The First Queen Of Scots

The first Queen of Scots was called Scota, and she was from Kemet, later called Egypt. Scotland is named after her, she ruled and she was black.

Welcome to my most contentious post ever. I originally put this on Instagram a year or so ago and some people went bats over it – I’m talking multiple messages and comments like “SCOTA WAS NOT BLACK” banged out over and over or gigantic cut and paste jobs.

I don’t see what all the fuss is about. I have a tonne of Scottish ancestry and I was elated to discover the truth about Scota.

The problem is that there is currently no way to definitively prove her origins but Scota consistently shows up in primary documents going back hundreds of years. The “no, she has to have been white” argument is from the same implausible school of thought that says “We’re not sure if King Arthur was real or not but we know he wasn’t black.

Scota was real and she was influential enough to have the country named after her – it’s just that the info is sparse. She lived a long time ago and as you know, the “gradual conversion” to Christianity destroyed a huge array of data.

FYI: I just discovered that in Ireland and Scotland, perhaps other places, every reference to Jupiter was changed by edict to St Michael. That explains his fantastic reputation – when I went through a stage of seeing hippy shop psychics, they were universally enthusiastic about the character. And this article on Saint Michael’s back-story is wild.

In other cases, the Scota story nebulizes via the sorts of sites that start out sounding like speculative history takes but then swerve into the author’s apparent illustrious ancestry – Knight’s Templar, Count of Saint Germaine and other esoteric conspiracy faves – skeevy gender/biological theories and intricate, geomancy-after-two-bottles-of-mead diagrams.

If Scota were their great-great-great etc grandmother, I’m not sure she’d approve.

Though the details are sketchy, she is said to have arrived by boat, with a small army and several cats. In some versions she is single and in others, she is with her Scythian or Greek husband. She carried a mysterious, hieroglyphic or rune encarved ‘stone of destiny’ and esoteric knowledge.*

Where was she from and what was she fleeing? The most popular theory is that she was the daughter of the pharoah Akhenaten and Nefertiti, the beautiful one. Originally Meritaten, pictured above, she was half-sister to the boy-king Tutankhamun.

Akhenaten was controversial, reviled and possibly mad. He decided to turn the country monotheistic, turning the many gods and goddesses into one god, Aten. Changing his birth name to reflect this, he moved the capital city and channeled the country’s revenues into building lavish temples to the new religion.

He exhorted the people to vandalize the existing ones and laid down style dictates for art, music etc. His structures were razed practically the moment he passed and everyone returned to their old gods, recovering their statues, amulets, altars and art from their hiding places.

Hypothetically, Scota could have (a) secretly developed an affinity with one of the established deities, (b) have found life as the daughter of this notoriously difficult man dificult, (c) eloped or (d) fled after he’d died for fear of being killed for the family connection.

Critics say it’s pseudo-history, created over centuries so that people could aggrandize themselves by a connection to ancient civilizations, which sort of makes sense, but does part of their dismissiveness stem from Scota’s race? Scota, btw, means “dark.”

Her grave is evidently in Ireland – she died in battle, long story – and weirdly, in 1955 Irish archeologists discovered the grave of a young boy at Tara in Ireland: it was dated to around 1350 BC and he was wearing an identical faience bead necklace to the one laid around the neck of Tutankhamen.


* Uri Geller, the spoon-bending telekineticist, believes Scota buried this magic rock on The Lamb, a tiny island off the coast of Scotland. He’s been dowsing there and recently applied for permission to excavate part of it. The island and its little companions apparently reflect the layout of the Orion constellation, arguably the most important to the Ancient Egyptians.

34 thoughts on “The First Queen Of Scots”

  1. Awesome. I’m looking through site for old free books. Some have Scota included! I just got back my DNA , I am very interested in her. My DNA is all european except for 0.02% Congo!

  2. This is incredibly interesting. I do like the way you describe the esoteric threads running through these powerful cultures of spirituality, worship and rulership, Mystic.

    Comments on this post about ‘explaining’ blackness or colour can be revealing, if one asks why non whiteness has to be explained, that it is not seen to fit in some countries or cultures. I mean, whether the need to question it has been more deeply reflected on than perhaps the answers to that question.

    I did not see this as a journalistic piece. I am instead delighted by the astrological, cultural and spiritual aspect that has got me thinking.

