Weekly Horoscopes from September 10 2022


Saturday’s Full Moon is relationship weirding deluxe, a time portal to 2012 and love (or out-of-love) moves made since then. That was when nebulous Neptune became your love Muse, complete with ghosting – paranormal and the dating version – or encrypted flirtations. A romantic retrospective is illuminating but keep it snappy: Tuesday onward demands decisions around mating and dating inc.


Mercury turns Retro in Libra, favoring strategic withdrawal from unwieldy obligations and negotiations. Set your persona to ‘enigmatic’ or even upgrade to ‘cryptic’ and remember that sudden onset desires to explain yourself or ‘set the record straight’ could well backfire. Add on a vow to resist ‘must-get’ gadget impulses until early Oct and you’ll be ready for Merc-Retro benefits: heightened serenity + ideas flow.


This week’s Venus-Mars phenom emphasizes romantic ambiguity and dormant desires. It’s also Ground Zero for random-seeming encounters with significant people from your past or future; at the mall, street-level synchronicity, in someone’s house where you thought you were going to scorp around casually. There is no such thing as coincidence, of course. Energizing, fate-choreographed connections are back.


Mars in your opposite sign is like oxygen to your mutable Fire; competition, an adversary and/or a hot new love interest inspire you to blaze more brightly or perform acrobatic leaps of ingenuity. It’s all fab unless you burn out or needlessly inflame tensions. This particular Mars influence is in effect for months: consider down-regulating your ‘urgency’ instincts just a tad. Then up the sagacity and stay hydrated!


If you like surreal dating games or Rubik’s Cube style relationships, you’ll enjoy this weekend’s Full Moon in Pisces. You may even be puzzled by your relationship with your self. Fortunately, it’s a Moon with Uranian edge; whatever your breakthrough or romantic weirding, you hit on the truth or solution fast. The follow-up Mars-Venus square makes for rapid results and speedy developments in love + art.


There are Mercury Retrogrades that bring Aquarian schemes to a screeching halt or leave you lurking on hold forever, muttering nameless curses at various corporate entities. The Mercury Retro that starts today and runs till Oct 2 is not of that genre. Phase One runs till Sept 23 and inspires alt-theories plus long distance digital connecting. Phase Two is perfect for high-octane, hyperbolic debt pay-downs.


You’re a far more professional unit these days and the right people know it. So Saturday’s Full Moon in your sign is more stimulus than stir unless…you’re seeking to agitate a few factors? If so, you have epic timing and accomplices. The Piscean Full Moon fades into a hot, volatile Venus-Mars square: a tedious character or scene scoots away spontaneously and flirtations flip into a new phase without warning.


Mercury turns Retro in your solar relationship zone and technically, everything mooted or agreed on in the last three weeks could be revised. Determine whether or not this could be to your advantage and keep your expectations elastic. Yes, it’s innately un-Aries but being exacting or Ramzilla-ish now would be tactically moronic. This astro is also brilliant at summoning back wayward lovers, money and inspo.


You’re Taurus; you don’t brake for fads or swerve off-course because of flimsy data. Stability in strange times is your specialty. Hilariously, some of the people who denounced your so-called intransigence are starting to seek your input. Mercury turns Retrograde in charm-peddling, euphemism-revering Libra on September 10 and while the about-turns will be graceful, ensure you get your proper due.


This weekend’s Piscean Full Moon segues into a Sun-Neptune opposition over Sept 16 to 18: whatever weird factor emerges by Saturday, it has an after-zap or additional info that will not be immediately apparent. This phenom may disrupt schemes or projects in play but it also hastens goals you’d hardly even articulated yet. Mid-week’s Mars-Venus square revitalizes intriguing mate/date scenarios.


Mercury Retro from September 10 until October 2 has a practical and a metaphysical component: the magical end of it is that you’re tapped into ancestral energy and geomancy. Honor historical research impulses or the desire to uncover storylines that run beneath the surface narrative. Yes, it’s profound. Pragmatically, treat mundane domestic and real estate situations as potentially deceptive or corrupt.


This weekend’s Full Moon is in your solar 8th house, the realm of sex, supernatural phenomena and ‘other people’s money.’ You’d probably like to pull off a Goth luxe look as you acquired a bullion stack from mysterious sources but it’s likely to be less intriguing: an existential flashpoint re debt, shared $$ or financial advice. The clarity is bracing but you resolve the dilemma with awe-inspiring alacrity.