What Is A Lower Neptunian?

What is a Lower Neptunian? They’re people with a strong 12th House, Neptune, or Piscean influence who are misusing their magical charm and intuition. They’re Chaos Addicts, Future Fakers, Grifters, and Energy Vampires.

They sell phantom fulfilments; buy dreams now – pay in regrets later. You know you’re dealing with one when you try to define specifics, and they emit a fine-mist of nebulous dissembling. But if they are charming enough, even that can seem appealing. It’s only later, once you and your bank account have gotten to know them, that you perceive the mist as more of a toxic fog.

They’ll come across as rogues in need of redemption or refugees seeking sanctuary. If one of the fabulous futures they conjure up for you both fails to materialize, they’ll make another mirage. Money evaporates in their presence, like a dream at first light, and their promises are set to auto-destruct.

Their Promises Are Set To Auto-Destruct

They’re big fans of short-cuts and cover-ups: ‘clarifying’ eye-drops to feign wide-eyed innocence, pills for extra-sensory-perception, Lilac Wine for fatigue, light-bending face gunk, veils, filters, and disco-mist.

The Lower Neptunian concept of “partnership” is when the other person co-signs their bullshit or rather “backs them to the hilt.” Not that your new favorite figment will see themselves as mendacious. They’re method all the way: high on their own hype, they believe their own legend.

Besides, it grows so gradually over time – who can keep track? Their inadvertent proximity to a celebrity one decade is next decade’s illicit romance or “I was the inspiration for that script.”

High On Their Own Hype

If you ever want to turn a blip into a montage or make flimsy material into a trilogy, contact a Lower Neptunian. But don’t give them payment upfront. They’ll blow it in a heartbeat and cast you as the villain of the saga. Making other people feel inexplicably guilty for their bad behaviour, losses and dramas is a hard call but they’re brilliant at it.

Why does anyone tolerate these vibe vampires? Sometimes they’re family or foisted upon you through work, and other times they draw you into their orb via a veritable tractor beam of seductive allure.

If you’re buying the booze, their receptive listening skills can be exquisite, and you will think of your Lower Neptune as a mythopoetic fate convergence. But like a mirage, the nearer you get to them, the more they nebulize.

Image: David Sims

197 thoughts on “What Is A Lower Neptunian?”

  1. Coming here through the daily horoscope of Mars opposing natal Neptune. A couple of these folks gliding in! AND seeing my own penchant for being lured into these kinds of behaviours. Behaviours that use to prop up the feebleness of these relations where we’d all call it ‘fun’ and ‘free’ and ‘let’s have our addictions cake and eat our belief that we’re victims too!’ Spent the last year vomiting this shit up.

    Took a couple of days to get right, wipe my eyes, tap some stagnant meridian lines and send a very hot peering gaze into the mist that they still seem to be swimming in. Breathe a sign of gratitude when the old dissipates and my eyes are met with the Spring Sun. With the horizon that holds a beauteous future that I’ve been foundationing diligently and tenaciously. Absolutely nothing is worth allowing such delusion into my life ever again.

  2. O dear. Ringing very true for me. My experience was horrendous. She slandered me, told the world I stole $250,000 from her (if you knew me you would think this was ridiculous), gas lighted me and destroyed 2 other friendships of mine. Salt and phone blocking has worked now for 3 years but I think it’s her who calls me and doesn’t speak…

  3. My boyfriend has Neptune IN PISCES IN HIS 12 th house??? I’ve been with him for almost 8 uears. Anything?!!

  4. Eclipse Tripper

    Best post yet on this theme. Thank you. Dealing with one in the workplace has enhanced my boundary skills (slime shield), and I’ve noticed any attempt to pull them up on their crap results in them trying to make you look inept in return. I’m actually a little afraid of these slimy creatures due to their elusive powers. HINT: I once wore a tourmaline point (mine was brown tourmaline pendant with the point angled straight away from me, towards wherever I am facing) as protection (together with my other black protective crystal pendant) to a meeting I had called due to a drama that had unfolded at work which I felt this lower neptunian thing had not handled well, leading the situation escalating. I had read not long before before this meeting that tourmaline can ‘point’ to the truth, which I thought was interesting, but not th main reason I wore the pendant. The person I was hoping to get the truth out of didn’t turn up to the meeting, but, a couple of little truths slipped out of this slimy lower neptunian creatures mouth, despite all her blocking body language, which shed some serious light on why the situation had escalated in the first place (something she had done of course).

  5. The “lovable rogue” thing though. So true mystic. Its become a wierdly dated pre #metoo concept. A name that validates shitty low grade behaviour.

    1. Last nite I watched a bad film with some great sex scenes. It was called Girl on a Motorcycle. She was a teenage adulteress love zombie, and her lover was Alain Delon, a callous sadistic philosophy professor. He appeared to be majorly good in bed, and completely incapable of emotional reciprocity. Majorly hot. She probably had Venus Neptune (and Venus/Pluto) issues. Not sure what his deal was. Prolly Mercury sq Neptune. And Mars/Pluto.

  6. I think I could be an epic Lower Neptunian if I could just get rid of these pesky morals and ethics…

    1. Second this! Also made me vulnerable to the Lower energy in my past. Not sure I have even recovered fully from first husband who was Lower incarnate.

  7. I think my mars/saturn show me the money type energy scares these people off, and thank fuq for that. I’m not a huge fan of neptune energy as a whole – it tends to make me sleepy , or in the case of the last few days, obsessed with a fantasy world from a book series i just finished, and not wanting to leave it. Bizarre.

    1. Yes, i think Neptune makes me sleepy too. I have been so sleepy this moon in pisces, and thought to see if there is a pattern for me. Is it a pattern for you?

    2. Maybe mars Saturn energy is the equivalent of walking around a house banging pots and pans together to scare away the ghosts! No room for Neptune fog. Just thinking about that makes me feel more clear !

