Daily Mystic for Friday 16 – Sunday 18 February 2024

So, Venus is about to join Mars in Aquarius ahead of next week’s deluxe length Mars-Venus conjunction.

Yes, this is potent for love, audacious ventures and reinvigoration of one’s lusty, adventurous self.  It’s also an influence that pushes for individuated, high-energy romance or single-ness, convenience or convention don’t get a look in.

If it ain’t got that “da-ZING!” feeling, you might be technically willing to hang around and work at something but Venus-Mars will whisk you out the door in a nanosecond.

Their alignments with Pluto back profound metamorphosis and as they’re already parallel (another form of conjunction), the passionate transformation has begun – love, art, money, your aesthetic – magic can work.

Also strong from now till Monday: Mercury is square Uranus and Bellatrix, the female charioteer/warrior star in Orion — this favors outspokeness and clever, accelerating concepts.

Maximize all this because the following weekend is more saturnine and there will be less opportunities for wonder-work.


Image: Cristina Schek – Diving Upwards

3 thoughts on “Daily Mystic for Friday 16 – Sunday 18 February 2024”

  1. Merc square Uranus, eh? Would that explain why I don’t know anyone around me (& me) who hasn’t had Mercury Retro type things happen to them in the past two days, it’s insane! Deliveries gone awol, confusion, miscommunication, theft, new cars & equipment fuqing up … i could go on.

  2. Thank you for the heads up in the last paragraph. Helps one appreciate the now astro described in the preceding paragraphs.

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