Neptune Re-Engages With Pluto

Neptune and Pluto are about to reprise their late Eighties sextile and not only that, this Neptune-Pluto sync will run until 2032!

If this seems strange, I get it: What kind of astrological influence stays in play that long? Essentially, only this one! As the two most remote planets within our solar system, Neptune and Pluto are outside of time as we know it and the interactive cycle between them takes centuries.

They were most recently conjunct at 7-8° Gemini from 1891 to 1892 and will be conjunct again at 12° Gemini in 2384. (This is why you don’t hear about people having Pluto Returns.) The long view is that we’re in the very early stages of a 493 year-ish era that began in the early 1890s.

The first alignment between Neptune and Pluto since the early 1890s was the friendly and fortunate 60° sextile that ran from 1950 to 1961. The two planets then diverged over the Sixties, albeit maintaining a loose, fuzzy connection.

Round Two kicked off in 1971 and continued until 1986. They were the most diverged from 2002 until 2016 – being up to 10° out of orb with one another at some points – but have been reconverging since 2022.

August 16 is the first exact Neptune-Pluto sextile since 1986 and yes, it will be in effect for eight years.

What does this mean for you?

Broadly this indicates stronger ties between Scorpios and Pisceans + Aries and Aquarians as well as –  to a lesser extent –  Capricorns and Pisceans. This snazzy sextile will also ensure maximum oomph between those sectors of your birth chart, even if you don’t have any natal factors there.

And from now on, if you’re having a Pluto transit, you’ll have aid from Neptune and vice-versa.

While Neptune-Pluto alignments of this ilk are most tangible as a kind of cultural backdrop and zeitgeist barometer, those of you born before the Eighties may be able to look back and detect profound life patterns operating just below the threshold.

Neptune is shamanic, a magician who moonlights as a trickster and Pluto is a chthonic primordial force of pure instinct: however they’re impacting in your personal chart, your insights are highly unlikely to be explicable, let alone an anecdote. Maybe they’re classified, for your psyche only?

For cultural reference, 1971 – the year that the most recent iteration of the sextile began – saw the founding of Greenpeace, Walt Disney World and the world’s first domestic violence shelter. The Space Race was full throttle and John Lennon launched Imagine to more or less instant and enormous success. He credited the Primal Scream Therapy he did in the wake of his acrimonious break-up with the world’s biggest band at the time but not his wife, Yoko Ono.

The visionary and self-taught scientist Tu Youyou isolated the vital anti-malarial artemisinin from Sweet Wormwood and the US House of Representatives passed the Equal Rights Amendment. Less idealistically but perhaps pertinent, the U.N. voted to expel Taiwan (then the Republic of China) in favor of the People’s Republic of China.

In 1986, as that particular Neptune-Pluto phase wound down, evangelical space optimism imploded with the Challenger shuttle and if you weren’t freaked out by Chernobyl, there was always the spectre of AIDS.

But the aesthetic – make-up, music etc – was rad and mostly guilt-free: Your hair mousse could be literally evaporating the ionosphere above you and people would be too polite or out of it to say anything.

Similarly, unless you were actually a spy, soldier or politician, it was socially acceptable to glean your geopolitical insights from The Bourne Supremacy – the best-selling book of that year.

Inflation? In 1986 the only thing inflated were your expectations and self-audited dance skills. The last exact Neptune-Pluto sextile even had a kind of soundtrack: the Communard’s Don’t Leave Me This Way was the most played track that month.


Gilbert Williams 
Claus Wickrato

29 thoughts on “Neptune Re-Engages With Pluto”

  1. Yet again, excellent post!
    Looking at all the examples truly helps to understand what this is, and it is so deep!

    Quick question- although this pairing is mind-bendingly large, is there a possibility that certain people with these planets in prominent places in their charts sort of channel this energy?

  2. i really want to know how will smith is handling this electric shit show, suspect he is at the very least self-medicating.

  3. The world could use a bit of Greenpeace, Walt Disney World, domestic violence shelters and John Lenon’s imagine right now 💚

  4. The 70s is my favourite decade so far. Loved it’s feeling of possibilities. Anything could happen! #feelingexcited

    1. Blythe Angel Psychic Medium

      For me it was the 80’s in every way. When Music was actual Music that touched your soul, major ‘bedhead hair’ and fashion that was a combination of ‘oversized’ as in big off the shoulder t-shirts, shirts, tops, and what we now call ‘boyfriend style’ jeans rolled up to the ankle, and also ‘under sized / as in cropped tops and cycling shorts, kinda glam rock for a ‘night out’ look. Everything about the hair styles and clothes looked as if you’d literally just rolled out of bed and thrown on whatever clothes you had close by…..but infact it took quite a while to achieve the luck….but for me it was definitely the Music 🥰
      Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Aries, Rising sign Leo and Venus in Capricorn 🙏💞

  5. This is so interesting. I’ve time-travelled back to those precise years in my current creative work, sparked by running into a man I had a long but casual situ with back then. I haven’t seen him since the days of big hair and low expectations however the recognition/chemistry was instant, resurrected at the bar in a bizarre Franken-Fuq moment. We didn’t speak but it was all still there. Thank goodness I was with my current hot partner and my hair was done (Leo rising).

