May Monthly Horoscopes

Never mind Mercury Retro but lay off any louche commitments or lust-generated deals. While you may begin the month in a light stupor of suspicion and conspiracy hypothesis as Pluto turns Retro, you’ll rally magnificently with Jupiter into Taurus on May 16/17.

That’s right – old Optimus Maximus graces your sign from mid-May until May 26 2024. Jupiter has a unique affinity with Taurus and while you also enjoyed this abundance-enhancing influence over 2011/2012, you didn’t have the advantage of Uranus in Taurus then.

You’re in expansion mode from the New Taurus Moon on May 19/20, thundering toward a primal peak prosperity and fulfillment climax in April 2024 – the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction at 21° Taurus.

Fortunately you’re good at thinking in vast tracts of time and exerting sensational patience. Tap into that genius as you there are some gnarly influences to manoeuvre around this month: you’re well-buffered for the Lunar Eclipse on May 5/6 but be ready to help less robust people or situations in your orb.

The Jupiter-Pluto square from May 14 to 22 is potentially super enriching if you can finesse ego conflicts and exit strategies. Anticipate the opportunity for desirable but organizationally difficult morphs.

Yes, you had enough of fixed sign fuqery over the Saturn-Uranus square of 2021 but that pressure ground out over months. May’s zap zone is more concentrated so it won’t set in and become deeply dull.

The flashpoint potential is most prevalent between May 19 and 27, with Mars in your (solar) comms sector agitating Jupiter and Pluto. This is a phase for the Machiavellians – hover and learn if poss but don’t stuff around trying to win a mini-skirmish.

You have a kind of ‘cheat code’ for success between now and 2025: Neptune, your core career influencer for over a decade, is in alignment with the Galactic Center. This can materialize as incredible bonds formed via work or business, power-alliances and something akin to cosmic aid for genuine vocations.

Consume cynicism-enhancing material in micro-doses if at all and resist being recruited into power-broker’s snark battles. From May 21 to 24, the Gemini Sun trine Pluto in Aquarius favors your instincts and appeal over any adversity.

Jupiter in your soul sector for a year from mid-month is the precursor to Jupiter and Uranus in Gemini (!) AKA high-velocity reinvention of money, romance and inspo. You’re refining your telepathic talents and spiritual practice in preparation.

Your high emotional intelligence means the Lunar Eclipse Full Moon (May 5/6) is less likely to surge and surprise you than it is others. But watch the subliminals -the most problematic desires or grudges will be the ones that hum along beneath the surface.

Venus is approaching maximum brightness and in your sign from May 7/8 until June 5, sharpening your style focus and zooming in on relationships of all types.

Mars in sublime alignment with Neptune from May 14 to 17 sets transcendental love or enterprise in motion and Venus-Neptune from June 2-4 takes it further.

However, May has two distinct challenges that would benefit from the canny Cancerian strategy nous:

(1) You could be working toward an ‘upset win’ or a complacency-jolting invention/hypothesis. If so, keep it hush-hush until Mercury is Direct and perfecting its productive link with Saturn: May 18/19. You’d still irk people but you’d also impress the ones who matter.

(2) A banger of a Mars-Jupiter-Pluto-Nodes conflict config is in effect from May 14 to 26. For you and the other Cardinal signs – Aries, Libra and Capricorn –  it’s most likely financially themed. Maintain tight focus on both the obvious mundane money scenarios and associated emotions plus relationships.

You’re on the verge of a four-month-long Venusian love extravaganza and enhanced art/commerce fortunes but first, May needs distinct protocols.

Clear space literally and metaphysically for the Full Moon Eclipse on May 5-6. This may be insightful in a deep-time, family psychic inheritance, unearthed secrets way and it can even be domestically profound.

But fend off potential fuqery by not indulging house-guests, hostile or flaky family members or even questionable objects of dubious provenance. There is no day in May that suits the acquisition of antiques or impulsive esoteric bling.

Jupiter in Taurus mid-month initiates one of your strongest and most beneficial career and public profile cycles on record: it also squares off with Pluto in your relationship sector plus Mars in Leo. May 19 to 23 is the major flashpoint to be aware of – only initiate  dispute at this time if you’re prepared to follow through and you’re buffered against any potential consequences.

You may need to deal with partnership fracas as you also maximize suddenly manifesting work demands/opportunities or vice versa.

Extremely lucrative and/or emotionally fulfilling phenoms zap into your orb in the last week of May – don’t miss them because of the broader atmospheric turbulence.

Mercury Retro in your vision sector may scatter the macro picture and Virgos can auto-respond to existential pressure by going all in on the micro-focus. Add the melodramatic intensity of Eclipse Season and you’re edging into May like it’s an espionage operation and your prime goal is to accomplish the mission without being detected.

