Jesus Was Not A Capricorn But Santa Is A Sagittarius

Santa Claus is the best-known member of the Sagittarius sign.

Jesus was not a Capricorn. Pisces makes more sense. Just think of the symbology; loaves, fishes, redemption and turning water to wine. He was often barefoot or in sandals. He had a broad acquaintance and enjoyed a cryptic romance. Think also Father issues and martyrdom.

The olden day Christians just changed his birthday to bump off the far more popular Pagan celebration of Saturnalia. Or to over-shadow the Solstice deities; Mithras, Apollo, Vesta, Ishtar, Astarte and a host of others.

All the overlaying plus modern consumerist shills (buy more stuff or the whole economy goes to hell news stories) can be confusing. But Santa, at least, is straightforward.

Santa Claus Has All The Signature Sagittarius Sign Traits

He is undeniably a creature of the Sagittarius sign. Proof? The signature Sagittarius traits are that they’re candid and beyond your judgment. They’re not good with fences or formality. People criticize them for being feckless or rootless, but they’re free-souls.

Check out these ways in which Santa adheres to the Sagittarius archetype:

  • An early adopter of the Four Hour Work Week
    – Santa lives and works on his terms.
  • The classic Sagittarius enjoys remote and wild places, away from cities and the rigorous demands of formality.
    – Santa lives at the North Pole, in a hut whose location is secret.
  • Santa was working as an influencer
    – (for the beverage known as Coke) well before that became mainstream.
  • The unusual mode of transport
    – Like many Sagittarius nomads, Santa shuns mainstream travel methods. In his case, it’s an airborne sleigh. It’s classic, but also able to outrun planes, drones, and missiles.
  • Prefers larger animals for pets
    – Santa keeps reindeer!

Santa Is Apparently Partnered But Nobody Ever Sees The Partner

  • Generosity
    – Santa’s whole identity is that he is laden down with gifts, always.
  • Sagittarius people like to talk in broad, breezy abstractions
    – Santa’s assessments of people’s behavior is a basic “good” or “bad”.
  • Socially Eccentric
    – Santa will only come into houses via the chimney and even then only three days after the Solstice, once a year.
    – Any host/hostess who has tried to pin down a Sagittarius – or ANY Mutable sign – to an event, will sigh with recognition at their disdain for convivial normality.
  • A Bon Vivant
    – Like the ruler of Sagittarius, Jupiter, of whom Santa is a kind of vulgarised version, he likes to project jollity and that he is a person of lusty appetites.
  • Would rather snack on ‘left-out’ tipples and party food
    – rather than slow down to eat a ‘real meal.’
  • Enjoys costumes more than “normal” clothes
    – Santa is not into streetwear; he likes the red, fake (I hope it’s not Polar Bear) fur-trimmed pantsuit with shiny black boots and he sticks to it.
  • Has a hearty laugh
    – Say what you want about Sagittarius people and their various quirks, they have Qi boosting laughs.
  • Is apparently partnered but nobody ever sees the partner
    – Instead, there are elves. They’re part “good friends” of Santa the Sagittarius – part minion/social secretary/diplomat.


38 thoughts on “Jesus Was Not A Capricorn But Santa Is A Sagittarius”

  1. Merry almost Christmas loll i heard Santa is a Sagittarius and Jesus is a Libra 😯🤪😝😜🤗 Libra is the kindest zodiac sign according to google 😙 Although my zodiac sign is a cancer but im not emotional or sensitive at all 😯 but i heard there is two types of cancers which is cancers that cry a lot UvU and cancers that dont cry at all so i must be the one that doesnt cry ;-;

  2. Dear Mystic and subs, present. past and absent – happy Christmas and a blessed new year ahead to you all!

    I’ve enjoyed the wit, wisdom, learning and laughs, camaraderie and opportunities to connect to distant points on the planet and have a little bit of online that feels a little bit like home. Well done to everyone for arriving here after so many big years of growth and challenges.

    Take care and have fun y’all and I’ll read you on the other side of it.

    Love and blessings

  3. Other Santa Sagg traits? Though he likes to put out an aura of being super-generous, big-hearted, etc can flip on a dime to being very sanctimonious about whether others are naughty or nice.

    Hilarious post, MM, and wishing a beautiful solstice season to all.


  4. Ho ho ho! Merry December, multiple holidays to all! (My cousin confused the heck out of me when she shared her mid-Summer witchy decorations last week, then I remembered she lives down under), thanks for the banter Mystic

  5. A Libra would never have let things escalate to a point where they were nailed to a cross. Libra would have charmed someone important in Pontius Pilate’s cohort. A quiet good word on the side, and libra lives to see another get-together.

  6. Oh Mystic, this post is a great Christmas present to us all. Thanks for the laughs!! Thank you for EVERYTHING throughout this year. It’s been my first year on this site as a member and I honestly feel like a better person for it. This site has kept me sane through a toxic divorce, turning 40 and all sorts of squarey transits. Thanks also to the awesome community here. So much inspiration all around. A very merry festive season to you all! xoxox

  7. Of course Santa is a Sag, the eternal Optimist. If this year has been a shit Santa encourages you to see the funny side, and have a good laugh.