  6. When you mention Chernobyl and early years of AIDS in the same sentence it makes me feel more aware of the intensity of the 80s and how that might have impacted the broad vibe of my childhood (born 1989)

  7. I feel this post so much that I wondered if it was real. I always love the “big perspective” ones and Mystic’s wry wit but wouldn’t Addicted To Love by Robert Palmer be a better Neptune Pluto anthem? This brilliant take explains why I have been near obsessed with it all week.

  8. 1971-1986 basically too me from school to my freshman year of college. There were a lot of changes along the way, of course, including a 500 mile move. I’m hoping to make a similar move soon, so here’s hoping that’ll repeat.

  9. Hmmm, Aries sun and Pisces rising here. I was in year 8 in 1986 and navigating the social minefields of early high school, peer pressure and all that fun stuff. Desperately wanting to grow up and go out dancing with all the cool music around at the time and wearing lots of great fashion to express myself, but also not wanting to give up my barbie dolls and fit into some clique of false friends. With Neptune in my 9th house and Pluto in my 12th house, I’m interested to see how this all plays out for me.

    1. Channeling from an 80’s influence that I have as one of my strongest natal aspects but now I’m drawing from a grounded space that speaks direct to a Neptune in my 3rd house next to the Galactic center and my South Node. Just finished my Neptune square and currently trining Mars & Jupiter. I am Neptunia lol 😵‍💫
      2024 has definitely brought back some ancient feminine energies so I’m thinking Renegade 80’s big hair structured-shoulders-goddess-era-aesthetic with a galactic flavor. I need a stylist 💅
      Now how to market this to a TikTok audience that is SO censored??! 🤔
      I attempted to say something about the patriarchy and the goddesses having their history distorted and received an instant violation lol. The times we live in, over saturation of divisive political propaganda but speak on the issues that affected the great women of time STILL isn’t allowed.
      I honestly can’t wait for the Fire & Air energy coming…….

  10. This is going to be pinging on my Moon/ Pluto parts of my chart. I can use the energy after making big moves with my 9th and 11th houses of my chart!

  11. I’m on team personal with this. I was born in 1971 and August 16 was the date that I got married. Yes, I’m now divorced and the wedding was in 1997 (a year that has nothing to do with this post) but those two dates really jumped out at me. I went through the underworld with most of my marriage coinciding with a natal Pluto transit though. Do you reckon that’s viable evidence for a romantic resurgence/phoenixing (my 7th house is in Pisces) or am I Neptune dreaming here…? Fingers crossed people, I’m streaming the Communards as we speak…

  12. Penelope Darling

    Mystic, wondering if you see the sudden explosive rise of Chappell Roan with her 80s synth, big hair, club kid aesthetic as related? Also I’m a Piscean with a lot of Aries in my chart, and my partner is a Capricorn with a lot of Aquarius, and we’re planning on starting a business together in the next few years. So this post made me hopeful!

  13. I have Pluto in Libra conjunct my Midheaven and Neptune in Sag in my 12th house. The past few weeks have been dominated by not just key elements being revealed that direcly affect my sense of who I am but also being forced to examine my values and my worldview but while it hasn’t felt like a crisis as such, it’s dominated everything, with the stress giving my immune system quite a battering. My 12th house Neptune has always manifested as the sane oracle to be consulted, my intuition,my god voice, whatever you want to call it. With all the Plutonian transformation and confrontation, It’s occured to me this is a good reminder to step back and use my 12th house Neptune compass via meditatating/journalling/listening to help navigate the turbulence?

    1. I have Neptune in sadge but in 6th house. ‘Inner compass’ what a great way to describe the placement in the 12th .

  14. Celestial_nymph

    Duran Duran!!

    Scorpio born in 1970 with Pisces ascendant!!

    Lots of karmic ties with men!!! 🤪🤪🤪😂😂😂

  15. Yes please! will be playing the communards on high rotation! the late 70s/early 80s was a great time especially the music and the amazing video clips!

  16. I know this isn’t a personal transit bit if feels personal because I was born towards tge end of the last Pluto Neptune sextile and I’m going through both my Pluto Square and Neptune Square, with transiting Neptune at the top of my chart trining my Scorpio Mars, and transiting Pluto going into my 8th, so maybe I can ride the Zietgiest 😅

    1. I had the same feeling, it feels personal! I’m a Scorpio Sun with Neptune at 2 Scorpio, conjunct w/ a 3° orb, so Pluto is going to square that natal Neptune (and then the rest of my Scorp stellium) before too long. 1971 and 1986 (and the exact day of the Challenger explosion) were super meaningful times for young me. Just now before reading this fascinating post I did a new third-eye-opening meditation that was quite powerful. Bring on the shamanic, the visionary, the primordial!

      1. Wish Upon a Star

        I’m a Pisces Rising with Neptune in Scorpio 9th house. It forms a trine with Jupiter in Leo conjunct Venus in Cancer. Natal Pluto in Virgo.
        What does this mean for me?

    2. This is the way!

      My Sun & Neptune have been squared by Pluto for a few years, so surfing the zeitgeist tracks 💯


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