      1. Hey, thanks for the flash inspo! I read this a while back and as a strong 12th, Neptunian and a Pisces, wanted to really delve and meditate into my layers to see if current dilemmas are actually caused by me, not just my role as a participant/recipient/reactor. I began to worry, as you do when you have witnessed emotional egotistic liars in pathological form from girlhood, that i could ever be fooling myself when i feel intuitively “on” or correct. Now i see my other astro factors, including Saturn, allow me to feel that low Nep undertow as almost a shrill self-alarm. It’s not a cure but it always pulls me back from death: moral, emotional, spiritual and sometimes physical. You’ve got Cap strong in an emo (drowning alert!) area. That’s great! Thanks, Pi. Pisceans function well without 12th house nebulous guilt, different from irritating, pearl-making soul-nagging 🙂

      2. Also, in a lucid dream state once, where i saw my skin turn livid while napping on a sofa in a badly haunted room, my body turning corpse, i also had another self get up from skin and BANG AROUND DANCING IN A CIRCLE THROUGH THREE DOORWAYS to claim the energetic space, using deep rage as fuel against the pull of the sighs and mists of the undead.

  8. This is the best article on gaslighting I’ve ever understood… I have a lower Neptunian in my life. Their Piscean moon and Venus on my north node/my 4th house. Their Sagittarius Neptune conjunct my Saturn/Uranus in the 2nd. It’s a nice lil fantasy until the gas gets left on. We are happier and safer together in dreams. Less drugs, medicine, sickness, and allusions.

  9. I don’t drink, and I rarely smoke weed (I live in Oregon and essentially everyone is massively high), but I have been microdosing a bit and it has been super helpful. I also use plants from the solanaceae family for dream work.

    I’m sure there’s been spots of my life where I am an energy vamp (I am, after all, an extrovert), but people seem to dig my energy field, and I think I abstain from relationships that aren’t mutually beneficial.

    I do have a bit of a problem where I’m attracted to Mars/Neptune & Mercury/Neptune men. God, I am a sucker for fancy words, theories, etc. So am definitely looking for the higher embodiment of Neptune in the other, and would love a good Neptunian romance (I’ve never had a proper love affair, am married to a man who doesn’t ravish me. I’m trying to end it, but we have kids, so I want to be friends and collaborators). Am sun/Neptune conjunct.

      1. Oh wow…that metaphor…viral transmission through the Uranian ether, glamourising with Neptunian ethanol 0_0 Good Geminian flash there, Pi.

  10. Often found in sales, or Neptunian industries, and beware any with a Libra stellium lol, those placements drive the Neptune fluff, and proffer verbal dexterity, “believe my crap because I need you to because I need people” .. the Neptunian boss, I start to hear him trot out the same lines after a while, it’s just an advertising web to keep people around and believe in sum crap. His interpersonal boundaries are about as firm as a marshmallow on a Texas dashboard in August.

    I’m also having some interesting realisations thanks to Saturn Pluto in my 7th house, and ongoing therapy helping me to see where I can take better responsibility for myself, and where I definitely *don’t* need to believe (9th house, beliefs) that I am responsible for others in some way. It’s pretty revealing. The eclipse certainly put a couple of things under the spotlight.

    At the same time I don’t think I can roundly condemn someone like this, just more be careful about what I’m dealing with. Certainly someone who drinks only turmeric tea, wears white robes and has spiritually delivered themselves from empathy while meditating on the moral high ground is equally as tiresome.. perhaps with far fewer hangovers though. You don’t make precious metal jewellery without digging through dirt and building a dirty foundry first, right? Hmm

      1. I was probably a bit mean about the boss :/
        And Libra stelliums. Its an awareness thing eh
        Lol this autocorrected to stallions hahaha

        1. Well, there’s a reason not to blame yourself too hard lol this Sag flavoured Piscean says, Who the fq wouldn’t love a stallion?! Not your fault, lady, and at least it isn’t sailors!!!

  11. The Year of The Phoenix

    OMG I was reading one of the posts lower down and thought “Are you me?” And it was ha! So interesting to see that and know it’s all over now : ) 2012-2014 were some of the hardest years of my life and there are still some scars but am feeling hopeful

  12. Yes!!! I read this back when it was first posted and had it at the back of my mind during my recent Grifter lower Neptunian encounter. Still in the detox now, in the danger zone of taking him back. I needed this reminder like you can’t imagine. Saved me again, Mystic.

    1. Holy Hecate. I just had a stone cold realisation after contemplating this post further. I’m having lower Neotunian encounters because of my 12th house situation. Sun, Mercury, Mars all in Aqua 12th house. I need to heal this in myself. Mind blown.

      1. Emotional and verbal abuse in childhood from narcissistic mother. I have no substance abuse history but lots of escape into my own mind through “dreaminess” and delusions such as love zombie status.

  13. Crystallised future

    Well, try emerging from a square Saturn transit to 6 natal planets at the same time being madly in love with the castle of promises being dispensed from a tight Taurean Jupiter/Mars/Mercury conjunction opposite Neptune in Scorpio man unscathed!!! It’s like a before me and after. His lessons/the lessons of Saturn will last the rest of my life!!!

  14. Wish Upon a Star

    Well I have been putting up with a narcissistic neighbor for the last 6 years. He got really nasty when I called him condescending and patronising about a year and a half ago.

    The verbal abuse started and was horrific. It would either make or break me. I didn’t have the energy or means to move. And well: I’m stubborn. I didn’t want to move. The police were hopeless.

    Well it made me. It was a baptism of fire.
    Steely strength, clarity and groundedness are the skills I have made. I can laugh now.

    I kind of think it was meant to be. I have PTSD and want to write about my life and it will be outspoken.

    This learning curve will prepare me for future haters, narcissists, qi vamps etc.

  15. I’m living with these types at the moment, including one person with a clear alcohol problem who I learned has a criminal past, and very manipulative via ingratiating themselves and dominating every conversation with self-centered spew. Just great….ugh. Scary. I got a new place, supposed to move in tomorrow but, probably due to the Merc retro, that is being delayed. I’m really depressed and feeling trapped. I’m to the point of needing counseling and therapy from all of this. The Jupiter Neptune square is in my 6th and 10th, respectively, so I don’t know why it has been playing out with my housing, housemates and landlords/property managers, and a little bit with friends and my bf. If I don’t have a secure and stable home I lose my mind, and I don’t have one so I’ve been losing my mind the past four months. I’m exhausted and frightened. Last night I woke at 3AM and haven’t had any sleep since then. WHEN will this end and things get better? Ever? It truly gets worse and worse every day..

    1. Wish Upon a Star

      Just focus on your new place.

      Hang in there Flower Child. I have been in a similar situation.

