Weekly Horoscopes from October 5


The interests of Venus and Saturn are not always aligned. Saturn negates ‘frivolous’ enterprises while to Venus, Saturnine concerns can seem devoid of sensuality. But their friendly alignment this week generates substantial benefits – eg: relationship clarity or lucrative alliances. It’s most potent after Monday’s Full Moon: wait that out before advancing love, deals or diplomacy.


Pluto turns Direct on Sunday, marking the close of a particular phase, journey or dialogue you’ve been immersed in since late April. While it was mostly an inner trip, with metaphysical growth that you’ve yet to quantify, stand by for a unique magical indicator or some striking synchronicity. More purposeful and aware, you’re now incapable of partaking in low grade or stale conversations.


There are Full Moons that find you in the lotus position, dissolving artificial barriers between mind, body and psyche or exerting existential insights to streamline your life. Then there are Full Moons where you’re on hold the whole time, suddenly alerted to a Vibe Vampire or forced to fight for your truth. Monday’s Full Moon is the latter and the effect lingers until Oct 17. Armour up.


Now direct, Mercury returns to your solar career sector on Tuesday, revitalizing a particular project, dialogue or ambition. The difference between the current You and the person you were when this factor was first in play? Remarkable. It hasn’t been easy but nobody needs to know how you honed your suddenly sharper edge and more informed mojo. Steely self-composure is the new gold.


Saturn first arrived in Aquarius in March 2020 and now there are only five months of this wisdom-inspiring astro-passage to go. You’d thank him if you had a moment to do anything other than work/panic/solve things/sleep fitfully. The pressure of perpetual deadline is an an unavoidable but transient phenom.  You’re on track for not only more time and money but a self-built solid success.


Few things flip Pisceans from Dolphin to Shark mode faster than discovering that your genuinely good intention has been distorted or discounted. It is that kind of a week but you can turn it to your advantage. For a start, think Whale – be bigger than others, even when you would prefer micro-snark or shrinkage. Mars square your ruler Neptune works if you’re wily, resourceful and fluid.


An array of subconscious calculations and strange fate metrics converge this weekend as underworldly Pluto turns Direct. You emerge into Monday’s Full Moon with a clear concept of who/where you want to be. Unfortunately, not everyone will have your clarity and some may even exert charm, glamor spells or old-fashioned grifting to retain their niche or your attention/money stream.


While October 11 to 15 evokes a superior vocational vibe or new, promising career portal, your romantic life, friendships and even business relationships are practically paranormal. People fluctuate, nearly everyone you meet is a past-life love interest or nemesis and your personal history has a tidal tug to it: focus ebbs and flows to the rhythm of another time. Keep sight of the shore.


Circe arrives in your solar 6th house on Wednesday, aiding poetry, sorcery, sex, scent, gardening and remedy-sourcing until December. Additionally, the Sun and Venus sync with Saturn from Tuesday to Friday, adding more substance to an intellectual, creative or romantic fancy. However, Mars in your sign is at odds with Neptune all week so beware glib promises and seductive flakes.


Monday’s Full Moon permeates the entire week. Conjunct rogue comet Chiron, it influences your reputation, brand or vocational aspirations. Scan the scene for strange opportunities, trend indicators and symbolic reminders of your real ambitions. It’s only cathartic if you’ve been acting out someone else’s vision of an ideal career or business identity. Otherwise, enjoy the maverick genius.


If you’re tracking the progress of a particular affinity or desirable deal that went AWOL in August or September, here is your timeline: don’t chase it at all until at least the 11th. The Full Moon makes people flighty and deflective. Tues sees Mercury return to Libra and the dialogue or person reboots anytime from then. But for lucidity and the best outcome, don’t push at all until the 18th.


Mars in the simpatico, also-ruled-by-Mercury sign of Gemini elicits your most erudite and antifragile game plan yet. It’s in place or nearly ready to roll out and you benefit from this rare astro-luxury until March 2023. As Mars squares Neptune in oceanic Pisces this week, you may be tempted to try something off-algorithm or go against your sharper instincts. Resist and reassess next week.