Weekly Horoscopes from August 20 2022


Money moves nearer to where you want it from the 23rd but it’s conditional. You must first resist the allure of a nebulous $$ opportunity that floats in like fog. Granular restructure? Yes. Veiled details, the heavily enhanced prospectus, the lure of the long shot, sugar-sprinkled bait – No! Even situations you deemed stuck-in-place are likely to free up and morph rapidly – monitor the trends, not the hype.


Solar Virgo starts on August 23. Virgos are calibrating wish-lists, hints and – should anyone be foolish enough to forget their birthday – updated power-guilting tactics. This year’s anniversary season is more definitive than usual, with the Sun in your sign confronting action planet Mars until September. Handled correctly, a career, business or reputational challenge allows you to gain more control and momentum.


Calculating? You bet. It shouldn’t even be an insult. Relationships – even the transactional ones – are more like algebra this week, requiring rapid recalculation. If you’re not a mathematician, stay out of the impulsivity realm: you can’t intuit your way through weird equations like this. Venus parallel and square Uranus has hidden benefits but you can only realize them once you’ve subtracted sentiment and habit.


Mercury moves into the Retrograde zone midweek, the prelude to the more intensive phase next month: Friends seem overly invested in the past and everything feels like a remix. If you’re also sleeping with an anachronism, you could develop nostophobia – the fear of nostalgia. See it as a safety mechanism. Mars in your solar 8th till March 2023 is all agility and nowness – you cannot risk a backward focus.


Family members or long-time friends veil starker truths with flimsy layers this weekend – you don’t need to let on that you see through the subterfuge but don’t take information as is. In fact, as Mercury opposes Neptune ahead of a helpful hook-up with Uncle Pluto, some instinctive sleuthing could uncover new, actionable intel by Wednesday. You also pick up on the first hints of a faster, weirder love vibe.


Virgo Season always supports Sea Goaty ends and this year’s run – August 23 till Sept 23 – is no exception. However, as the Virgo Sun agitates Mars in Gemini from Aug 25 – 30, you’re hurled into a hyper-organization vortex: The biz basics of big schemes, reconciling wellness and a crazy schedule, managing people without a work ethic etc. Handle it wisely and you’ll be ahead on multiple metrics.


Your ruling planet Uranus turns Retro midweek, making Aug 23-25 a supernaturally charged mini-era of weirdness deluxe. The downside? Characters associated with your house, heritage or broader family are unpredictable. For a bored-by-most-phenoms Aquarius this may be an appealing feature, but don’t let it detract from your core emerging theme: unprecedented creativity and inventiveness powers.


Persistent reality intrusions interfere with this weekend’s futuristic insights, fantasy budget and love phantasms. If you’re tired of having your expectations or goodwill shattered by shabby conduct, do not adjust your expectations. Pisceans can’t function without dreams and imagination. Do, however, steel yourself. A more ‘mercenary’ attitude could be more curative than yet another audit of psyche + mind.


Warrior God Mars is in mercurial Gemini for 31 weeks – the longest non-stop Mars in Gemini phase in 77 years. As Mars is your ruling planet, you’re first in line for this unusual astro-phenom’s benefits and risks. The risk is easy to assess: You could talk yourself into complexities that appal your innate Aries temperament. The benefits include heightened eloquence and inspo, more momentum and ingenuity.


You’re starting to sense the shape of September-October’s definitive astro and while formidable, it will respond to Taurean planning protocol. Essentially, a distinct concept you’ve been battling to manifest for years is closer than you think. A specific nemesis and/or the string of challenges you’ve overcome since 2019 have made you wilier: Aug 22 to 24 springs a dialogue or news that catalyzes your success.


Mars in your sign until next March – not a typo, Mars is about to spend an unusually lengthy amount of time in Gemini – has massive potential. It will also help you understand Aries people more. Prepare for an upsurge of apparently urgent ambitions, irritability and cardio-cravings – you’ll have more kinetic energy to burn off. Vital: Assess your current assertion techniques as Aug 25 to 30 is a stress-test.


Your solar Soul Sector is about to be graced by action planet Mars for months on end: does the warrior mentality of Mars suit this contemplative realm? Actually, yes. You may not like your top taboo topics or ancient angst agitated but the results are beyond. And if you’re interested in spiritual development, now till next March is sensational. It’s a brilliant phase for consciously confronting your erroneous zones.

Image: Leonora Carrington – The Sun