      My thoughts are with you.


    2. It is natural to get stressed if you are trapped in a situation like that. It will change the moment you get out of there. I have moved from a challenging house to a really nice place recently, and the old place stressed me som much it was making me feel there was something wrong with my psyche. Turns out it was a completely natural reaction to not feeling safe in my home. The moment i got to my new place i started feeling better. So hang in there. If you can stay at a friends place for a while do it. And limit the interarction with the lower neptunian to nothing, if you can

      1. Thanks, Hel! Sorry just seeing this, I was moving over the weekend and, yes!, my whole state changed the second I left that place. I feel relief and feel more sane and calm. I am a very sensitive person and just can’t handle difficult people’s energy, especially not in my home. I could just never relax there, always on edge. The universe really swooped in and saved me from that situation. I’ve tried my whole life to get a harder outer shell (Crab rising) and be less sensitive, but it doesn’t seem possible for me. I have learned to physically avoid Qi vamps, but energetically or etherically, I can’t shut it down.

    3. Hey, Flowerchild, you’ve had a few housemate househell dramas over quite some time, and you are not to blame. You deserve rest, peace and true housemateship. Say that always to yourself. Bad energies are using past hurts. You need a protection spell, a strengthening mantra and a deservingness ritual, not “inspired” or taught by anyone. It will come from YOU, because you will find something that flashes (Uranus) your basic esteem and worth senses (Taurus) and will shift the energy of both the body and the residence as sacred spaces, to all around and for you.

  16. I just blocked a Lower Neptunian on FB…fake ass shaman trying to fleece me. NO thanks! Reading her posts is sickening…the self-delusion is unreal. Once again, MM you totally nailed it.

  17. rachel cap scorp

    I left the Chaos Addict in February, and he still texts/emails all the time. At first I couldn’t see him clearly at all, but now I read his messages and dissect them. “Guilt, guilt, emotional manipulation, trying to provoke a response, more guilt…” Turns out my soon to be ex-husband is not such a nice guy after all.

  18. Oh man oh man, all of the yes. One showed up as if by magic on the eclipse night. He translated Italian for me at an observatory, we seemed so linked. Creativity>age>symbolism>Art>seemed perfect for a local holiday extra shiny experience in the mountains. He even has the same birthday as a lost best friend from years gone by. Nothing like a star gaze, stories of the planets and the promise of local dinner to capture me. Oh and charming kindness

    Then last night, he held my forearms arms and shook me when I declined the happy ending on a bootie call. The reveal was new-wave ideas verses traditional sexism. The trigger? #feminism written on a T-shirt and a lot of alcohol on his breath. I left shaken but not too stirred and in the arms of friends. Salt went over the threshold this’s morning. An apology, by text. Poof, he disappeared. I go home tomorrow with more guts in my creative store, a full sketchbook and renewed boundaries saturn helped me to reinforce. Ciao x

  19. You know, i was wondering why we were getting so many patients at work “requiring” IV narcotics, and then I remembered this post. It is sooo draining….ugh,

  20. Joanne Richards

    Yes completely to feeling guilty for no apparent reason!!! Or even more obvious: the Qi Vamp is making YOU feel guilty for something you see no apparent reason to be guilty for. I.e. I had one text me on her birthday at 3pm saying ‘it’s my birthday and I haven’t received a text from you yet’. I was going to respond saying ‘I am not the type of person who sends birthday texts or responds well to demands for them’ but then I just left it-no contact is better than some with those people. She eventually went away.

  21. The Dementor (aka moon Pluto Leo rising Pisces) and I made contact. Tarot indicating tensions running high, and slippery types . It’s all very civil but there are still (always ) giant squid-like tentacles of control and manipulation.
    Whether the family possessions in her custody are safe or not, I do not know. Part of me wants to say “screw you dad, this is what you get for cohabiting with deranged women, fuq your paintings and precious whatever” and part of me wants to go all-in (should it come to that) and retrieve the possessions no matter what then blow the relationship to smithereens so I don’t have to deal with this ever again.

  22. Christ, thanks for this. That last sentence just summed up a questionable friendship I’d been struggling to decipher until I realised I was feeling guilty all of the time! For nothing! Wow, thanks mystic. Can slowly let that one go….

  23. Year of the Phoenix

    Holy Zap Zone, Batman!

    Today was so overwhelming in new job I had to hold back tears….

    Lady I am taking over from and “The Swearer” aka bosses best friend both keep telling me “it’s not usually this busy”
    Meanwhile the boss drops in from north coast to dump a “challengeing” and “small” (in fact enormous) quote which I was previously her role onto me

    This is becoming a repeat if previous horrible job (stellium in Libra) had enough! Can’t walk out as need another one to go to as just divorced from ex-army heavy drinker so have no funds to support myself if I look for something else

    I just need a break from these micro businesses where everything is loaded onto one or two people and they head off for 6week o/s holidays – exact same thing happened in last nightmare job in December (only had 3days notice that time)

    Feeling really rung out….only week 2

    1. List your skills on your resume in progress. You are not feeling it but seriously, turn that shit into gold on a fakey draft glorious “CV”. Then use it later to inspire your truly humbly confident resume. Use some career websites to re-energise the way you write and format, if it needs an update. You’re too busy to do it now, but you can even start in your head, while dealing with some task that is dragging you down. Turn that shit into comedy gold! At least for your day to day mental survival xx

  24. THANK YOU for the ‘guilt’ explanation: totally true. So many slippery ex-bfs/lovers coming out of the woodworks at the moment. My first ever boyfriend who I haven’t intentionally seen in 9 years (occasionally contacts me via social media) texts me out of the blue (newly single, obviously) and attempts to make me feel guilty in the space of three short messages…

  25. willow rockwell


    As soon as possible in the situation, activate your power animals all around you and command that they block his/her energy from your energy field.

    When you are clear you need to command your power back and I have found this to be very effective:

    Call on your angels, guides, guardians, higher self, whatever you like to release and remove all of the chi vampires energy from your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, your empathic and etheric energy bodies and your consciousness now and forever, in this lifetime and all previous lifetimes here on earth, now and forever with this breath. Take a deep breath and blow out what is not yours!