  3. I am pretty sure this Scota story has truth to it as Africans and Egyptians were seafarers, explorers, big time developers. What I am concerned with is these crackalactic websites. As an American living through the insanity of the last 5 years, I’ve lost ALL taste for speculation. Maybe I’m the Saturn in the corner at this week’s party. But please be careful about presenting poetic or speculative material as historical fact. I have seen this a number of times from this site and it bugs me. Just because it looked awesome at 3 am online doesn’t make it true. We are already suffering from ridiculous floods of misinformation here. P L E A S E fact check everything yall

    1. Perhaps it is because of the Neptune haze conjunction but I feel, yes feel, like maybe some people responsible for “fact checking” need to be on Ayahuasca and in deep connection with the organic planet, because personally I feel-check all my best fact-checks from a state of deep speculation verging on an oceanic ecstacy of communion with the Goddess before I come to a conclusion, which usually takes the best part of a second of infinity?

    2. Olivia de Havilland

      yes but who fact checks the fact checkers … or the fact checkers who fact check the fact checkers who fact check the fact checkers that fact check those fact checkers?

  4. There is a bar in Glasgow called the Scotia (one of the places Billy Connolly used to play at in his early days) and I am peforming there in a couple weeks. I think I’ll write a piece inspired by this post to read for the show!

    1. Love it, SheRat. poetry? Spoken word?? I love how much I learn from this site. As a reluctant law student, I love how MM takes really complex theory and sings it. Xx

      1. Probably some mix of lyric and poem. I’m not much for “spoken word” unless you’re ranting like Joe Rogan down there. Did Mystic’s site somehow appear on 8chan — probably posted there by a rando ex-boyfriend of a casual fan, and now we’re gonna have to deal with an onslaught of fuqtards. Quel shame.

  5. I have taken the cable car up a steep mountain in Catalunya, (outside of Barcelona) to the Basilica of Montserrat. I went to see ‘La Moreneta,’ The Black Madonna. Absolutely breathtaking journey to arrive at a 13th century Abbey, and she is in there with Jesus on her lap.

    from the University of Dayton site:

    “While tending their flocks that night the shepherds were amazed to see lights and to hear singing coming from the mountain. When this was repeated, the shepherds reported the situation to their priest, who investigated. When the priest also heard the singing and saw the mysterious lights, he informed the Bishop, and he also witnessed the phenomenon. The statue of Our Lady was discovered in a cave and was brought out and placed in a small church that was soon erected.

    However, the statue presently kept at the Montserrat shrine appears to have been introduced in the twelfth or thirteenth century. Its Romanesque style is consistent with this estimate. Beyond general style, the genre of the statue is certainly that of an ‘enthroned virgin’, typical of the earliest icons of Mary. On behalf of Madonna and Child representations, Stephen Benko notes:

    “It is well known that the iconography of Isis and [her son] Horus was basically adopted by Christians when they started to portray Mary and Jesus as Mother and Child.”
    Benko adds that Isis was sometimes “pictured as black.” These observations indicate only a correlation, not a causal relationship. They do not answer the question why the Montserrat figures are black. Perhaps a lost statue of Isis was located by ninth-century shepherds and assumed to be a Madonna and Child, in spite of the dark features.

    The present copy could have reproduced the general style with adaptations to accommodate Romanesque taste. However, no less likely is the theory that the present copy was modeled on the Christian genre of the enthroned Virgin. Why then the black color of the figures?

  6. Somehow I ended up on a research bender on Heqakheperre Setepenre Shoshenq II and his little Amun-Ra tomb statuette and then when I was house witching, to music, I found an Egyptian art history book. 3 times a charm. In 2018 I got lost in Rome and turned a corner to find myself in front of Jupiter’s temple Parthenon, (hang on wait) Pantheon! Soooo magnificent and old.

  7. Love this topic so much! Rather obsessed for many years by Graham Hancock’s Fingerprints of the God’s, with Plato’s mention of the antediluvian world of the Atlanteans and the idea of the Egyptian colony. When studying Egyptian History at Uni I noted the lecturer between gritted teeth tell us that we were supposed to be taught that the decline in building ability was a sign of increasing sophistication of the culture, when it clearly wasn’t.. then tailed off realising she was about to get in trouble. So I have zero issues with the idea of our ancestors all being capable of a sea faring culture, especially when cocaine from South America was found in mummies, aboriginal dna has been found in some tribes in the Amazon etc. British tombs also contained elongated skulls similar to those in Peru and shown to be possessed by Akhenaton and his daughters. Many of the high caste tombs or barrows with skeletons with elongated skulls were caved in, suggesting there was a power grab, or genocide of some kind. Archaeologists of the 1800’s apparently used to say: “Long barrows, long skulls; round barrows, round or short skulls.” 

