Daily Mystic For Monday 14 March

The upcoming Full Moon* will not be relaxing but it will be productive. In Virgo and aligned with Uncle Pluto, it represents erudition and craft applied to transformative ends. The tension – which is part of any Full Moon config – comes from the opposition to the Piscean Sun + Neptune.

The Sun and Neptune long for fathomless space, time and reverie – unusually amplified and mediating increasingly powerful psychic perception, the Pisces side of the spectrum resents all/any intrusions into their consciousness. Yet there it is – the thousand-point checklist, your in-box, the swarm of details.

This drama could be played out in your head and/or within relationships. You can’t send the intuitive longings part of it packing but nor is it wise to wave away the details – particularly when you could forge a new style of focus now, becoming more efficient and tuned in.


*The Full Moon is tangible from Monday to Thursday.

Image: Keng Wai Lee & Marco Araldi — Diocletian Banquet