    Sounds like a mouth full at first but it comes naturally as soon as you understand what you are actually commanding. You can do this with people and also buildings, places, spaces etc. that make you feel “off”. As an empath you need to empower yourself. You can see and feel things other’s don’t register, but you do not need to absorb it in your body, psyche or energy bodies!

    Hope this helps….

  26. Thanks for the lane reminder in the email mystic. Work was odd today. A few verbal scuffles, some stress. None associated with me from what I can see, but the peacemaker in me wants to resolve it as I can see the tension and it won’t go away , could even escalate soon (full moon on Pluto in cap soon? Eep) unless some key staff develop some EQ, I think. Hmm.

  27. I got laid off from my job today, as expected. I’m terrified because this will put me in financial dire straits, but it will be good, ultimately, to get out of that work environment, which tends to be a lower Neptunian environment, but is SUPER lower-Nep right now as they are going through a restructuring and the chaos level is way more than usual….and the ‘usual’ is quite high.
    I’m still very upset and rather panicked about my situation, though, in the immediate….

    1. Sorry to hear about your job, I know it is very scary!
      Work has been very erratic for me all this year, many moments of nail biting stress, and only just now thinking things will turn out for the best after all, which I am sure it will do for you xx

      1. Was feeling the same Veronica..then had the rug pulled from under me today..they sacked me instead of the evil trouble making bitch that caused all the chaos..I say she who stirs the shit pot should be made to lick the whole ducking spoon spotlessly clean..

    2. Year of the Phoenix

      Best of luck flowerchild – know that feeling – am now in the otherside and managed by scatter gun approach to job hunt and keeping friends in the loop

      I got some casual work (one with a friend) until a full time job appeared – weirdly the “come in for an interview” came same day I was sacked – was on the lookout as I could see the writing on the wall (thanks mm)

    3. OMG flower child..I’ve been reading a few of your comments the last few weeks and so much of your life resonates with mine..u spoke of a love zombie situation that was nearly spot on the same as mine..and I got sacked today from the cafe I worked in for the last year and half..new chick waltzed on in and just totally took over..the backstabbing and 2 faced lies from her and my toro female boss has just blown me sky high..I live in a small country town with very little work opportunities..just feel like I’ve been kicked in the guts one to many times by absolute fuckwits..trying to find the lessons of them all..just hoping and praying that life and love gets better now were in July..but yeah sux that it’s the 2nd today and already shit is hitting the fan 🙁

    4. Electric Eel Libran

      sorry to hear this. 🙁 But i know you will kick ass in the next job and it will be even better than this last one!

      1. Thanks for your support and encouragement, everyone!

        I am hoping that I am on to bigger and better things, for sure. It’s just the transition time may be messy, especially with finances.

        I do have a small private practice, so I’m focusing on ramping that up right now. If I can get some more clients in, that will definitely help me financially. Ultimately I should be working for myself full time like I used to, it’s just having this side job was some secured income but maybe I leaned on that too much and now it’s time to make it on my own again.
        Either way, that work environment grew more and more toxic, so it’s good to be getting away from it, and will be better for me in the long run to be out of there.

  28. Moon pluto Leo rising Pisces just made contact to ask when I could talk. I don’t want to but non-blood family connection and admin remains to be handled with finality. The phone call will be 46 minutes (minimum) of her relaying her self-induced dramas, and 1 minute of useful exchange. Sigh.

    1. And this is not me being an asshole… I get the need we have to talk through issues. But she makes a new one within days of an old one resolving. Vortex of doom. The drama.

    2. Decided to respond with good humour and in lighthearted fashion. Reframe, Pi, Reframe! Chill! Let’s see how I go.

  29. I just got rid of the sun in pisces, moon in cancer, venus in aquarius, mars in sag, aries rising, drama queen. Serious issues. That lower neptunian vibe was narcissistic, self destructive, entitled, and a waste of time. So glad it’s out. The entitled narcisisst was the worse part of all that. And at work. All the drama was at work. Terminated. Yeah. Now we can all get back to work.

    1. And like that lady — this crazy was blonde – and she definitely had no issues even though, hospitalized for suicidal ideation was no issue…. yea right. coz she was screwing her supervisee. yea no issues. Really?? Delusion, entitlement, and laziness. Sums it up.

  30. I’m just starting to understand a lot of this in a strange mirrored way. I’ve made a LOT of structural, under-the-hood changes in the last year and just now in the last month am feeling mentally and physically healthy in a way I never thought would be possible for me. It is so true that some people around you change and don’t like the changed you when you get boundaries and self-respect…even though they say they just want the best for you.

        1. what ! No ! See what I mean ? Neptune fog ! I hate this repulsive govt so much I am appalled and embarrassed and I feel guilty that I reside in Australia. The ABC reports every fuqued thing that they do. Should I try to make myself more clear ?

          1. Oh, I was perplexed 🙂

            I read Auntie as ABC, and I know right wingers have been doing everything to shut it down, and make out that ABC are bleeding hearts trying to make ‘Normal’ people feel guilty

  31. This chi vampist attitude on this site gets to me sometimes , i mean i get offended. we are all prone at some times in our lives to not leading a perfect life and wishing what other people had and being down on our luck and just not astrologically or whatever placed to grab hold of that mars energy and burst forth in life carving out our own path. To err is human and I feel that sometimes the strong shunning of “chi vamps” on this site is discrimination against people who just are vulverable and not so lucky as the go getter person.

    1. There is a difference. Everyone has down times, vulnerable moments, a need for help.
      Others are always that way and turn their back on genuine assistance that would help them. They have a clear path to make things better and won’t take them cause then they won’t have an excuse.

      1. Catfish, see my post below. Yes, I remembered one girl who when stressed acts in a really chi vampish way elevated. Its like everything is designed to wind me up and I feel like running miles form her YIK. I do think Im a chi vamp too…..it can be difficult if you have been neglected as a child = your boundaries get messed up. Im workin on it though! Onward and upwards!

    2. I get this…I’ve had a lot of times where I was down on my luck and/or going through some major shit (that was NECESSARY for me to go through to come out the other side) and everyone around me was like “why don’t you just move on/get over it/be like everyone else”.

      I think there are some upsides to love zombie or chaos addict tendencies too…when I have become a love zombie it’s because I loved so deeply because I have a hard time letting people in and the ones that make it through mean so much to me…when I was a chaos addict I was testing my limits and boundaries so that I knew where they authentically lay. But I had to pass them first to know.

