Weekly Horoscopes from September 24 2022


Your ride is here. Energized by the Spring Equinox, you opt for a new season look or lover and bat away offers from last-era’s rickety business or romance models. Another one for the archives: dynamics where some twerp miscasts your objectivity as apathy. Mercury’s backtrack into Virgo revives an evidently undead dialogue or dull but persistent problem. This time, however, you glean unprecedented insight and enough material for a definitive fix over October.


You’re a month away from Halloween’s Solar Eclipse in Scorpius. While this is not an ultra-gothic total eclipse, it’s dramatic enough for a high-energy morph on your part. This is the prep-phase: for the next four weeks, the astro backs candid realism re relationships and the exploration of new avenues for your ambition. For additional perspective, this Eclipse echoes the one in October 2004 and may also re-invoke the weirding from late 2012.


Mercury turns Direct on October 2 and traditionally, the last few days of this tricky astro-passage are when you’re most likely to hex yourself, black-hole vital data or saunter into conversational quagmires. However, Monday till Saturday features such fantastic Mars-Saturn synergy that you practically have to go with it. It’s brilliant for business, enterprise and Sagittarian cogency: you can zoom forward on this. Just remember to think before you click.


You’re beginning to feel the benefits of Mars in Gemini. You may not have been delighted at the prospect of such an antsy influence in your solar 8th house – the realm of sex, debt and metaphysics. In fact, you’ve probably been whirring around in a financial frenzy since this astro-trip began in August. But now? You get it. The economic poles are flipping and commerce has never been crazier; this wily, trigger-trend-sensitive Mars vibe aids prosperity.


Monday’s New Moon delivers an epic endorsement of your instincts or latest trend forecast. Whatever arrives, you can use it to help set your emergent philosophy. Your surface exterior may seem low-key ‘cyber-frump’ at the moment but that’s just a side-effect of Saturn in your sign. You’re actually getting in cognitive shape for your power base of the future: Pluto in Aquarius. Still, Shun all forms of financial impulse from Sept 28 until October 2.


December and January dangled tantalizing romantic or creative prospects in front of you but it was a strange time. Yes, even by this decade’s standards. You probably couldn’t pursue them because you had dystopian drama to manage or had to haggle with trolls. Eight months later the terrain is clearer and even if not, you’re a zillion times more lucid. So when Venus and Pluto re-activate that promising vibe – from Sept 25 to 27 – you’ll be receptive!


Whether you’re in love, a holding pattern or merely managing expectations, this week’s Mars-Saturn alignment helps to solidify Aries relationships. It’s a force for stability, favoring commitment pacts (signatures and details can wait until after Mercury Direct on Oct 2) and clean, delineated communication. If you’re frustrated by floopy structures or evasive phantasms that masquerade as your ‘partner’, rejoice. Attractions and loose arrangements are also turning pro.


The Jupiter-amped New Moon – on Monday but influencing the seven days following – revitalizes your health ambitions. If psyche and mind have been estranged or barely on speaking terms, that alters in a zap of genius. The upside is obvious – stronger resolve, rad realizations, potentially good outcomes and fantastic recommendations. If there is a downside, it would be the logistics: you can no longer ignore instinctive prompts re specific scenarios.


Whatever your most cogent, self-taught lesson of 2021 was – crystallize it into your guiding credo for late September and October. The fixed sign grind of Saturn versus Uranus is tricky for fluid, mutable you to flow with but you already have the intel you need. Retain it and you thrive. Mars in your sign is now aligned with Saturn until October 1, giving you a valuable ‘in’ with a phenom or person who can help you establish or scale something worthwhile.


Hekate in your sign till January is very ‘animal medium’ and ‘plants talk to me’ in nature. While you may like a shadow journal, invisibility cloak and magical wolf escort, you can translate your upgraded supernatural consciousness to material or mundane accomplishments. Not seeing your instinctive self or esoteric interests as a side-hustle is a brilliant start. Monday’s New Moon illuminates this precise paradigm, pay attention and make notes.


The New Moon rejuvenates your charms and the rapport between you and a specific someone. It’s also the start of a contradictions-laden lunar cycle so prepare to pivot in the moment or deftly juggle oscillating factors. If you’re trying to decide between a distinct philosophical stand and a more reasoned approach, the latter is prudent. With Jupiter amplifying your Vision Sector at the moment, you can slide into fanatical mode without realizing it.


We are living in a mercurial world – particularly you. People are relishing your on-zeitgeist theories and ability to spin up super-relevant responses. Some are even starting to like your in-the-moment grammatical interventions. Simply being you is about to become more profitable. In intimate realms, retro- Mercury meets Venus from Sun to Tues, raising your prospects for sudden onset sensuality, depth-charged dialogue and/or sped-up self-realization.