Daily Mystic For Tuesday May 17

As I write, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is ebbing away and with it, some of the heavy pressure of recent days.

The ideal would be to retain the wisdom whilst relinquishing the extra gravity or ‘boxed in’ sensation.

Mars conjunct Neptune, the incoming new vibe in play till Thursday can help!

This alignment doesn’t usually feel fast and zippy – it can feel as if you accomplish everything more slowly, like running through water not air. Or you perceive auras better than paragraphs. And bureaucracy? Forget it. This plus Mercury Retrograde is a surefire formula for weird errors that sap time and focus.

Mars-Neptune is fab for shamanic meditations and feeling other realms or different layers of self. It’s the ultimate for lucid dreaming and revitalizing your own personal dreamlore. Don’t make it complex – you don’t need anything other than an exercise book or note pad near where you sleep, so you can note down any dream fragments you recall upon awakening.

The more consistently you do this, the more rewarding the practice. After a few weeks, when you read over your notes, you’ll perceive patterns and personal symbols that represent, at the very least, an entirely new facet to your intelligence – try it and see. This is the perfect time to begin and, if you’re already on this path, why not enhance it with a pre-sleep ritual, appropriate tea or essential oil?


Image: Kienzle Zodiac Clock