      I have empathy for people struggling with unhealthy tendencies, I think many are just people who are very sick and lost. But of course it’s not your job to take on their struggles…

      1. “when I have become a love zombie it’s because I loved so deeply because I have a hard time letting people in and the ones that make it through mean so much to me”

        Oh wow….BINGO! That is exactly how/why I have experienced being a LZ, when I have experienced it.
        Oddly enough, just tonight I said a similar thing to a friend when trying to describe to her why I’m so spun on the new guy I’ve been seeing….it’s because he somehow got through my armor and made me feel something, for once, and for me that is significant.

        I’m an Aqua Sun too…….is this an Aqua thing?

        1. Ditto that..I’m in the exact same boat with the love zombie crap..I spend so long single, I’m very fussy, and when one comes along that ticks all the boxes then I’m in love..I feel like I always have walls around me, then I drop them for that someone special..but alas it came to nothing 🙁

      2. I worry I am the chi vamp because I really have hardly ever had any experience with any…..yes my parents were emotionally absent most of my life and my sister , and I dealt with that but they didn’t suck my energy – so I think I must be the one going around disturbing peoples psychic energies, as everyone else seems to recognise it but I don’t. Which is strange because I have a lot of pisces in my chart and really suck up peoples energies. Anway, i know I’m not a chi vamp i try my hardest in life in to be positive and marsy.

        1. I think emotionally absent parents is difficult as home is the first place we learn about how to interact with other people. “Not there” parenting is like being left out in the wilderness at critical times in our social development.

  32. I have sun conjunct mars and neptune in the 8th house ruled by Scorpio…so should I just hide away ?

    1. I had a Qi-vamp visit me a couple of weeks ago. The day before, my big carving knife fell on the ground and strangely, I left it there for a few hours. The next day, Qi-vamp showed up dressed in sheep’s clothing. A busty Aries with her rack seriously strapped in and propped up by a bra so well engineered that even I was tempted to throw caution to the wind and sleep with her. Although after two hours of her incessant wining I felt it would have been a chore (and there’s nothing worse than that, right? I am an Aquarian male after all). The Aries femme qi-vamp baited me to comment on her hair time and time again, by constantly flicking it and referencing it, but I was on to that shit straight-up. After it left, I felt fuqed. That night (full-moon) it texts me like at one in the am guilting me out about not sharing the moon with anyone special. Then I said she was being insensitive as I’m a student, with lots of study and assignments to do and pointed out that I’m not a plaything because she has some stereotyped assumption of me. This qi-vamp’s newly divorced with a cool couple mill in the bank, living in a Noosa beach house alone, jetsetting around Asia, and swimming with whales in Tonga and shit, bleeding about psychics ripping her off at $200 a pop, and I’m paying off my electricity bill in instalments! So, the bitch starts attacking me, berating me that its my fault I wasn’t cashed up, blah blah blah. I hung up, deleted her from facey and thank fuq, haven’t heard from her since. She made me feel bad about myself for days after as I questioned my self worth. And, to think– I nearly fell for that incredibly tempting cleavage.


          1. maybe if she realised you were an Aqua, her opening gambit would not have been to talk about her problems or ‘expect’ hair compliments? (or ‘expect’ anything? lol) then maybe you could be shagging a wealthy divorcee with great boobs, in a beach house, and someone else takes care of the electricity bills 😀
            then again that sounds a bit like sex slavery after a while… tough call. what price freedom? 😉

            1. maybe she was secretly feeling a bit disappointed with how the episode went and responded by berating you, as you describe. An Aries defensive move perhaps.. ok sorry will stop analysing this now. *vanishes in puff of smoke*

            2. I’m in love with someone else, Pi. Unrequited. A recently Gemini widowed heiress. Yeah, beach house, squillions etc, two amazing children. Busty Aries only came on strong once I’d declared my love for the Gemini, which made my Gem feel special and loved when she needed it most, but the declaration of love kind of backfired on me too, as she’s run away. I’ve learnt the hard way that a long lasting productive relationship shouldn’t be based on just sex. My last gf , a triple Cancerian, turned on me after my treasure chest was exhausted, after supporting both of us for a year with no contribution from her financially (yet I let her do it). Triple C was like a live-in-hooker. My Gem wants time to her self, naturally. Now, I eat alone, spoon my pillow at night in bed and try to let go of my feelings and concentrate on my studies. I was out riding my bicycle the other day and stopped to read all the padlocks on a popular lovers lookout by the sea near my home. The lock I was attracted to adorned some engraving on the underside which read “Don’t make love harder than it should be.”

      1. Horned Serpent

        I know there are some wonderful Aries people out there but after two of my friends and I had disastrous destructive relationships with some Aries we coined the slogan ” Aries – Shoot ’em, don’t Root ’em”.
        But seriously folks, there are so many variables that despite some caution I feel I would be limiting myself if I excluded any particular Sun Sign. The jury is out as to whether psychopaths are born, made, or a combination of the two.
        B.T.W. Absolutely love Scopios.

  33. I am having an enormous amount of fun at the moment with a work Qi Vamp. I’ve started replying to her emails using her tricks, cc everything to the boss, quote her from previous correspondence…it’s a blast.
    Her name is in my freezer and I have also cast a spell. That works.

    I have nothing to do with Chaos Addicts.

    Have been known to be a bit of a LZ but I even shook that bad habit off this year.

    Hard to be awesome if you are giving psychic energy and bone marrow to scenarios or people that don’t deserve them.

  34. “It’s arguable but i think one of the key indicators you’ve got a Qi Vamp hanging around is when you start to feel guilty, for no apparent reason.”

    Wow, thank you for that, Mystic. It opened a whole new understanding for me. This would indicate that pass-ag shit is one of the key methods employed by a qui vamp…….realized when I felt into this, and replayed some scenes (lots to choose from unfortunately), that the ‘other’ is feeling some surge of emotional power and control, always anger-involved, and I’m sitting here feeling like I’m being crushed by deep sea forces, and my SOLAR PLEXUS is always, always in pain and as solid as a stone.

