Daily Mystic for Weds 19 June

This is a vital Mercury Retrograde alert! And before you double-check the timing, relax (sort of): it’s not until August. So what variety of Merc Retro warrants seven weeks notice? Well, read on. 

If you’re not in the mood for astro-data, here is the quick precis: August + early September has many strong, positive things going for it but will also be super-prone to cyber-fuqery, tech glitches and – possibly – power scenarios, as in electricity, the grid, utilities etc.

Therefore, simplify your schedule that month where possible, print out hard copy documents of anything important and/or download everything vital onto an external hard-drive.

You could think about back-up sources of power. Although I’m personally really a bad at that, I do think it’s excellent to have a hefty, fireman’s style of torch or two with a zillion of whatever batteries it requires AND a portable phone charger.

So I will go into more detail re this later but here are the essential dates:

July 17: Mercury at 21° Leo enters the ‘shadow-zone’ of the Retrograde – ie: it arrives at the point it will later retrograde back to. In strong enough retrograde phases or if you’re ultra-mercurially aligned/it’s pinging off important points in your birth chart, this can be the weirdness begins.

July 21-23: Mercury makes the first of three squares to Uranus in Taurus.

July 25/26: Mercury arrives in Virgo.

August 4/5: Mercury Retrograde @4° Virgo

August 14/15: Mercury Retrograde backs into Leo.

August 17-19: Mercury Retrograde squares Uranus for the 2nd time.

August 19/20: Mercury Retrograde conjunct Sun still square Uranus and opposite the Full Moon in Aquarius.

August 28/29: Mercury Direct @21° Leo

September 6-8: Mercury square Uranus for the third and final time in this series.

September 8/9: Mercury re-enters Virgo and stays until September 26.*

September 12: Mercury exits the shadowzone.

Please put this in your calendar or at least note the Mercury square Uranus exact dates as great for genius, not so good for expecting technology/people to work as intended.


*FYI: I narrowly avoided the most shocking typo there – I initially wrote “until September 2026!”

10 thoughts on “Daily Mystic for Weds 19 June”

    1. Oh, bah, a thesis takes so long I so wouldn’t worry about the submission date falling in the mercury retro zone – just double check dates and paperwork and so on.

      1. Penelope Darling

        That was my thought too! But I’ll light a candle to Mercury during the actual submission nonetheless! Thank you

    2. It’s perfect. A PHD submission is to review, submit/examine, revise. Literally Mercury retrograde in a nutshell – it’s like PHD reviews were created for and by Mercury retro. 😍 Good luck! (PS Uni lecturer here).

      1. Penelope Darling

        Yes I was thinking along the same lines! I’m actually excited to have the Mercury re-trograde (re-vise, re-view) with me as I do those last copyedits. Thank you! (I love academics in the occult sphere.)

  1. Yes I know! I was actually wondering if I was a bit over the top with this particular Daily Mystic but I think this proves my point. Or rather, justifies my alarm over this particular retrograde. And while they’re saying the error has been amended, they’ve rolled out a patch etc, the timing suggests it might carry on for a bit OR re-glitch when Mercury is back at this point/turn out to be more complex.

  2. OMGoddess, Mystic…. thank you so much for this alert!

    The chances are high that within the next week or so, I’m about to accept a new job position in a Mercury-related field, and I have 2 or 3 options. My current employer is my personal version of a very troubled if not insufferable marriage (although I’ve never been married!). However, Options 1 through 3 are with types of entities I’ve previously worked in my career, so accepting a position close to a retrograde wouldn’t be completely bad.

    I’m in an administrator position and I’d be going backwards to a regular position. This is actually OK with me at this point because the decreased responsibilities will give me the much-needed energy to finally finish a course of study. Thank you for signaling a celestial heads-up for my move, regardless of whether I take Door #1, 2 or 3!

    1. Wow! Without knowing all the details, a “very troubled if not insufferable marriage” style of working situation is not optimal for the upcoming Uranus in Gemini. And yes a technically backward move that bought you more time would be very much in the spirit of all this.

      1. Yes!! Thank you!
        (And in the spirit of the current wonkiness, none of the jobs have given me a firm decision. They are all pending (or so they claim) due to some administrative process almost a month later.)

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