Daily Mystic for Friday 26 to Sunday 28 April

Jupiter, Uranus and Lilith are still in their fantastic formation, driving innovation and forward-thrusting ingenuity no matter how weird (or mundane) your operating conditions are.

And for the next three days, Mars is conjunct Neptune at the end of Pisces. While the alignment of Mars & Neptune can drive grand follies or accelerate decadence, it’s primary role is shamanic.

At it’s best, this is a planetary influence that makes magic not only more possible but likely – you don’t need to look far to glean glimmerings of alt-dimensions and metaphysical phenoms.

Symbols* are writ large & dreaming more lucid than usual. If you’ve drifted away from your instincts or magically aligned self, this is a wonderful time to re-realize it. You don’t have to ‘do’ anything, just be open again and let the frequency find you.

This is a quote from one of my favorite books:

We dream to wake up. Dreaming is not fundamentally about what happens during sleep. It is about waking up to a deeper order of reality.

Robert Moss – The Secret History of Dreaming


*Aside from hoping the horses & of course the people are okay, I’m struck by the eerie symbolism of the five hours stampeding – from seven – in London. I know there is a practical explanation but it’s playing on my mind. The moment is ruled by Mercury, which was at 16:03 Aries and Retrograde.

If the incident was metaphysically something – eg: something is up with a member of the royal family or that country’s sovereignty, it will be clear when Mercury gets back to that point: early on Saturday A.M. Universal Time. FYI, Mercury was and is also conjunct asteroid Magdalena, mentioned in my royal family weirding post recently.

Image: Brett Whitely – Pink Heron

15 thoughts on “Daily Mystic for Friday 26 to Sunday 28 April”

  1. on a more mundane level, I moved house on Friday which spilled over into Saturday as removalists couldn’t see once sun went down of Friday evening so they came back Saturday to complete the job. both removalists broke their noses, Friday was smacking into a loaded trolley, Saturday was walking straight into a glass window which luckily didn’t shatter and make things worse.
    This new place is my Jupiter Uranus conjunct in 4th house ( also conjunct Mars, Mercury and Minerva in Taurus).

  2. Yes shocked for those poor horses!!
    It reminds me of the horse latitudes, when they threw horses overboard from becalmed ships …
    Perhaps with the mars- neptune, when they were spooked by crashing concrete it triggered ancestral memory!!
    They such fine gallant animals, I have often worried about them bolting in the traffic

  3. Wish Upon a Star

    Ooooh, I have Chiron at 29 30 degrees . I had drifted apart from my magically aligned self and I am realising it big time.

    Thanks Mystic.🌸

  4. Lux Interior Is My Co-Pilot

    the escaped horses is very merc rx just turning direct. Horses are/were a form of transport

    1. Turns out only 4 horses really broke loose & ran. Maybe media fell to the 5 because of fear of apocalyptic undercurrents in the algorithm? funny I’ve heard Smith’s Horses covered in strange places this year, and yesterday came across a very random isolated mural of 3 horses in an unlikely location. this is my own personal mythology I’ll warrant but still vibes!

      1. Wish Upon a Star

        Ooooh, I have Chiron at 29 30 degrees . I had drifted apart from my magically aligned self and I am realising it big time.

        Thanks Mystic.🌸

  5. Thought all might be interested the name of the horses are VIDA & QUAKER.
    Perhaps there is something in those names to be invstigated as well – the name Vida especially caught my eye…..any thoughts?

  6. Robert Moss writes wonderful books – I love The Three Only Things.

    Yes, the horse thing has me spooked too. I can’t help thinking it portends something, as many strange incidents seem to these days. The cargo ship bringing down the Baltimore bridge named for the writer of the Star Spangled Banner was another one – decidedly odd.

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