    Fuck that. There is never a just reason to try to make another feel guilty, it’s very unfortunate that this is the only option some of us feel we have when we’re in pain or feeling powerless. Not my fault, in any case, even if you want to think it is. Done with that now, thanks to your brilliant angle on it. Always thought of the qui vamp thing as attention sucking, talking too long, not-letting-me-exit-a-conversation-even-though-I’ve-clearly-indicated-I’m -trying-to-get-out-the-door kind of thing.

    From now on I’ll be hyper alert to any situation that asks me to justify or explain myself. Ahhh, more vigilance. When can I just fucking relax already?

    Oh, I know – when I find my tribe however small (party of one so far) and leave everyone else to their own miserable, reactive, irresponsible lives.

    Hi Plutogirl 😉

    Love the clarity.

    1. yes the solar plexus thing.

      i experience this around my mother, of all people. I thought it was just a “grown up around parent” thing but it is wierd. I fold my arms to feel better protected if we are talking to each other, and find myself wanting to turn away and just go and eat something. Finally clocked these compulsive eating habits developed as a young girl that i only cottoned onto recently in these circumstances.
      She is not a bad person, i can’t understand it. I guess I assumed everyone felt like this around their mother when in close quarters often.

      also around a kind of ADHD Capricorn, the plutonic leo rising pisces as mentioned…a libran scorp… HMM
      only strategy I have is the hierarchy Avoid contact – Minimise contact – Use Human Shield (lol) – Abandon Ship (make up excuse to leave in a hurry) – Go Aquarian (deactivate all emotional engagement, imagine subject is in a soundproof glass box, watch with detached curiosity).

  35. I’ve got one at my 2nd job & she’s a doozy, I cant get away from her quick enough! I try to avoid her but this can not always happen, naturally. I don’t feel guilt about these people (anymore) but anger especially when they keep coming at you, no matter how plain you’ve made it that your not interested in them. I try to handle it in a mature adult like manner (using every psych & physical trick) but inside my head I’m screaming at them fuuuuuq off!!!! Its taxing deflecting them and this seems to feed the leeches even more.

  36. I got totally bombed by a qi vamp the other day and it took me a further two days (if not more) to recover. I want to install an app into my phone that picks up their particular signal and sets off an alarm so you immediately know to white light yourself and don vast amounts of black tourmaline (maybe even a large one you can stun them with momentarily so you can quietly make your escape, psychic and personal integrity intact).

    And I totally agree about the guilt, I think it’s an empath thing, it’s all part of the energetic draw. You feel bad because you recognise the pattern and try hard not to dislike the person and behaviour, and yet the buttons remain firmly pressed, all the while whilst they are making you feel psychically sorry for them. Being a 12th house sun/mercury sort of bod, I often want to head into my cave in order to remain unaffected by such negative exchanges but I know that I have to be realistic and do my bit out there in the wider world. Somebody should make a mugwort spray for a lady’s handbag, I’d be happy to spray that around my aura in times of such negative interactions.

    1. Lux Interior is My Co-Pilot

      I keep mugwort wrapped in a handkerchief in my handbag, after a particularly nasty qi vamp incident.

    2. I’ve got black tourmaline around my neck, Qi vampires be gone ha ha
      well perhaps its me that went AWOL to get away
      Had to laugh when particular Leo Qi vampire contacted me out of the blue last Friday (no contact for 6 weeks i think at least), on the very day mystic said to Leo’s ‘AWOL friends are out of communique’, she didn’t get the memo ha ha

  37. Scorporation, Inc.

    Fuq, Mystic: I am trying to alleviate a literal headache right now thanks to my slippery people allergy. Fuqer! Grrrr

  38. scorpio_rising

    What about a person who seems surrounded by Neptunian fog?
    Can’t get a straight answer from them? They tell tall tales that can’t be proven? Then all of a sudden claim to have cancer…then bam they post they are dying from cancer.
    Strange thing is I think this acquaintance faked her own death.

        1. scorpio_rising

          She has a history of telling tall tales, fibs and outright lies…last one before the cancer was her new famous finance died in an airplane crash. I researched it and he did not die and there was no jet crashes that week.
          Just absolutely crazy.
          I researched and no death notices in her county she lived & died.
          I feel crazy when I try to figure out her stories.

          1. Delusional Leo rising Pisces is similar. I cross check all tall-sounding tales with a mutual friend, and take the rest with a healthy dose of scepticism these days. My attention and sympathy is wasted on people like this, generally…

            1. scorpio_rising

              Cancer.That’s all know. Her birthdate doesn’t even come upon any site under her legal name. Way too much Neptune surrounding her entire life. Her mother never knew her father either.

      1. Oh weird. I know on my twin mom sites there have been moms who fake twin pregnancies. Disturbing.

          1. Creepy. These women steal other women’s photos and ultrasound pics they have posted then use them as their own.

            Pisces and leo energy combined …fantasy and drama. weird. Mine only played out in my head.

      2. My teen girl watches Catfish- it’s about online relationships and myriad fake identities. The hosts help sort it out. Often wondered about astro of the deceivers and deceived.

        I’m Scorp Asc, with Jup/Neptune rising. I can sniff out liars. And Pluto on my MC in Virgo. Son Scorp Venus and Mars hates that!! LOL! I have to shut down that brain function on the little stuff.

        People in queues tell me their whole life story. Or their secrets.

        I keep Celtic sea salt in my desk at work for instant protection.


        1. scorpio_rising

          holy moly
          I have the same: “I’m Scorp Asc, with Jup/Neptune rising. I can sniff out liars.”
          People confess their darkest secrets to me and then I also can spot a bullshitter a mile away.
          It’s a blessing and a curse!

        2. scorpio_rising

          I need to bathe in some sea salt right about now.Just thinking about her talltales gives me a headache!

    1. Me too EEL. I see friends and ppl being all guilty about what they haven’t done, or have done… and I don’t get it.

      Mind you, I never agree to do anything unless I 1. want to do it and 2. mean it, literally, honestly.

      I don’t say I’ll do anything I don’t intend to do! simple


      1. Electric Eel Libran

        Awesome! Sometimes i think I’m dysfunctional because i was raised partly catholic so therefore I’m supposed to be consumed with guilt all the time right? nope. I rarely feel guilty about anything.

        Say what you mean and mean what you say. Play fair. Go to bed with a clean conscience as much as possible.

        1. I always say what I mean and mean what I say and never do anything I don’t want to do, except family obligations of course. But I still feel guilt every now and then.