This is a fantastic protocol until May 7 and with Pluto in Aquarius, you can successfully tech up your sleuthing and tradecraft. However, Jupiter arriving in your simpatico Earth sign Taurus mid-month is something else.

Trending Up: Travel, long-distance love scenarios with Taureans or very Venusian people, ambitious knowledge-gathering initiatives and well-planned self-development. If there are obstacles,they probably come from Saint Virgo complex – the belief that it’s incumbent upon you to strap yourself to the masthead of a job, relationship or role and stay put.

The benefits of May’s second half come with turbulence but for you, it will be a mostly cognitive churn. Your ruler Mercury is in sync with Saturn from May 10 to 22, suggesting that a partner/potential partner is ruminating on their future with you behind the scenes until Mercury Direct on May 15/16.

Then, with Hekate supporting timely decisions and wisdom at crossroads, a profound conversation or piece of news is likely to occur by the 22nd.

In Evening Star mode till August, your ruling planet Venus is also approaching maximum magnitude. Anticipate solutions and insights into everything from unfinished flirtations and unsolved mysteries to creative blocks or the Elgin Marbles.

Financial fantasists are a liability ahead of the Lunar Eclipse in your money sector – May 5/6. In fact, if last Halloween’s cash flashpoint Full Moon didn’t reveal miscalculations, s or fiscal vampires, this one most likely will.

Keep resources close at hand and resist generous impulse until at least mid-month. Compulsive giving or the irrational feeling that you owe people is part of your risk paradigm for May and June.

Besdies, fresh biz opportunities with Venus in your (solar) vocational sector from May 7/8 till June 5 will require more resources. Attention to branding, aesthetics and image returns outsize rewards by early June.

The Jupiter-Pluto square from May 14 to 22 references rad moves you made from October 2016 until October 2017. Why?! Jupiter in Libra spent that year either squaring Pluto or opposing Uranus, the Aquarian planet.

Conjure up the coolest concepts and rapport of that year for a flash insight into maximizing the neo-Pluto-in-Aquarius era.

The Full Moon Eclipse in your sign – the last for this decade – permeates the first eight days of the month and infuses your aura with hyper-scorp allure. As Venus is in sync with Jupiter yet at odds with Neptune over the Eclipse, you could shimmy into treacherous terrain if you’re not vigilant.

Protocols: Don’t assume other people are as adept in the depths as you are. Pretend Mercury Retrograde is a by-law in a druidic city that you’re staying in and don’t commit to things. Be blunt rather than oblique – it will avoid confusion.

The Mars-Neptune alignment from May 14 to 17 includes Ceto, the Sea Monstress, in Scorpio. Great visionary feats or the realization of a particular goal prompt a necessary psychic release – a pent-up phantom emotion that you may not have perceived before.

If practical seek the ocean, spring water or salt baths mid-month and re-find Scorpius – your constellation – in the night sky. Neptune square the Galactic Center for the next year and a half makes you more galactically switched on but now you know that you want to integrate it into your material and romantic realms.

Both the lone astral nomad and ‘maintaining mystique even within a relationship’ identity are less appealing than they used to be. Jupiter in your (solar) house of love for a year from May 16/17 is big merger energy.

Pluto turning Retro on the eve of the decade’s last Scorpio Eclipse arouses Saggo restlessness and deja-vu. Trying to nonchalantly wave away profound plutonic realizations is rarely a successful strategy – even for you.

What’s more going with them is a better fit with the galactic Venusian vibe in your relationship sector – significant relationships are developing more cosmic dimensions and your aptitude for serendipitous encounters is back. But interstellar intimacy potential of May 3 to 8 is only attainable via the psychic turbulence and possibly uncomfortable reflections.

Mercury Retro is also onside, inspiring uncharacteristic clean-and-sort benders that also contribute to a baggage drop-off. Minutiae and revamps spark epic ideas that will fuel the extraordinary Leo presence in your solar 9th house: Lilith is already there, Mars joins mid-month and then Venus will spend from June till mid-October there.

Think flamboyant publishing, junkets, creations, journeys and hypotheses. It’s a stimulant for love on the fly and high-end brainiac stimulus. If you need to fund something hot and expansive, make the first reach out between May 24 and June 6, when your ruler Jupiter is on the metaphysically potent Moon’s Node.

Then scope out the deal and dazzle the people who need bedazzling over June: Mars and/or Venus will be in alignment with Lilith for most of that month.

Reserve May 19 to 23 in your calendar for anything but haggling and negotiations where you may not have an unassailable position. It would suit a silence retreat or a covert staycation scenario. The occasion? Mars will oppose Pluto and challenge Jupiter newly in Taurus, aka your hottest new asset.

