’ the concept of fiat currency (I know. Wish they taught that stuff in school.) It has no intrinsic value, and if history tells us anything, it doesn’t last long. Which is why crypto-currencies confuse me. Cryptos have no intrinsic value (and use up a huge amount of energy), and are valued relative to fiat currencies, which have no intrinsic value.

    This is where precious metals are interesting, particularly gold, which is essentially a currency (though it has wider applications) and has been around for thousands of years. Russia and China have been hoarding physical gold, and gold may end up being in the basket of currencies that will make up the new ‘world reserve currency’ managed by the IMF i.e. Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). SDRs have been around since 1969 (created in response to the weakening US dollar, and before Nixon got rid of the gold standard in 1971). I have no doubt that the gold and silver prices are manipulated to keep the price low.

    What I find really scary is the concept of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs; different to cryptos). China is trialing it now with its DCEP. Digital currencies are the ultimate when it comes control, which is why I’ve gone back to using notes and coins. Untraceable. So far. I know Australian banks are talking about a digital currency (listen to demographer Bernard Salt’s podcast with Anna Bligh). The pandemic has sped up the move towards CBDCs.

    Yes, a vegetable garden is the best investment right now… And interestingly enough, I have found a crypto which is based on physical gold and silver, like old fashioned non-fiat notes 100 years ago or so. It’s fascinating watching this financial/economic shizz unfold.

    Your insights are gold, Medusa!! Thank you.

  2. I am ALL FOR improving the existence of animals especially. We have done them wrong for too long and we humans need to recognize animals’ inherent value and right to exist and flourish.

  3. The Lion & The Centaur

    Future, innovation, biz ideas and to invest or not to invest has really been the topic today and this insanely informative article (compared to scenarios made out by future Labs I’ve been reading all day) was the cherry on top. I think in 2015 I was very interested in both buying gold and cybersecurity. I researched krugerrands and SELinux and even tought about getting rid off my digital foot print and paper trail by changing my name, changing my address to unknown and shutting down bank accounts etc. After that I got more interested in cryptocurrencies and high risk investing. Crazy to think that maybe all that was just future sensitivity? Now I don’t think what to do apart from investing in my own eco startup.

  4. William Gann is my new Gem hero, lotsa birth planets in the same places and def feeling his fortuitous vibe and wacky ways of making money (learning to fly to play the lotto). I needed a reminder that finance can be worked magically, it is hard to believe in when the day to day is distracting at the very least. My psychic workout routine needs a revamp. I Ching reading today totally humming this same tune but I’m struggling with trusting the flow. Neptune dashboard flashing but it’s like I didn’t go to flight school. Eerie post in the best way, got me thinking and needed a Mystic boost.

  5. I’m in the middle of a small Mediterranean island right now. We rode past a house for sale that had the price requested in bitcoin.

  6. This is excellent food for thought!
    My own two cents/advice:
    – Modern capitalism has generally shown us that crashes come every ten years or so, like clockwork. (Many sensible ‘suit’ types knew 2019 was already signalling a downturn.) This is a cardinal rule for any financial planning. So be on the alert around 2030!
    – A problem without an obvious solution: What do we do when cash disappears, and central banks approve negative rates, and therefore start allowing your bank to skim your money?
    – Aside from the epochal Jupiter-Saturn synodic cycles mentioned by Mystic above, I urge people to always pay attention to Saturn-Pluto cycles in macroeconomics. ‘Cosmos and Psyche’ by Richard Tarnas is the textbook on this. When Saturn + Pluto make aspects, shit reliably hits the fan.
    – Gold’s appeal as a ‘secure’ asset might be partially credible, but I think much of it has to do with nostalgia. A closer look at gold’s purchase and storage fees might dispel one’s notions about how useful it is as a liquid asset, and a hedge against inflation. Crypto might actually be better for a long-term plan, but watch out for cyber-thieves.
    – Location trends: Mystic’s comments about the veggie garden are on point. Wherever you live, consider the keys for survival: decent topsoil you can actually grow things from, adequate rainfall, and access to healthcare. Lots of people tend to forget about the rainfall/soil factors.