          I’m currently starting to feel guilty for not doing any artwork on my holiday. Feeling really restless and edgy!!!

          Must be my Mars in Virgo 0º and Pluto/Uranus conjunct.

          1. Ha ha of eel guilty when I don’t do art as well!! But never towards ppl or social ‘obligations’, or skiving off work if I want to! Or taking sick days. Some of my type A friends feel guilty taking sick days when they are sick! Crazy recipe for burnout!

            1. 🙂 well, that’s good to hear. I was thinking who are these people who don’t feel ANY guilt at all.

        2. Yeah, I never feel guilty. If I think I’ve done something wrong, like hurt someone, I’ll apologise straight up, but I don’t get the guilts ( even though brought up catholic). Waste of time really.

          1. electric eel libran

            exactly. most of the when i hurt someone it’s accidental anyways. i apologize quickly as well. I think part of my guilt-free nature is that i do feel powerless a lot. so very often I’m like…welp…can’t be helped.

  39. There is someone who I keep wanting to include in my life, get advice from, etc. He made me feel so good about myself at one point in my life. But objectively, he’s caused so much damage. I find it to be very easy to forget that, when I think I love him, am not doing enough to get him back.
    This situation has literally given me a mental illness, because I don’t know how to express my feelings.
    It takes a lot of power for me to remember that this person is no good for me.
    I don’t always remember that.
    I think he’s taken a lot of my psychic energy, he may have even stolen my ideas to help his career. He is a handsome Jewish Scorpio. I am a Cancer Sun.
    Sometimes I think he must feel bad about this, but with clarity I doubt that he does.
    It takes so much power for me to divorce myself from this man that I’m not sure I am supposed to. There something going on here that is affecting my Qi a lot.

    1. Did you know there are more Scorpio sociopaths than any other sign… I’m in the same situ with a scorp.. time and distance DOES help. Try theta healing too

      1. scorpio_rising

        I will believe it! My stalker is a double Scorpio.
        (I know I have Scorpio Rising, I know)
        but this guy won’t quit. scary shit.

      2. Yes, I kept my scorpio comment to myself. I too am a Cancer sun and my worst boyfriend, chaos addict, qi vampire, and psychopath is a scorpio sun with cancer moon.

        1. Yes This Cancer loves Scorps too. Dated a couple, married a multi Scorp one and had kids with him, then lived with the psycho scorp boyfriend. The psycho changed the attraction for me.

          Still want the energy, just in different ways. My Torro lover has Scorpio moon and pluto conjunct his libra ASC. HIs daughter has Scorpio moon as well.

          1. I think everybody/every sign has their own Achilles heel or terrible match (and obvs there’s other stuff that goes on in people’s charts.) But I have a Virgo guy friend who just got divorced from a Scorp who was awful to him (left him when he wouldn’t let her sleep with whoever she wanted) and now he’s with another Scorp who’s totally controlling him, not even necessarily meaning to (who knows) but that’s the result. I think he just can’t handle Scorp energy. Me, I don’t have the best track record with Geminis (attracted to them, but frustrated and ultimately screwed over by them, except for my mother –different issues — and friendships/coworkers, we collab great.) My brother is a Scorp, but he’s a very strange Scorp — it’s hard for me to even pinpoint his Scorpio-ness, except for the fact that he’s quite private with his emotions. He’s also very loyal, which is a Scorp trait I admire to no end.

            Three of my favorite people in the world are Capricorns, but I could see and every one of them being awful for me to date, lol.

            1. Agreed. I’ve never been attracted to a Gemini. Feels like dating a cousin. I have mercury in Gemini.

      3. I had a bad experience with a kataka, as my first boyfriend, very manipulative and I was young and quite naive.

        Have had much better experiences with Aquarians with Cancerian moons, really great friends and good times. Detached caring, and a broad vision, and softened up the hard line some aquas take. Same goes with kataka men with Gemini planets, I get along well with them.

        Am Aries with Scorp moon, and yes, I generally like Scorps, comfortable with the intensityand I like the loyalty, it’s reciprocated.

        1. you’re all right Kat! 🙂 I like Aqua moons. The Crab I was referring to below was Sun, Merc and Mars in Kataka. Just too much for this Saggo moon and Cap asc. Was like wearing a wet blanket. *eek*

          1. Yep, I have Virgo Mars which totes squares my partners Saggy moon., and my Virgo Mars tightly conjunct Virgo Pluto, so combustible, and tightly conjunct Virgo Uranus, so can be unpredictable as well 🙂

            I have to say that I really like the acute emotional perception, and understanding of the finest nuance of Cancerians. I have some good Cancerian women friends… my Scorp moon can be really really soothed by their understanding of feelings that I don’t access so easily with all my Aries-nees

            1. oh I ADORE Katakan women!! One of my closest friends is a Katakan. And the first two girls I bonded with at art school – both Katakans.

      4. Ha! Well, I had my first and last fling with a Cancer early this year. 6 months. I don’t like to call it a relationship. It was purely physical. No idea how he feels about me now but I definitely was not in love with him. He’s put me off Katakan men for life! UGH!

        On the other hand, the Saggo dude something with Venus in Scorp (who’s gone overseas) confessed in an email today that there’s no such thing as “i might never see you again” (something I said to him) and that he would stalk me and hang outside my fave cafes if he had to. 😯 The Scorp in me is cool with that but my Saggo moon and venus in Libra is alarmed and thinking “oh dear, let’s not speak of that word, It’s uncivilised” LOL.

        He wants to send me a postcard. Venus is Libra in 9th house thinks its so romantic but Scorp sun is thinking.. “oh, but that means I’ll have to give him my address” 😯

        Aways torn with my astro signature!!!

        1. hey, I know! I have Mars in Virgo too. Don’t get me started. My art teachers are on to me already’. LOL. “Don’t sweat the small stuff” they say. Arggghhhh. I know, i know!!! Its not news to me. How does one not be what one is?

          But yeah, mars in Crab would suck!

          He wasn’t a bastard. Just a wet blanket. Too sooky-la-la for me. I don’t deal with with pass-agg behaviour. My saggo moon is outta there! 😀

          1. oh you are in fine form today with your puns and wit 😀

            Ya ya my Sagg moon is a HUGE part of me – square Unranus trine my venus in 9th house. Thank the Universe for it!!!!

