Weekly Horoscopes From July 2 2022


Is it possible that your contemporary zodiac symbol – the Crab – came about because people in general could not deal with the profoundly cosmic implications of it being the Scarab? Yes! And could they also be over emphasizing your empathetic nature to detract from your scarily clever biz and hustle acumen? Absolutely. But the new Mars vibe from July 5 till August 20 attracts characters who admire the real You.


Stoic Saturn has been traversing your relationship sector non-stop since late December 2020, a study in time and emotional gravity. It’s an astrological phenom best appreciated in hindsight: In 2023, you’ll marvel at your new level of romantic intelligence and more substantial partnerships. Meanwhile, you get a glimpse of old-style frivolity or even decadence this weekend, via the Moon and Dionysus in Leo.


If you’re micro-tweaking dreary details or spreadsheeting your slump, stop. This week’s Mercury-Mars sextile (most potent from Mon to Thurs) elevates your game and most probably through a brilliant bit of news or a distinct offer. It also favors bold, tangential moves that will naturally need the sort of brio you can’t get from late-night guilting sessions. Repurpose Virgo Vision to researching coup management.


Venus and Hekate in your ‘higher mind’ sector are your most powerful astral allies this week. It means that even if your most annoying nemesis is a narrow-minded pit troll of a person, you can win by being broad-minded and better informed. The high-pressure Mars-Pluto square eases off from Tuesday: get to this point without dropping your standards or personal philosophy for a vastly improved atmosphere.


Mars square Pluto is tough terrain for some people, comfort zone for Scorps. You’re ruled by both these planets – long story – and quite accustomed to evolutionary prods. In this case, it’s more likely to be manifest as a surge in your impatience with slo-mo circumstances, circular conversations and brittle legacy structures. If you have the means – time, money, prana, whatever – to challenge one, go for it.


Haggle about money or a deal if you need to but with Pluto under stress in your $$$ sector, remember that people may be more ruthless than you realize. Bombast, candor or a ‘Saggo principles’ rave are unlikely to work. While you’re dusting off your copy of The Heroes Journey, others will be snickering all the way to the bank, metaphorically. It may be more effective to withdraw and explore other options.


Whatever your current cause or challenge, it’s linked into the entire Pluto in Capricorn phase – yes, the one that began in January 2008. Thinking about this sparks the solution or best strategy and it’s not like you’re scared of long time-span analytics – it’s a Sea-Goaty strength. With the existential crisis done and dusted by Tuesday, anticipate a new phase of better relationship rapport or even feud resolution


While the Plutonic pressure may stir up unpleasant emotions, it’s also an effective muck-raker. The sense of unease from something wrong but evidently unmentionable is far worse for Aquarians than an all-out chaos storm. Observe and analyze but ideally don’t make any rad moves until Monday and beyond. Mercury in sextile to Mars from July 4 to 7 sharpens your tactical nous and brings new intel.


Being Pisces means knowing for a fact that time is not linear but having to live in a world that acts as if it is. You’ve worked out a variety of hacks to get around this but still…it can be disconcerting. But with agile Mercury currently in harmonious trine to Time God Saturn – aka Chronos, you glean valuable intel that helps worldly you. Shimmy into your best one-dimensional outfit, feign simplicity and win.


The tempo slows from Tuesday, when Mercury and Mars move into more sedate Water + Earth element signs. You’ll be better able to consolidate or take stock. Meanwhile you’re a Mars person with a 24-7 forced-growth scenario in place. That’s right. You can barely even make a sandwich without some form of evolutionary imperative kicking up. It’s mostly a stamina play at this point but Air sign input is vital.


Just a few more days till Mars in Taurus, your preferred zone for zapping out commands or making vital decisions. If you’re able to nimbly evade people who want to recruit your oomph to cover for their flakiness, you enjoy an extraordinary ideas flow this week. Your transcendental side could also be extremely appealing to a new – or old – love interest who has something to do with historical you.


This goes against Gemini protocol but Mars in an agitating alignment with Pluto till Monday makes it a must: if you’re dealing with business connects, banks or tetchy types, construct a plan and adhere to it. It’s demolition astrology and some scenarios are more ready to knock-down and rebuild than you may think. Sense the substance beneath people’s bland words and reserve flippant eloquence for insiders.