Daily Mystic For Friday 18-Sunday 20 March

As if the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction were not metaphysically expansive enough, Neptune is aligned with the Moon’s Nodes until mid-April as well.

But there is more: Jupiter joins the picture from April 2 to 12, accentuating the spiritual subtones and making it even more likely that something remarkable will be discovered, a phenom that will reshape a particular line of thought or historical take.

As you know, weird cool discoveries are occurring every day now – in archeology, astrophysics, and multiple other fields. They’re obscured by the geopolitical flashpoints, pandemic politics, and globalism (as we have known it) unwind. Or perhaps the reportage of incredible things is less than it could be because they’re not in a marketing plan?

But late March until mid-April will be different because, as well as the Jupiter-Neptune involvement, Saturn is also squaring the Nodes from April 1 till 20. This ups the chances of it being a significant turning point, perhaps even a genuine, unilateral move to protect the Earth’s ocean?

Or, you know, it could simply be the leaking of another gigantic scandal. In our personal lives, it’s brilliant energy for speed-parsing any unresolved scenarios from the past and/or revealing your own magical, incredible discovery.

Remember that this Sunday/Monday is the Equinox, a time of heightened geomagnetic intensity and the opportunity to rebalance your system. It’s not so much intellectual or geared around themes like schedules and so on – think more about your physical, autonomous systems and where/how they intersect with the atmosphere and Earth.

You will instinctively sense what you need to do and whether it’s minor or major, try to notice the prompt.


Image: Persepolis