Weekly Horoscopes From July 30 2022


Leos don’t have delusions of grandeur, they have aspirations of grandeur. Yes, even now. Background volatility and weirding aside, this week’s Mars-Uranus convergence supercharges your resourcefulness and raw creative powers. If you need others onside or dazzled, July 31 until August 3 is optimized by an expansive, fortunate Sun-Jupiter alignment: it’s a sex, art and charisma tonic for Leos. Arieans are awed.


Your analytical and observation powers don’t need further honing but they’re about to be zapped up anyway. Messenger God Mercury’s mid-week move into Virgo is more complex than it seems and so are circumstances or cryptic messages that arrive between Aug 3 to 5. Cue font analysis, Fibonacci numerology and more bandwidth for high-volume research. Curate the details and you win everythi


Your ‘whims of steel’ are never as random as they seem. They’re not even that whimsical; most of your so-called impulse moves are homeostasis. Equilibrium isn’t a Libran ideal – it’s necessity. This week’s bold moves bring you back into balance with cosmos and psyche. The implosion of people’s tedious preconceptions regarding you is just a bonus. A luminous Sun-Jupiter trine lends additional charisma.


Futuristic Uranus conjunct the profound Moon’s Node in your relationship sector this week is unlikely to manifest as a one-off event. Rather, it’s the start of a 15 week ‘weird love’ saga that culminates over the Eclipse Season that runs from Halloween till mid-November. New arrivals and incoming messages or news are part of a broader, more intricate fate matrix. Possibility: It echoes the late 2003 weirding.


Your psyche is perma-set to ‘roam’ mode yet your everyday paradigm has been anything but that. This week’s pattern-breaking astro alters set-in-place protocols, even settings you thought were inalterable. Small shifts or micro-realizations, if acted on with alacrity and style, spark rapid, flamboyant evolution. The Sun-Jupiter alignment (July 31 to August 2) favors audacity: set subtlety or escapist schemes aside.


Prepare for an influx of new money, regenerated romance and/or sudden creative impetus. Whatever form this rare astro-largesse arrives in, the trick is to recognize and act on the opportunity as it arrives. You can’t rely on the phenom being obvious or even conventional: this is a Uranian influence so the weirdness is more or less locked in. It may even be an aspiration you’ve had in mind since early 2018.


Saturn in your sign has benefits: you’re unlikely to be delusional or extravagant with time and money, for example. But it’s also a drag on your Aqua momentum – you’d zap around some bolts of genius but first you need to renew your lightning license or you’ve got R.S.I. This week’s astro helps to counteract multiple mundane limitations – the only condition is that you’ll need to be bold and upfront with all of it.


Pisceans never say ‘I told you so.’ They forget their prophecies pretty much on utterance or, if they do recall, are content with an inscrutable smirk. But as this week hypes your instincts and feel for the zeitgeist to unprecedented highs, consider securing more credit/$$$ for your perspective. Warrior God Mars aligns with iconoclastic Uranus till Aug 5, scrambling and regenerating your communications.


Amidst an astro-climate characterized by slow-movers and fixed zodiac signs, a miracle occurs. The Leo New Moon feeds into a fabulous high-beam, wide-aura grand Fire trine between the Leo Sun, red star Antares and Jupiter in Aries. It’s most potent from Sunday to Tuesday, a portal of opportunity and the most likely zone for great news. With focus, you spring out of a rut and into a fresh financial realm.


Your ruler Venus sextiles Mars in Taurus from August 1 to 5. This astral aphrodisiac sets the scene for harmonious relationships and genius aesthetic instincts. Yet as your allure or the potential for quality intimacy trends up, reflect on this: The config also pulls in the more influential Uranus + Moon’s Node in your sign. This week’s romantic, creative and style scenarios are a profound grounding for the future.


The Sun-Jupiter trine lights up your social and messaging matrix, bringing you back into alignment with a particular person or scene. It’s super-beneficial and an early indicator of upcoming developments. An unusual message, insight or invitation between July 31 and August 2 will be the initial catalyst. You’re also churning through an array of subliminal and psychic material via strange, meaningful dreams.


With Cancerian romance influenced by a rare alignment of Uranus and the Moon’s Nodes, the mating and dating synchronicity is humming. It’s a big week for weird space weather, encountering fantastic new people and daring tangents within existing relationships. You can also further fate-underwritten friendships and enterprising, prosperous alliances with like minds. BTW: Your inner critic just retired.

Image: Frans Vans Lamsweerde – Leo