    Life can turn easily, have faith, stay true to yourself.

    Have a Merry Christmas, I hope you find some peace and time to reflect.

    And Best Wishes for the New Year! xxx

    1. I like it how you have the courage to have a good speach about this year but this year is gonna be terrible than ever for me UvU :>

  8. Haha!! Yes. Sagg Ex memories of Christmas as a child was of boating down the Amazon delivering presents to the village children.

  9. Yup and likes to travel physically, mentally and astrally.’Likes big animals’, AND every other animal, fish, insect and bird, even amoebas.
    Gives and gives and gives then wonders if it’s an aberration not being able to hold onto anything for too long, two of anything is one too many.
    Interestingly have found when one Sagg finds another there is instant rapport, a wink wink recognition and approval.
    To avoid Xmas, saying i’m Buddhist seems to work, negates me buying into the buy consume buy vibe.
    As long as i can have prawns and pavlova to celebrate my love of ocean and ballet, i’m content.
    This weekend i am ‘Framing’. Bought a mass of frames from salvo’s 50% off sale, coloured boards, paper and tape to frame reproductions of Bobby Holcomb’s painting of French Polynesia and Tahitians and some exotic Japanese prints. They will be my gifts to friends.
    Wishing you all a merry solstice, Margaret Atwood had it covered in her summary of it.
    Thank you Magical Myst. You Rule. Talk about giving…your generousity is awesome. Pulled the ‘gratitude’ card last night.
    So my gratitude for all you do for us. Gratitude for being given a very private voice here. Gratitude for all the writers here who give voice to the depths of their souls and spirit with heartfelt intimacy.
    Blessings and Bouquets.

    1. Beautiful message, Pegasus! I like the sound of your presents. May your Christmas be full of prawns, pavlovas and peace. x

  10. Jolly old elf is he!
    What would Santa’s Shadow self be? Krampus, the Christmas Devil who is here to take, not give?
    Capricorn? Ye Old Devil Saturn?

  11. Ha! I work in an office building. Within a shopping mall. In the US. This made me laugh in the face of crazed shoppers and zombified parking spot seekers – which was sorely needed.

  12. Sorry for double posting but in this phrase “* Enjoys costumes more than “normal” clothes – Saturn is not into streetwear; he likes the red, fake (I hope it’s not Polar Bear) fur-trimmed pantsuit with shiny black boots and he sticks to it.”

    Isn’t Saturn supposed to be Santa? 🙂

  13. I LOVE when you do this Mystic!
    I think Jesus was Pisces withe Leo rising: Pisces are NO leaders (though he was a spiritual leader, I know) and the charisma and the not so low key of his image/representation scream LEO to me.

    1. A Leo rising would not be advising anyone to turn the other cheek. 🙂

      Leo MC though might be interesting. That would imply recognition and fame
      With that, depending on the latitude of Bethlehem he might be … OMG Sadge rising??? Flipping tables in the temple square
      Thats a bit militant for a Sadge tho
      But all that proselytising SO Sadge “stop being jerks to each other, get over yourself and be more generous and basically just be cool ffs”
      But! If Gemini descendant, he did have quite the entourage ….. They all got a turn to talk in his book
      Jesus as Scorpio rising ,mm nah ? Wouldn’t have got around getting all that attention

      Oh Think! Aquarius IC might allow for an “unconventional birthplace” .. a lone or independent mother. Even unusual methods of conception? I wonder if Neptune was in Aquarius then? haha wow or maybe leo, 10th house , sacrifice theme as career path

      1. The “other cheek” thing and “the last one on earth will be the first ones in heaven” is screaming Pisces. Rising is just looks and first approach, but the deep part, words and the substance are from other part of the charts IMHO.

  14. That’s a great write up MM.
    I’d say that a good argument for Santa the Sagittarius. Jesus as a Capricorn was something I found difficult to digest, a Pisces well that’s a clearer concept.

  15. I’ve just been having a timely conversation with an old Sagittarius friend of mine actually, as she confessed, in tears, that she finds Christmas “difficult” sans family around etc. So, as a good Aqua friend, I ‘reminded’ her of the true essence of this seasonal celebration. Stripped it back to its true spiritual values..that incorporate yet transcend religion..and date back to pagan times, as we all know. And the discussion led to us both actually loving Santa, in all his glory!
    Regardless of all the faffery that invades this time of year & its horrendous consumerism…please, PLEASE enjoy this opportunity to invite and express a degree of spirituality into life…whether you burn incense for Ganesha, light candles to Buddha, or whatever… it’s a celebration of the essential good values we all have as human beings??? It’s that simple. Xxx

  16. A few years ago, one of my housemates, about 12 at the time, and, like me, a Sagittarius, asked me to get him a Santa hat and a big bag. I found the requested items at the Dollar Store and brought them home. He proceeded to fill the bag with his own childhood toys and then took them to school and gave them to the younger children whilst wearing the hat. It was then that I had the profound personal realization that Santa Claus is obviously a Sagittarius.

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