Daily Mystic for Wednesday 31 May

May 31st till June 2 sees Mercury emerge from the shadowzone AND square Lilith for the 3rd time in a row.

Anticipate eureka flashes galore and/or the resolution of confusing, meandering dialogues.

But most remarkably, you realize that reflections, conversations and thought processes over the last seven and a half weeks were not so random after all. Lilith AKA the Lunar Apogee represents renegade, iconoclastic “loner” energy and Mercury in Taurus symbolizes substance and security.

One way or another, your mind or even events and interactions, would have been drawn to themes such as: successful – or not – rebellions, times you bucked the system and won, things or people you rejected/dropped to strike out on your own and the cost of such freedoms. Because it’s a gnarly yet productive square alignment, you could have gone to and fro on these topics.

The last 51 days could also have involved some interesting calculations around liberation versus security, space versus structure etc. If you went with all this in open-mind mode, the process is about to spring some some genius ideas or dialogue.

If you have the time/inclination, note your core findings from the last seven weeks or so – for your eyes only, so they can be as ‘odd’ or ‘selfish’ as you like. Mars and Venus are moving toward conjunctions with Lilith so if you have hatched a ‘wild but not financially fuqed’ plan, the conditions for it are going to be optimal very soon. Likewise if you’re seeking a romance without conventional trappings!


Granular Dates If Required: 
Mercury-Lilith Square 1: April 10-12
Mercury-Lilith Square 2: April 29-May 1 (Mercury Retrograde)
Mercury-Lilith Square 3: May 31-June 2

1 thought on “Daily Mystic for Wednesday 31 May”

  1. Can’t speak about the third alignment (yet) – but the first alignment coincided with a probation review where I communicated that this role wasn’t for me and the employer intimated that they might terminate my employment. This was even though they indicated my performance met their capability framework. The second alignment coincided with me resigning. I contemplated calling their bluff but decided to resign (take control of the process I guess). From day 2 it was apparent there was a problem with me and the ensuring period exposed me to the kind of workplace politics that makes Succession look like – I was going to say the Brady Bunch – but let’s say a loving family.

    I also felt no connection with the work – I reflected on the last time I felt like that in a workplace and found myself back in the 80s.

    I did contemplate the security versus freedom issue and there was a lot of churn and 2am WTF do I do and can I turn this around – and went for freedom (again).

    Now applying for jobs and seeking enough security coupled with enough freedom in the role. I keep getting High Priestess in the 2nd house. Your interpretation around that card in the second has got me scouring the internet for resources on point (spiritual undertones of financial fears).

    Lilith is also interacting with other factors in my chart, so we’ll see what happens.

    Always love it when you give us dates and questions to ponder, Mystic!

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