  7. Actually, another “prediction” and I will update the post with it later. Mars Retrograde will be when the recriminations start – you can already see hints of it now – and not just with the establishment having a crack at renegade doctors but between politicians, the statisticians, medical professionals with differing theories/treatments, big business, big pharma and so on.

    1. Anarchy is coming.Can’t lock peoples up & impinge on freedoms for this long w/o rebellion along with a blame game on everyone and everything.

      1. Right from the start this was a given. How could you possibly “know” how this virus would work it’s way across the globe. It was always going to be watch and see. I’m watching Sweden with interest. There are so many questions that need to be asked of these differing bodies. I consider it should could lead us all to the broader view that’s been missing for years !

  8. I love all of this. Have some questions though about going into debt to fortify alliances. Worth it?
    Also, your comment about ‘fact check not being allowed to degenerate into thought-crime’ really resonated. I’m seeing a lot of walls coming up between different communities over issues that were always there, but now seem so critical. It’s not even defined by left or right – more just an intolerance of other perspectives. Is this another side of Uranus in Taurus? Anyway, it saddens me, because there is so much door-slamming going on, I think people are missing out on the chance to connect with other humans.

    1. I completely agree with the door slamming vibe. Is it our internet bubbles that fortify our fragile arguments? I don’t know but I feel like so much of what I read is shouty and underscores this trend of people not being willing to tolerate different viewpoints let alone debate them and discuss. I’m personally trying to voice my unpopular opinions more lately especially if I think friends will disagree. It’s so tempting to roll my eyes and keep quiet.

      1. So many have kept quiet for so long. As long as we can know ourselves and speak from our heart and allow others to know theirs.

        1. That’s true emg. It’s sad when you find out that your friends harbour thoughts that are hurtful to other people, but at least then you know. What I’d like to see next though is some way to move forward through that so that people can learn from each other and find points of connection, and maybe even reassess what they believe. Instead what I’m seeing is friendships ending, and positions becoming more polarised. It feels like tribalism, and as Invicta pointed out the internet is definitely playing a part in it.

  9. Brilliant stuff Mystic!! The perfect New Moon read! This Saturn Pluto Jupiter in Capricorn clusterfuck has been hovering around my North Node conjunct Jupiter in Capricorn all year, and I am in bed with a fractured pelvis, that has had me in an undiagnosed/misdiagnosed world of pain for eight weeks. Bring on the end of September. I can feel the relief coming and am laying low until then.

    1. if it makes you feel less alone, I literally feel your pain. broken pelvis and smashed knee here since end of may. thank god for all sorts of painkillers, which I’m off now luckily. me too I should be in a much better place by the end of september. best wishes.

      1. Thanks Isa, it does help a lot to know I’m not alone, although I’m sorry to hear. Wishing you a safe and gentle recovery too! Take care xx

      2. Sending you healing and recovery vibes 😇 Fingers and toes crossed for much better health and wellness to you.
        I accessed my entire health record and a drug I’ve never been on, says I’ve got a dependency for. I had my medical records hacked in March this year. I’ve also discovered my Medicare card has been skimmed and it dates back to 2002 (yep the year I came face to face with the criminal stalker). Turns out the guy he stalked his victims with (he planned this too so as to keep the stalking connection going while he, the offender was incarcerated). To add insult to injury the co-driver is allegedly missing in WA, except that guy is not him. It’s beyond complex comprehension. It’s next level insanity. These days we are living are odd and perplexing. It’s a purge of the senses and a test of your resolve.

    2. I am sorry to hear about your fractured pelvis Whitehawk. I’m not sure if it helps but this year I’ve been through the medical funk-trust or misunderstood and misdiagnosis. It’s enough to do your head in.
      I hope September is indeed a much better month. Sending healing your way.