            Your “bruder ist ein” LOL. I love accents !!! 😀

            1. One thing l like about being a Kat is talking (generally speaking) women. I like this blog for that. I just gotta watch how l say things; Leo is place of my Merc/Ur(my)anus!

      5. scorpio_rising

        Your friend was murdered by a Scorpio?
        “1 murdered (over a fight about his fav brand of MC)” MC?

        1. No he was the Scorp. Passionate he was. He was so focussed. If he was in pursuit of a girl l often had to put the brakes on him. He could scare a girl in 3 seconds. I learnt how to ‘scrape the pegs’ with him in the MC riding mecca of Oz; The Adel Hills

      6. electric eel libran

        oh how cool! You have a BMW bike? I sold my RS100 some years ago and miss it sometimes. 🙂

          1. I got a 79 R100S too. I love it. I love horizontal engines. I gotta Kombi T3 (Vanagon to the NA ppl- Canada is part on NA). Y’d ya sell it?

            1. Electric Eel Libran

              I reckon it was cursed. The previous owner was in a bad collision with a deer that he never mentally recovered from. (He basically became stark raving mad.) I sold it to my ex-bf who was partially responsible for the accident I had in 2005. I didn’t need the bad juju from that. I decided I needed new friends and a new life after that. But yeah sometimes I miss the shiny side up; rubber side down life.

                1. electric eel libran

                  the bike sustained some minor damage, but yes i was injured. It was a deciding moment for me so it was important.

                2. I hope nothing lasting. They’re so much fun but can be dangerous. I ride some long distances and roos are as much a problem as other vehicles. Im selling mine soon as l wanna get Kombi done up a bit.

    2. Holy balls, Dark, you just described the last year and a half of my life (minus the last month and a half), except my handsome Scorpio was Hispanic and – as far as I know – had no use for my ideas. But yeah, I’m a Cancer, we had an immediate and powerful connection, all the rest.

      I could talk about this kind of situation for DAYS, but all I’ll say right now is that he finally crossed a very firm line of mine and it was tremendously satisfying to tell him all of the ways he’d been a terrible person to me (which I know had to have stung, he’s a total approval junkie). Unfortunately, there’s still some kind of hold there – I no longer want anything to do with him, but I can’t seem to evict him from the space he’s living in, rent-free, in my head.

      I think we were supposed to be a learning experience for each other, and he definitely was for me, but either he still hasn’t learned what he was supposed to learn from me – in which case I doubt he ever will – and that’s why I can’t break the link, or he’s just such an accomplished Qi Vamp that he’s still drawing my energy even though we’ve served our purposes with each other.

      1. Ugh, I think I need psychotherapy & call blocking. Email filter too!!

        Maybe one of the most helpful things someone told me is that Scorpio can show Cancer how to love itself. He’s obviously so good at it!!

          1. Thank you. I love Scorpis, he is a haute Scorp. Just have crazy issues with me and him. Literally crazy.

      2. Living rent free in your head. Such an awesome line. So true.
        This week the rent free ghost of many years past is visiting me too. Uninvited. Just barged right in and demanded to be fed.

          1. Yes but uber squatting like that nanny in California who a family hired from Craigslist. She worked for a few weeks then claimed a medical condition and refuses to work or leave and has taken them to court- now demanding they stay away from their own home in daytime hours. Serial vexatious litigant.

    3. Well fck, I kind of have the same dilemma? and I’m a cancer, Although I wouldn’t quite say this scorpio of mine is intentionally Qi vampire…..it’s just that the timing and the communication were bad at the time (we were much younger). I evicted him from the space in my head like 7 years ago (?) because of a nasty fall out, I moved 700 miles away only to inadvertently find out about 2 years ago that he was still in love with me. Didn’t do much about it at the time since between the time I cut him and then, a lot of bad things happened to me so I was guarded. Even now, it doesn’t seem like it would be a good time. I thought I’d never want to go back to him again……unfortunately I was wrong. Ugh my dreams say he’ll never let go too.

      1. You eerily described me and ex psycho scorp in this. I thought never again and then did anyways many years later. Fool I was.

        1. Idk, I’m just now at the point in my life where I feel that out of all my exes he was definitely not the worst one (the worst one is a Gemini because he’s such a f***king sociopath….although he has a scorpio moon lmao)

          The problem with this scorp is that the connection is so strong that it’s just feels bad that I’m not with him. Realistically I just don’t think a relationship is possible right now with the financial issues we both have and the distance.

      2. well, Scorps can be like that, and so can Katakans, but you have to ask yourself if it’s the best thing for either of you to be giving in to? is that your most hopeful future scenario? Will it serve you well? etc.

        1. Honestly, that’s really what it comes down to. And right now, I don’t know the answer. I’ll just keep myself preoccupied with my mess of a life in the meantime,,,.LOL.

    4. I’m a Cancer sun/moon, Pisces rising and I personally think that Aquarian men are the most sociopathic people I’ve encountered, particularly as lovers. Had a[nother] really unsettling encounter recently. There just seems to be a total disconnect between the Cancer female/Aquarian male headspace/heartspace. Though I do love Aquarian women as friends.

      1. Cancer female/aqua male can best be described as “Robert Wagner throwing Natalie Wood off of a boat.” Talking to some aqua men I find that they are like beautiful visitors from a distant planet. Both charmable and charming, but I dabbled once and it wasn’t much to talk about, let alone drown over.
        RIP Nat. Sorry bout ur love. http://scorpioland.org/why-did-robert-wagner-love-natalie-wood-so-despite-so-much-red-inked-astro-opposition-blame-it-on-the-moon/

      2. This Cancer sun is surrounded by Aqua…sister, son is majorly multi Aqua, best friends.

        But a lover, never. No way. Like dating an alien.
        Closest was Mars in Aqua who had moon in Cancer. He went back and forth.

        1. I’m sun & venus in scorp, cancer moon and pieces rising and like to think I’m haute 🙂 but I am drawn to aquarian men, they make up the majority of my romantic relationships!
          married a librian (thank god, he balances this passionate scorp)
          New to all this deeper astro shizz and its fascinating me no end

    1. electricserpent

      Or just low self esteem…. do some extraordinary for yourself. Use that time for the gym a yoga class, an art class… there are men everywhere! They only want you when your busy anyway!

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