    1. Sphinxy I do love this topic as well, Graham Hancock is such an interesting thinker. Don’t like Joe Rogan in general, but he has interviewed Graham Hancock on several podcasts on the topic of Ancient civilisations, which have been fascinating.

      Have been listening (bingeing) to the Spirit Box podcast by Darragh Mason, a lovely articulate Irishman who photographed those scary holy men in India – he has had encounters with Djinn and is well versed in folklore and history of Ireland. Highlights eery comparisons between attributes of the Djinn and attributes of Faery

      1. Yes! It was Joe I saw GH on with Randall Carlsson that rekindled my interest in his work. I have listened to many hours of podcasts with both of them as guests. If I had Randall as a teacher I may well have been hooked into mathematics via sacred geometry and history just for the fun of it! I wish I could go on a field trip with him across northern US to look at the geology too, he makes it soo exciting. Will definitely look out for the Spirit Box pod, thank you for that! Hope you are well beautiful! And I am fond of Joe, he tries really hard which I like, but I can only listen to 10% of his interviews at best. I have just bought the series Magical Egypt by John Anthony West and look forward to getting into it when I get a moment, due to Joe & Graham. It gets harder to laser focus, on the past, history, astrology, books in general as I get older, like time is a speeding train? Or is it me, ha.

  8. Thanks for bringing sharp clarity (even to historical hypotheses) in these magical times, MM. And this (hi)story is magnificent!!💖
    The St Michael article was mind-blowing, too. Language is both the vehicle AND semantic signpost for history (via etymology). When I first saw photos of the tidal bar surrounding Brittany’s Mont St Michel, my mind clicked – aha, this is where the blindfolded lass in the eight of swords Smith-Waite tarot card is standing!!? Xoo

    1. Spot on earthstar. It is without a doubt where the 8 of swords is standing. How incredibly clever/observant of you. Impressive.

      1. Dearest Aqualeo – I did write back to you yesterday, but I accidentally pressed the “link” button below, and now I think my message is being evaluated by the auto-link censor (despite no link). Sorry!! And you are just lovely!! Have a great day and Jup-Nep conjunct !! XOO

  9. This story is completely plausible since my own ancestors travelled from Medina, Egypt up through the bottom of the boot of Italy (explaining much of our diet and bronzed skin tone!) and settling in the South. The whitewash of historical events and important figures is saddening….. critical thinking somehow is nonexistent when discussing racial origins.

  10. This weirdly delights and reminds me of my surreal moment a few mornings ago. A barista turned around, her shirt reading Scotland with a knife through its middle as the t and her very cool and eerie red contact lenses gave her this interesting fae warrior vibe. This was my first person encounter of the day, following a dream that decidedly wove Jamaica (obvs not Egypt) and Scotland tendrils from my psyche roots. Guess I should go write those speculative history paragraphs and claim my ancestry?

  11. I haven’t heard or read about any of this, but on the other hand, I wasn’t searching for it and had completely bought into the version of history fed to me.

    Obviously, the ruling class/race determines the history we learn so it’s not surprising that this kind of history would have been repressed, even obliterated.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more influential people of color in the history of Europe. Loved this post.

  12. This American girl (who has traveled to Egypt & was forever changed by it) with maternal grandparents from Ireland & a Braveheart lover appreciates this immensely. Thank you.

  13. I know I’ve read stories linking ancient Egypt with Ireland and Scotland in the way you suggest. And as for people getting snarky about Scota being black – wasn’t the Mother of Us All African (according to mitochondrial DNA)?
    Also reminded of the furore around the book Black Athena…

  14. Hi mystic. Fascinating information on Scotland. I’d read (or imagined I read) that some scholars have also drawn a cultural, linguistic and spiritual connection between Ireland and Ancient India. It’s amazing to think there seems to have been cross pollination of language and cultural practices across the ancient Western world.

  15. SIGH! truly exhausting to continually learn how influential women,BLACK or arabic women were to the foundation of european tribes. i find it amusing and a bit wearying when hardly a living soul is able to apply the INVERSION technique used for centuries by the ‘priest classes’ to bury history/culture/power structures/rulership. of COURSE it was black/arabic. of course it was. and in a thousand years,after this particular inversion we’re living through,no one will remember that so called white people ruled for two-3 thousand years! it’s all a hat trick,family. revisionistic fuckery. no one is on top and no one is on the bottom. the great duality inversion game.

    1. Tell me more of this inversion technique! Sounds like Illuminati black magic, up is down, male is female, the sacrificial mass as demonic ritual etc. Is this what you allude to?

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