      1. Thank you so much S. I really appreciate your kind healing thoughts and you sharing your own experience. It means a lot. At the start of the year I expressed concern about a drug I was prescribed and have been repeatedly gaslighted before finding out the pain I am in is a fractured pelvis most probably aggravated by the drug. Medical funk is the word! This year has been a shit fight of calling out malpractice and shitty behaviour. Really, your empathy helps a lot right now. Sending you good healing juju and love too.

  10. forgot to say..medical censorship and misleading information is growing like a giant pyroclastic flow..stunning in it’s speed and size.

    1. Oh oh oh don’t even go there. I left my profession of 31 years because I could no longer lie to my patients and be censored constantly. It’s frightening.

  11. “Fact check should not be allowed to degenerate into thought crime”…unfortunately this is happening, especially in the medical community (internationally but especially in the U. S. and Australia), where very few health care workers dare to question,much less contradict the mainstream/ big pharma ( I put that in lower case to demphasize their legitimacy ) stance around everything covid . I find myself diving underground with a few brave souls just to get a more balanced view. VERY concerned about where this is all heading,at light speed.

    1. Yes, I was reading an intensive post by a neurosurgeon who also has a nutrition degree – about vitamin D, zinc, melatonin, GABA and influenza in general – it was ‘fact-checked’ by someone with a statement along the lines of “there are no established studies that show supplements have any effect against coronavirus.” Now the neurosurgeon was naunced and careful to state what was from his neurological training, what he’d observed in surgery – patients who did really well after something was corrected, ones who did not, what he knew from nutrition education and what was his surmisal or hunch – the ‘fact check’ had none of that – just a blunt statement by an anon. It’s creepy and it will have the opposite effect to what they intend.

      1. Back in the 90s the medical establishment scoffed at the use of Aloe vera for burns. Now it is used in hospitals for burns and for frostbite. A lot of what masquerades as skepticism is nothing more than close minded cheerleading (and sometimes flat out shilling) for big pharma/the status quo. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

        1. Exactly. But has this field learned nothing from history. How many were pilloried or even burned at the stake and a hundred years later were proved right. No evidence simply means no evidence. I have been against evidence base for years now as I saw history right from the outset. I’m not against evidence or best evidence but evidence base I’ve always argued is stagnating and ridiculous if not dangerous.

  12. Also, I think left and right are done. Although I liked Andrew Yang…Central Banking and whether or not it has had its day will be big deal of 2021, poss also E.U. and U.N – the concept of centralized and idealistic but vast organizations versus the more local but less resourced management. Globalist Versus Localist with retrogressive and progressive people on each side. Eg: Local parochial fundamentalist ‘hates foreigners’ versus local ecological person who wants more control from residents/locals. And globalist ‘no borders’ – share resources versus globalist ‘cheap labour’ and big multi-nats take over sovereign resources type. Saturn in Aqua square Uranus in Taurus.

    1. Spot on! do you know Friendly Jordies, hes really good on politics, the media and our government etc. He has been saying right and left have no meaning any more in politics for a while. A very smart man with progressive ideas.

      1. I’ve been spouting this for years. There is no us and them left and right there’s simply humans with lives to live. Equally there’s no uniform human. We are entering a new era of how we relate to each other and the shape our government (dislike this word too) has to take. Any vitriolic us and them politics just isn’t inspiring anyone. We need a completely new take on our relationships to each other.

      2. Unfortunately Friendlyjordies is also a total prick, who won’t take any criticism of his more problematic statements. He has some good vids for people who don’t really understand politics, but he isn’t as progressive as he’s made out to be.

  13. The pandemic ! Wow, talk about a game changer. Actually it’s not changing the game it’s created a new one and is destroying the old one by putting into question virtually every generally accepted economic theory or system that’s been in place for the last 30 -40 years. .Its biggest scalp so far ? Globalization, the very bedrock of current economic policy and theory. The last 30 years has seen it become the key driver of global economic growth , via free trade agreements, global supply chains … spruiked by politicians but ultimately leading to a shift in power from nation states to global corporations. Globalization was seen as an answer to the inefficiencies of country scale production and the high cost to consumers of trade protectionism, depicted as propping up old inefficient industries controlled by parochial trade unions that constantly caused problems.

