Weekly Horoscopes from July 9 2022


Ambivalence is not normally your jam. You leave that sort of thing to Geminis and postal services. But this week reaches a record level of relationship ambiguity: You’re part drawn toward mystery and the concept of encrypted, barely-there dialogue or under-the-radar romance. Yet you’re also compelled to converge everything to score maximum clarity by July 14, aka the Full Moon in your relationship sector.


For a Leo, having to plod through Cancer season to get to Leo Time can be like waiting for someone to finish their sentence. You know it’s neccessary but it takes a lot out of you performance-wise. Still, pay attention around July 9 to 11: The Sun aligns with futuristic Uranus, interrupting your current line of thought or planning with something far more interesting. It’s the set-up for a major morph in August.


Virgos have whims – they’re just good at packaging them in pretty logic. Romance has been one of your most favored areas for spontaneous experiments of late but that era is evolving into a more sedate scene. This week’s astro-weirding summons a poignant message from your past love life and a chance to clarify a whimsical attraction or relationship scenario. If there is an element of deceit, you’ll know.


This week’s Full Moon is undeniably weird but you’re ahead of it. Mars is no longer in opposition and whatever the wisdom you gleaned in June, you’re now able to profitably apply it in career or biz. The Moon is most tangible on July 13/14, when your ruler Venus will be strengthened by Time God Saturn. Anticipate an unscheduled love or money interest, along with more structure and (desirable) certainty.


If you’re considering studying String Theory or Quantum Time mechanics to better understand the odd vagaries of your love life – historic or current, you’ll love the next 27 days: Uranus aligns with the Moon’s Nodes in a convergence so rare that it is likely to have a remarkable effect on Scorpy relationships. You encounter significant people, enjoy raised romantic consciousness and rejuvenating metamorphosis.


Venus in harmony with Saturn is officially from July 12 to 14 but, properly played, these few days can make an enormous difference. Be on high alert for an opportunity to soften an overly rigid recent call against you, goo-goo up to a person that would usually be impervious to your charms or sway a scene your way – against the odds. You could also meet a surprise backer, helper or avid admirer this week.


Finally: A Full Moon that you can get behind. Exact on Thursday but influencing the surrounding days, it’s in Capricorn – so effective and well-connected, naturally. While others may be extra-demanding, it’s more likely that your heightened self-awareness helps you see imbalanced dynamics. Accolades or opportunities also reveal who’s onside versus those who only like you when you stay on (their) script.


The Sun + Mercury ping off Uranus, your ruling planet, providing a handy preview of mid-July to mid- August – a super-amped four weeks of self-realization and semi-magical real estate sorcery. No matter how much you feel in political or social exile – an occupational liability for Aquarians – soften the cynical carapace. Focus overly on dystopian paradigms and you’ll miss the metaphysical genius as it zooms in.


This week’s Full Moon is a Muse Moon, ultra-close to Earth and aligned to the Moon’s Nodes. You get a message or you are a messenger – both? – and whatever the dynamic, it propels you nearer to where you’re supposed to be. Ideally this fits with your current goals but even if not, you’re Pisces – the fluid and adaptable champion of the zodiac. Fluctuating friendships and haphazard lovers stabilize or go.


Someone from your deep past proves instrumental to your success or self-awareness this week: it may even be a metaphysical phenom. Midweek’s Full Moon may materialize as a career climax or the need to make a pivotal biz decision but it also begins a month-long Uranian innovation paradigm. Funds and the fate matrix meet Aries ingenuity or even an ambition you’ve held onto through all the mayhem.


Mars in your sign is advancing toward an epic late July/early August line-up with Uranus and the Moon’s Nodes – it will be the time to seed substantial new ventures and/or relationships. But whatever this is, accelerated self-actualization is an integral part of it and the process has already begun. This week prompts you to slough off residual habits or personality quirks left from an expired relationship.


Venus in friendly aspect with Saturn delivers an aesthetic win and the opportunity to firm up a fantastic alliance. It’s a subtle but bracing influence, more pine tree essence than patchouli, a doubt-dispelling verdant clarity. But wait! Could the Capricorn Full Moon unset this cool development? Unusually, no. It’s occurring alongside the Venusian phenom, at peak strength on July 13/14, and beneficially informative.