Weekly Horoscopes from July 23


The Sun’s arrival in Leo is usually your lights-camera-action cue. But this year you’re akin to a film star refusing to leave their trailer until the Feng Shui is fixed. Image concerns feel Freudian and low grade relationship ennui could upgrade to existential crisis level. Mind-expansion, publishing and learning are, however, fully supported and your natural charisma will surge back with the New Moon on July 29.


Asteroid Pan plus Mercury in your subliminal insights sector combine to inspire a more instinctive You: A strategy that blends analytical Virgo Vision with receptivity to your inner voice would be highly effective. You may become aware of skeevy conduct, stealthy preparation for changes you’re excluded from or that you’re covering for Vibe Vampires. Pivot to a zero-trust for unproven people stance.


Venus replenishes your reservoir of charm and is particularly favorable for career image and/or your aesthetic or creativity. But it could also generate the weird sensation that you’re being sought after for something you’re not. Ideally, avoid committing to any offer or new tangent until after the 29th. That will give the dramatic, individualist Venus-Lilith alliance enough room to liberate your mind and options.


July 29 until Aug 5 is prime time for even the most private and retiring of Scorps. It will support rad relationship pivots and audacious career or biz moves. Until then, be extra-diligent with all forms of communication. Dilute any venom and if you’re feeling romantically poetic, text a haiku, not a sonnet. This weekend’s daring, outsize realizations are next month’s bold ventures or new-era love affairs.


The current atmosphere may seem leaden and plodding with sporadic surges of control-drama to substitute for fun or velocity. You’re Mutable Fire: the sensation that you can turn things around – anything – via synchronicity sparked genius or a new wind of time is integral to your psyche. Still, as you’re about to enjoy 30 non-stop weeks of Mars in mercurial Gemini, enjoy this more robust focus.


Venus is in your relationship sector till August 12, enhancing intimacy and romantic prospects. While it’s not entirely doves, rose-quartz tinted glasses and coos of forgiveness, this influence helps soften rigid stances. Some estrangements vanish or become quickly irrelevant in the face of fresh input but note that the Venus-Lilith conjunction over the Dark Moon of July 26-28 rouses chthonic emotions.


The Taurean convergence in your solar home sector says ‘surreal sanctum’: quality solitude is the new niche luxury. But messenger Mercury is super-active in your relationship sector until August: expect an influx of aspirant deal-makers, admirers or potential lovers, vexations, demanding biz partners and phantoms from another life era. You will have your maverick haven but first, rise to this occasion.


Mercury in Leo revives your appetite for neo-everything makeover regimes: the method (supernatural mushroom soup, cold showers, spirulina, Tibetan spinning exercises…whatever) are not as important as your revitalized vim. Remember, Pisceans don’t operate out of duty or steady rhythm – you reboot via periodic surges of sudden enthusiasm. Sunday to Tuesday is a weird frequency though – appear sedate.


Jupiter Retrograde in Aries does nothing to dispel speculation about your imminent success: if anything, it amps you, your prospects and visibility. Yet there are two vital factors to consider: (1) It turns Retro in gnarly aspect with Venus + Lilith, potentially blowing out a minor point of contention. Or the often hypothetical Ramzilla budget. And (2) it compels you to think not only big but on a longer timeline.


Uranus is only conjunct the North Node every 15 years and in Taurus? Every 167 years. So the scenario in play between now and mid-August is rare: You’re not deluding yourself about the reinvention you’re currently capable of. Stamina King Mars in your sign adds to the broad ‘just build it’ vibe but it also suggests that you’re about to be more aware of the problem with being ‘the dependable one.’


Wild God Pan joins Hekate in Gemini, reminding you that you already have the remedies or antidotes for certain factors. It’s also – in conjunction with your ruler Mercury living it up in Leo – a formula for forest and wilderness consciousness, deep-psyche insights and the sort of connections that occupy their own spooky frequency. Dark Moon (July 27-28) Alert: Retain a grip on money or intellectual property.


Venus in your home constellation until mid-August doesn’t just improve relationships – it enhances your sense of style, sensuality, intuitive intelligence and already ultra-twitchy nuance receptors. Even so, your usually excellent read on people could falter as Venus squares Jupiter from Sun to Mon. Wait out this phase without comment. Out-there possibility: your suaveness threatens a less canny character.