    In short the pandemic has broken the legs of globalization and in doing this pretty much changes everything else. It’s the vehicle we’ve all bought into and it’s demise asks many questions but as yet few answers.
    As usual when one system is in its death throes we start to jump to the extreme opposite
    Eg Policies in Australia are already being developed to make us more self sufficient and less dependent on global trade partners that unsurprisingly are demandIng political and philosophical allegiance with their trade.
    What I’m suggesting here is that every issue you have addressed above must be passed through this death of globalization filter.

    Eg house prices are high in Sydney because they have been bolstered by globalization policies. What happens now when the market shrinks to locals ? They decrease.
    While house prices for properties in sea change / tree change towns are starting to increase as the value of cities declines.

    My point here is that each suggested potential outcome of these changes you’ve listed will become much more specific to your location, age, skills etc and can’t really be broadly correct or incorrect.
    Just as no one predicted or let’s say understood what effect the pandemic would have we will now have to live with an acceptance of uncertainty. Uncertainty is not easily remedied and effects our lives in every waking minute. In many cases it paralyses and this ultimately creates a society of sitting ducks, vulnerable to every passing wind.,

    And there are other major unexpected shifts

    Such as the once rampant centralization of populations in cities for higher wages and more work opportunity. Now ? Well now people have recognized that these concrete jungles are pretty much superfluous to requirements . Wtf are we going to do with all that prime CBD office space ? It’s a problem but also an opportunity.

    And that’s how I’ll complete my rave. With some positivity.
    I think there are incredible opportunities for people who understand that uncertainty is often the first step in the process of personal liberation. The first step in deciding what is right for you as opposed to being swept along by the prevailing winds created by grand economic theories and the powers that be.

    Can I also say the idea of profiting without productivity must end. Gold investment , Bitcoin futures, Financial services finagling … don’t talk to me about share price speculation. Just look at the PE ratio of most publicly listed shares. That ratio Price / Earnings is in many cases 20 /30 /50 which means that the price of the share is actually 20 / 30/ 50 times its actual earnings. Hello.
    Lets get back to profiting from ventures that actually produce something of value.
    Lastly a positive statistic
    In 2019 7,000,000 people mostly from developing nations died from pollution ( mainly nitrous oxides etc) and a variety of other climate change related pollution.
    Due to the Covid shutdowns it is believed that in 2020 that figure will be approx 3,500,000 , half.
    So far the pandemic virus has killed approx 600,000 ? people and saved 3,500,000. Thanks for that Covid

  14. acquire a rock-bottom priced cheap triangle of city space, from an offshore corporation that just wants it gone.💯

  15. Re armaments: manufacturers are globalized and supply to anybody with the cash regardless of whether they are semi-legit states or not and if you have any money in a big 4 bank (for those in oz), or you own shares in them you are already investing in armaments manufacturers because the big 4 all invest in them, loan to them, and three of the big 4 invest in manufacturers of nukes. Dystopia is here and now.

  16. OMG this is worth the wait. Thank you. Need a few hours with this but just a reply to #1.Have always rented as long ago thought it would work the same as owning financially sans security. In the 1970’s a woman couldn’t get a house loan w/o parents guarantee or a husband, a few women married gay men so as to own property! Wondered with house ownership about plumbing, electrician the extra hidden costs with the mortgage, even renting out if travelling is constricting. Another independent woman, a Capricorn friend DID buy 20 years ago now paid off, having to DIY leaking roof, grouting in shower, redoing woodwork and more. Bunnings is her best friend. Now wants to sell for a country sea change but with another 10 years of worklife makes it challenging, though the sale would set her up for life on a strict budget. Have not regretted buying as now have free maintenance and security for life in housing association in the best & largest property in the street.Which one of us is better off i wonder?

