Daily Mystic For Wednesday 22 June

Crab-Scarab season is always extra esoteric and emotionally astute. This year, it’s more potent because renegade Lilith is also in Cancer, which only occurs every nine years.

And, for the next nine days in particular, Lilith is ultra-powered by the Sun, Jupiter and New Moon scenario. It sounds cool and has rad potential for raw, authentic intimacy and self-awareness. But the sharp upsurge in instinctive consciousness can also be difficult to deal with.

For example, if your current relationship or business settings rely on a degree of artifice for whatever reason, Lilith – aided and abetted by an also strong Pluto influence- pushes against that. Of course in an ideal world, if you felt the call of the Shadow Moon you’d be able to lope down wild ancient beaches with the wind in your hair, eagles and cheetahs alongside you. Or move into a little penthouse laboratory in a secret mountain city.

But this current culture is hard on instinctive living; it needs wily tactics and the patience to wait out a cultural transition – perhaps even an degree of subterfuge. So if you’re re-wilding or feeling it kick up, don’t suppress but don’t leak energy by trying to share where you’re at with the wrong people. Help your local wild things in whatever way works – if you’re receptive and set that intention, an opportunity will arrive by the New Moon, probably much sooner!


You may want to read or re-read The Real Cancer Personality Traits or share it with a Crab-Scarab friend. Like left-handers, they put up with a lot of low-grade snark and misapprehensions about their Sun Sign and this post will help, guaranteed!

Image: Aigana Gali