January 2023 (!) Monthly Horoscopes Are Up

Happy New Year! The Monthly Horoscopes for January are up and well, it’s going to be an exciting month. Lilith in Leo is imminent, the Full Moon is a Neptunian masterpiece that will add nuance to Mercury Retrograde, Mars turns Direct in trine to Venus in Aquarius and more. 

2023 will see the arrival of Saturn in Pisces, Pluto in Aquarius, Jupiter in Taurus and the North Node in Aries. It’s a whole new kind of weirding and yes, I am preparing material to cover it. So welcome to January 2023 and…stand by!

12 thoughts on “January 2023 (!) Monthly Horoscopes Are Up”

  1. Penelope Darling

    Buon nuovo anno Mystic, Clarissa and fellow readers! This is the year I submit my PhD, excited to start a new stage of my life!

  2. Inmaculada Concepcion

    HaPpy New Year, Beloved Mystic! A virtual toast 🥂2U, your team and this amazing community! May Love fill our souls & lives… THANK 🌷🌻🌹, all. HaPpy 2023💕💞💕

  3. 2022 was more amazing than I could have hoped and I’m ready for 2023. Working my Saturn in the 4th house right now and ready for Saturn to impact my Piscean Sun, Venus, and Mercury which will cultivate more soul growth. Also ready for the Pluto exact square to my ascendant coming up this year. Things are evolving and I realize when I drop the fear or idea what things “should” look like, I’m better for it.
    Thank you!

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