  17. Great post! I have been lucky enough to be able to work overtime and my goal is to clear my debt and be done with it. It has been a long hard battle.

    1. Hmmm, in fact everyone alive today is related to everyone that was born after 1000AD. Obviously it takes a lot of time and money to document it but anyone could claim the same connection. The story is true so that’s good, but chooses to omit information that would explain such bizarre statistic

  18. Your comment about lifestyle and singles in a big modern city cf a regional place is true in my own experience. I moved in 2017 to the northern beaches. I loved being near the beach but found the place socially closed off if you weren’t part of a couple.

    1. I knew a woman as an acquaintance but we talked a lot – anyway she was a Saggo architect, single, very smart and one of those people who are super-spiritual AND scientific – moved to Noosa – nature, eco, lifestyle (if anyone knows America and Australia, please provide USA equivalent for perspective here) and was super excited.

      I saw her again the other day and she is BACK here in city, move up and then back cost s**tloads: she felt excluded and that she’d taken for granted the metropolitan or cosmopolitan – whatever it is – ease/non-issue with lifestyle choices + willingness to dive into any topic & yack it up.

      1. Noosa-raised here-LA has plenty in common (but with way more diversity and less of a homogenous culture).
        I’ve been living in country Vic for the past five years, but as a result of being single this year, I’m definitely heading back to the city; friends, going to shows, cultural events, different people and food, lots of new ideas and that sensual anonymity only cities afford.

        1. love the way you put it, ‘that sensual anonymity only cities afford’ and all the rest too of course (the culture, the food, etc.). north node in gemini has been driving me towards cities all my life.

          1. North node in Gemini here, too (nodal return for us now!). I grew up in rural USA and liked it but as an adult must live somewhere with at least 250,000 or more people (preferably 500,000 or more). My Virgo stellium (so I say) makes me quite happy to live a largely solitary–selectively social–life and living in a US East coast city is great for me. “Sensual anonymity” indeed.

        2. City life is fabulous. It takes a certain type to live in the wilds or in very specific communities. I’ve lived in capital cities and loved it and in the wilds of remote Scotland. I can say I love them both but have found a patch of heaven in a hill village in Italy but only 15km from the Riviera coast line. Win win win. I’m cheating a bit though. I also live/work part of the year in France and have business connections in the uk. I think my Gemini IC is to blame.

            1. No. I live in the village on my six months recovery. Post work then when work starts I bat off back to the circus that is st Tropez for six months mayhem. My life is a huge whirl wind then utter peace. Then huge whirl wind peace. And so on.

          1. I went to a North Italian village, on holiday last year and dreamed of living this very same way; it’s entirely possible somewhere like France, Italy or, Scotland but I fear it takes advantage via swathes of polarised economies. Also relies heavily of transport by car, something I foresee as having zero benefit future-wise but if it works for now, it is to be enjoyed no? tres romantic. I did get a glimmer of the hilltop Italian local scene slightly paralleling UK soap opera, Crossroads.. just with a smidge more leisurely domestic abuse. Be careful x

      2. Was around at the beginning of the shift north. It started in ’72 with the ‘woke’ trendy hippies being advised to head to Queensland by a visiting guru who had links to Findhorn. The Melburnians headed to Noosa and the Sidney-siders, and those already at Avalon-Palm beach, to Byron Bay where a farm house on 200 acres could be rented for $40 a week. The joke about Byron then was ‘the locals were all inbred’.It was founded on drug money, surfers who travelled to Cali and brought back LDS in surfboards and Ganga from Indonesia’s waves.The some well known TV personalities put Byron in the spotlight sadly and mainstream wanted a piece of the action, land prices started to escalate. The Melburnians that went to Noosa were wealthier to start with, the hippies that shopped in South Yarra and wore 18 carat bracelets not beaded ones and made money ripping off the Balinese temple doors and artifacts. So if you know the history of how those 2 places were populated, elitism is unacceptable I know their grandparents secrets 🙂 Those avocado and tomato plantations they started made much more money than market prices…lol.

