Weekly Horoscopes from September 2


Mercury Retro re-aligns with Jupiter, furthering something desirable from around Aug 9 to 11 and creating the optimal conditions for a late September coup. While it’s hard to believe when you’re whirling around in wonder-Virgo mode rescuing people from the consequences of their poor punctuation/planning, you’re on the verge of a legit lucky break.


You’re good at discretion but multiple schemes developing in Stealth Mode is a bit much. Blame all the Retrogrades and note that Venus Direct on Sunday/Monday will send some strong, useful signals. A relationship or potential romance is ending its fuzzy phase and while ambiguity or intrigue may be more flattering, definitive moves are in the works.


The obsessive quest for answers and to delineate the ‘unseen’ makes Scorpios fantastic at science – think Marie Curie but without the radioactive test-tubes tucked in your pockets. Yet unless you exclusively mate or do biz with other Scorps, it can undermine relationships. September 6 to 9 serves a unique opportunity to transcend this paradigm.


This week – especially Sept 6-7 – is peak Mercury Retro, complete with bureaucratic bumblings and mind-warping messaging mishaps, most likely in career realms. Fresh from a six week frenzy of hyperbolic analytics, the last thing you need is to be slowed down and forced to evolve over millennia, like a protozoan. Yet it also yields a fantastic discovery.


If you’re researching something – and what Sea-Goat isn’t? – you can’t assume anything at the moment. In fact, it would be safer to establish a wild new hypothesis or explore an alt-view than align with the established anything. Romance is far more reliable with mysteries from the recent or far past about to be resolved and blatant clues from your love future.


Aquarians are future-fluent but that doesn’t mean you can necessarily translate it, at least not to the sorts of saturnine, mundanity-first characters currently in pursuit. Fortunately, Mars in Libra till mid-October means less having to try and template yourself – more fantastic ideas. Now all you need to do is accelerate back up your optimal cruise velocity.


Remembering something completely esoteric or a nuance from a decade ago but forgetting your pin number is very Piscean but Mercury Retro accentuates the trait. As it’s influencing your relationship sector – partners (biz or personal) and prospective lovers find your mind fabulous or freaky – there is no middle ground. So why not play the polarities!?


Venus turns Direct in simpatico Leo on Sunday/Monday – 14 hours later, Jupiter turns Retrograde: Anticipate athletic policy flips, effusive overtures from recently incommunicado people and oasis-like opportunities that are more of a mirage. The full scope of a desirable love, aesthetic or creative venture won’t clarify until Oct but this week quickens everything.


Mercury and then the Sun sync with maximalist Jupiter in your sign, adding an extra-auspicious air to your various ventures. This is not only sensational enough to antidote Mercury Retro fluctuations, it sets the scene for a late Sept/early October breakthrough. If you have a Leo nemesis or love interest, their motives are practically translucent from midweek onward.


The Tao of Gemini is the Current Thing yet as a mercurial person, you’re highly attuned to the Mercury Retrograde rhythm. Anticipate sudden onset genealogical research benders and a fresh interest in ancient texts or ultra-niche antiques. While this is probably out of character, it’s balanced by brilliant, contemporary $$/love vibe from Sept 6.


In terms of public statements or intention signaling, haute-Hermit mode works well until Tues. Maximum productivity comes via seclusion or at least not having to front up and wow people. Then, from September 6-9, you’ll benefit from auspicious ‘networking’ astro and the camaraderie of people on a similar path. Pesky but hot: wild attraction tangents.


Self-doubt never suits Leos because it inspires indulgent monologues and strange grooming decisions but thankfully, it’s about to be blown away by the emergence or re-emergence of a reassuring factor. Venus turns Direct in Leo alongside Queen Juno and Sorceress Hekate, raising havoc, magic and/or refreshed relationship protocols. It’s exact on Sun/Mon but more tangible over the week.

FEATURED IMAGE: Lara Di Virgilio