Daily Mystic For Thursday February 10

As I write, the Moon has just arrived in Gemini, upping the fluid factor and emphasizing the Sun-Lilith synergy in effect until the weekend. People will be more flexible and open to outre ideas. It is also fantastic for speedy solutions and dropping unwieldy concepts – guilt, outdated assumptions, etc.

Also, this is a brief foray into Feng Shui as an FYI: This F.S. year, the so-called Five star is in the center of the house/dwelling and the Chinese astrological Five star equates to Saturn.

To balance this heavy Earth energy out, the Feng Shui fix is metal – eg: a brass table in the center of the house or the color white as a metal symbol. It’s applicable as a house witchery remedy to any era of building (old, new, etc) and no matter what the facing direction.

If you’re re-vibing your place – very Gemini Moon-ish – you could try this and see if you feel a lift. It can be tangibly beneficial or at least lighten the home atmosphere. You’re also supposed to remove Red from the center FYI. The idea of metal/gold antidoting/balancing Saturn is also in medieval astrology btw – it represents the Sun.

If you want a proper full-on whole house Feng Shui assessment, the consultants I recommend are below…


Wendy Grant – Feng Shuiism – Australia
Kartar Diamond – Feng Shui Solutions – USA