Barge into battle or an enterprise without supreme confidence and you could undermine the emergent creative consciousness + love prospects. Note that Jupiter arrives mid-month and for you, it will gradually build up impetus until April 2024’s fantastic Jupiter-Uranus conjunction.

This is officially over-the-top for fecundity (in traditional astro), business ventures that you generate with raw passion/talent/charisma and dizzifying romance – not necessarily grounded in a pair-bonding paradigm but super-stimulating. So the ideal is to not divert your focus by falling for baits, lures and Mars fracas.

So when is your strongest date for discussions and negotiations if needed? May 16-18. It’s an exact sextile between Mercury and your ruler Saturn that would usually only last for a few days. But in this case, Merc Retro means you have from May 10 to muse on a topic or tactic.

Emerge with the apt words and clarity as Mercury turns Direct on May 15/16, wow with your eloquence and then scram to score space over the gnarly Mars-Pluto days.

May 24 till June 4 is your cue to scry the future chez Aqua and/or cultivate the person/people who may assist with a real estate scenario. It’s maximal synchronicity – Jupiter conjunct the Moon’s Node in your home sector so you don’t need to invent an algorithm to scope this out.

Housewitchery, however, will help and no doubt your dreams will also regale you with the underlying psychic saga. Mercury Retro in the same zone that lucky Jupiter is about to zap up with auspicious energy is helpful in that your mind is on all your residences, rambling through your past and pulling together stray threads.

This plus spooky unease from Pluto turning Retro in your sign may feel un-Aqua but Scorpios like you more and the heaviness lifts after the Eclipse on May 5/6.

The Jupiter-Pluto square from May 14 to 22 evokes the self-determining, transformation-tripper aspect of Pluto which may seem too intense for your ethereal, detached-from-everything Air persona. However, if there is a defunct aspect of your persona or relating repertoire – perhaps even a certain look – this makes the let-go simple.

Augmenting your psychic base is a brilliant preparation for the extended sanctuary-securing transit of Jupiter in Taurus – May 15/16 2023 until May 26 2024. If romance is problemetic or flat-lined, banish all thought of it till June, when Venus will be in Aquarian love guru mode for several months.

Mars in your fitness and nutrition sector from May 20/21 is the time to re-ignite (or spark for the very first time) your passion for unreal, fuq-off, wow-factor health morphs. By the time Mars vacates on July 10, Venus will be in residence for her longest non-stop stay since 1812.

Lilith is already there, adding an anarchic ‘strength gains are renegade’ tone and Saturn in your sign is giving you a fresh appreciation for structure.

This is the best window of opportunity for recovery and wellness in ages. As Leo is your solar health sector, you’re often motivated by vanity, a gigantic crush or fabulosity – a theme.

Go ahead and indulge this, even if you imagine a scene for effect – you’re responsive to magic not metrics.

Mercury is Retro in your comms sector till mid-month so remember that people may not be as comprehending as they seem – follow up emails or even actual physical mail for things gives you a chance to roll out a little  stationery obsession and will provide a new level of serenity.

Jupiter in earthy Taurus helps to ground overly nebulous dialogue and rapport but not until late May. Most importantly this month, it means incoming messages between May 24 and June 6 are potentially super auspicious.

Taurus time is often when you’re inspired to buy, sell and flex commercial muscles but Mercury Retro till mid-May makes such activity less optimal. It is, however, the sort of strange energy when you could be strolling down a back lane and discover a genuine discarded treasure.

The serendipity, you and ‘things’ matrix is lit up all month. Even if you don’t find an actual object, pay attention to investment instincts, dream messaging and repeating signs.

Even though Pluto will retrograde back into Capricorn in the second half of the year, the Pluto in Capricorn economy (2008 on) is ending and Jupiter is in your $$$ sector for a year from mid-May. You can’t spend your best money astro in over a decade referencing off an era that’s winding down.

Even though it would be fab for you to feel your way into this, the way an actual Taurus would – no: Jupiter in your $$ sector squares Pluto and pulls in Mars – your ruler – from May 14 till 22. Tactically recall your 2021 lessons and don’t try to alter stuck people or paradigms.

Do: work your strengths – velocity, quick uptake and the ability to perceive the path ahead when others cannot. The May 5/6 Eclipse and the Jupiter-Pluto paradigm are both rich in indicators – watch carefully!

Featured Image: Miguel Canals

1 thought on “May Monthly Horoscopes”

  1. omg…VERY interested in the jupiter-uranus conjunction next april…it is EXACT opposite my sun…and im toro rising 🐂🦂💕

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