Brilliant Moon Calendar News

Brilliant news! The Moon Calendar has just been updated and now you no longer need to select your timezone. It will automatically display in your current local time, aligning with the computer or device you’re viewing on.

It loads faster, is more streamlined and has had some minor revamps aside from the time-setting now being automatic.

This is a Mega Mystic members feature but I’ve opened it up to everyone for the next few days. If you don’t see it open or the new look, please clear your cache but do reach out to support if there are any weird display issues.

And Happy New Moon for soon! I don’t know about you but so far it’s playing out pretty much as I think I said it would in the Daily Mystic – loads of high and low Neptunian action.

Image: Mary-Beth Acosta

7 thoughts on “Brilliant Moon Calendar News”

  1. thank you mystic, brilliant idea to have it work in synch with our devices. I really like the new symbols too.

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