Weekly Horoscopes from April 6


The Solar Eclipse in your sign on April 8/9 is akin to an augmented New Moon. Favoring primal reboots and pivots, it’s too much for some people. Aries, of course, adores bold beginnings: ‘proto’ anything is your go. It’s the maintenance that gives you the merdes. Mercury Retro means this neo-thing references the past but in a cool way – a homage or reclaim job – and is best kept covert until May.


Taureans are rarely afraid to flirt a little to lighten a dull work interaction or exert their charm to assist an enterprise – it’s part of being a Venusian Earth sign. This week’s Pluto action brings a zinger of an opportunity along these lines, as well as the chance of being drastically misunderstood. Mitigate the threat via direct, succinct self-expression – yes, even if you are brilliant at byzantine scheming.


Fluctuating friendships and cryptic dating or attraction scenarios are definitively either on or off after Monday/Tuesday’s New Moon Eclipse. Whatever occurs, it’s a relief because big-deal work/business developments from April 10-12 demand full focus. Your ruler Mercury is Retrograde but this is not the classic glitch-fest – it’s more of a social time-warp as you re-encounter formative influencers.


Mars conjunct Saturn pits collateral against cosmic aspirations. A credentialist mindset may stand between you and a desirable growth strategy but it quickly gives way. You not only have the nous to negotiate mundanity, you’re about to reboot your brilliant career or core business. Even if situations outside of your pincer-like control grip initiate this revamp, you’ll still make rad gains.


Ritual gestures resonate with Leos and it’s not just the theatrics. You don’t want to live in a perpetual ‘now’ – you like structured narrative. Scenes end. New chapters start. Characters exit or their story evolves via a plot twist. Why are you deemed ‘dramatic’ because you don’t like to ignore these ‘moments’? A neo-Leo ceremony would be ultra-apt for Monday/Tuesday’s growth-arc initiating New Moon Eclipse.


The nebulosity that once permeated your love life is dissipating. ‘Ghost or be ghosted‘ is no longer your love mantra and stoic Saturn in your solar relationship sector indicates stability or a profound commitments. But it’s also educational and this week’s Mars-Saturn alignment (most active from April 10-12) delivers a sharp lesson around expectations, auto-pilot shared $$$, in-laws or boundaries.


The Dark Moon phase leading up to Monday/Tuesday’s New Moon Eclipse is infested with regrets and/or tacky conduct from people you once thought sophisticated. The deeper this funk, the more auspicious the revamp from April 9 onwards. If your success seems more reliant on other people than you’d prefer, remember that you’re a Libra, adept at relationship alchemy and brilliant, purposeful alliances.


Mercury Retro until April 25 is abundant in valuable second-opinions, wellness breakthroughs from scorping out on historic health data and workplace weirding. Contingency plans for potentially erratic colleagues/clients and everyday tech factors preserve cognitive bandwidth for the genius. If you’re the turbulent factor or intend to be, don’t put anything potentially problematic in writing/on record!


You’re a few Full Moons away from June’s romantic and intellectual serendipity. If your current goals require the aid of Taureans, recall that you can always wow them with texture or taste. Don’t feign certainty or try to project non-existent stillness, think gourmet or ‘nice stuff.’ Monday/Tuesday’s Eclipse zaps up an intriguing follow-on from last October – an artistic renaissance, hot trouble or enterprise funds.


Chez Capricorn is a maelstrom of competing influences this week – desirable domestic developments or a lucky break in surreal estate versus eruptive cohabitants/family members and ancestral reveals. Mercury Retro is not the time to let rip with your ‘top shelf’ snark. However, the Mars-Saturn alignment exact on April 10-12 supports sedate, data-first dialogue and Sea-Goaty interests in general.


Eros flies into Gemini, an aphrodisiac for creative you – perhaps inspired by a particularly appealing ‘muse’ – and the prologue to Eros trine Psyche in Aquarius. While this soulmating/renaissance astro isn’t exact until June, something unique flickers into vivid motion this week. It’s hard to detect between bouts of clashing with ego-trippers and solid $$$ pragmatism but the magic is for real.


Lilith in your love sector aligns with Uranus for the remainder of April, reinvigorating rapport with a partner and/or sparking rebellious-feeling flirtations. A more profound relationship revamp? An ingenious idea or shared venture is far more of a bonding factor than duty. Business-wise, you no longer favor evasion over assertion and are beyond-prepared for any awkward conversation this week.

Image: Betye Saar