  19. Thank you MM.
    It is an interesting time and doing your own skip trace on every piece of advice is necessary. I was just doing a 12 card reading and your post is here to help me navigate the financial landscape.

    I’d like to harness the synchronicity of creative collaboration in line with arts and healthcare reform (while it being trauma informed and focuses on the individual’s adaptive journey through the grief and loss cycle).
    In Australia, we are still going back to the forecast modelling of John Howard (going by memory here was 2001, 2002/2003 era). Not making a political statement here, just looking into what has changed and what hasn’t changed.

    Data collection is still a big player and cyber crime is nothing new, only it’s impact is attracting and netting many more. I recently updated my online subscriptions to ATO, legal databases and scam alerts.

    My personal takeaway I have from the hell of this year is that we must future proof our intelligence and if you have a gut instinct to back off, then take that pause for your own cause. You can have a tonne of money or very very little it’s about personal integrity. To survive and ultimately thrive there is adversity for all and the self-actualised dignity of risk is an imperative calculation.

  20. BRILLIANT!!! I love this and so much of it rings true. We are ultra-fortunate that you share access to your brilliant mind Mystic!!!

    1. Wow thank you! I was super conscious that of course everyone reading has different concerns – like if you have/had a corporate job in the central biz district and you are trying to home school a toddler, it’s very diff to me working at home as usual.

      And, it’s interesting as my neighbors are both in medicine – a geneticist and a bacteriologist – + my cousin is the Virgo Forensic Pathologist I have mentioned before. Their careers are going wild – heaps of new money flowing in, loads of cross-collaboration that did not happen before, crazy hours but good pay, competitive instincts and intellectual focus revitalized etc.

      But i was talking to a woman at the dog park (my dog park conversations are beyond epic – Mercury in 3rd house) who was under enormous stress as her partner a pilot who is laid off, along with 1000s of others and she has a new baby + toddler. Her time off after the baby was born has become crazy hours to keep all the balls in the air and you can imagine the stress factor of being a person extremely well trained for one thing that you can’t just ‘do yourself at home’ + losing that flying life, the identity etc. Her take was that when all of this pandemic info is collated and analyzed, including the response, they will conclude that the damage on mental health, domestic abuse and social dysfunction will far outweigh anything the CV19 could unleash.

      But god, I am still in awe of Uranus in Taurus – Even leaving aside Saturn-Pluto and neo-liberalism etc, here we all are, eating at home, cooking more, baking, gardening and all. I am going to come back and report re William Gann though – the only financial astrologer I had ever heard of previously was Evangeline Adams, who apparently advised JP Morgan. But she lost credibility by advising people to pile into the stock market in the weeks leading up to the crash. Whereas Gann interpreted the same data quite differently. It is also complicated by the fact that Gann – tricky Gemini – apparently provided people with fake formulas to show his working as he did not want them stolen.

      1. This is a great piece MM. The family dynamics is shifting and the recovery will be similar to say Seasonal Affective Disorder (light therapy and melatonin etc), Generalised Anxiety and PTSD. I feel a lot of empathy towards many of us whom are doing it tough. Incredibly thoughtful, intelligent and beautifully written MM.

        The cryptic Gemini bait n switch, very clever indeed. For me I’m learning to understand my Gemini Mum. A tough women whom was never able to behaviour modify. She would escape and start again. Thus I’m a walking DSM from my first diagnosis, (confirmed by my therapist) Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and that was in response to her own unresolved trauma. She still doesn’t believe the diagnosis that disputes her original one from her Naturopathic Doctor from the 80’s.

      2. agree with your dog park new acquaintance re the not-so-hidden psychological aftermath of covid 19. I’ve been saying this from day one in march, and also thinking of all the people who will take their own lives due to being too broke themselves or not being able to pay their employees anymore (in italy unfortunately it happens during all financial crises). sorry to add such a tragic note.

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