Mystic Medusa Astrology values your privacy and security online. This Privacy Policy describes how your Personal Information is collected, used, disposed of, stored, disclosed, and shared when you visit or make a purchase from (hereby referred to as “website”, “the site”, “us” or ”we”).

Our Privacy Policy has adopted the principles of the Australian Privacy Act 1988 and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (the GDPR). This statement was last updated as of September 2023 and may be modified in the future to upkeep with current privacy laws.


1. No Tracking Cookies

We do not use tracking cookies to collect or sell Personal Information for marketing purposes or targeted advertising.  This is why you do not need to consent to cookies or adjust settings for them on – we don’t have any.

This is assured through the following practices:

  • We are an advertisement-free website. There are no trackers or cookies from advertisers on the site. No data is shared with advertisers or other commercial interests.
  • There are no affiliate links on the site. If an external website is linked to on the site, it is for further information on a subject of interest or to reference the source of a quote/image.
  • There are no social media share links or ‘like buttons’ on the site. This is to prevent social media companies sharing information about pages you have visited on our site with external parties.
  • We do not use Google Analytics or any other analytics software as while the data such programs provide is useful, it would give third party companies access to user comments, the sort of content they click on the most and so on. Mystic is personally vexed by remarketing campaigns and eavesdropping etc.

2. Front-End And Back-End Security

We use Wordfence as a firewall and front-end security scanner to protect your information from potential data breaches. This application provides robust encryption of your data. Wordfence automatically logs your IP address, in order to protect and safeguard your information from potential security threats. You can read more about Wordfence and read their Privacy Policy here.

3. Privacy-First Business Practices

The initial factor that put Mystic Medusa Astrology off an advertising business model was the realization of how much data collection was involved. This is a small business that gives access to customer information only to known, on-site and trusted employees.

Mystic is personally privy to confidential information shared with her by clients, routinely signs non-disclosure agreements with the high-profile ones and would not share any information about any client – whatever their profile -unless under a court order to do so. Even then, she would attempt to avoid any disclosure.


1. Log In Details

We use first-party cookies to remember your log-in details so that you don’t need to log in each time you return to the site. We also use these for the auto-fill option that generates the Daily Horoscopes and Birth Reports, and to store your membership and order details. Your password is unable to be seen by us. Your membership and order details are stored securely on the site only.

2. IP Address And Time Zone

When you visit the website, we automatically collect your IP address and time zone. The IP address is actually a security measure from Wordfence as it checks site visitors are not on a constantly updated list of IP addresses known to be bad agents on the internet.

The timezone is to sync with the Moon Calendar and Daily Horoscope displays but is not actually viewable by us.

3. Payments

The site uses Stripe to process payments and to store your payment methods for future orders or subscriptions, if you select that option. It is a globally trusted and secure platform which encrypts your data and runs a variety of security measures for your protection. Stripe requires billing addresses for security purposes when you purchase something – even if the product is digital, such as a membership or audio file. It is part of their anti-fraud measures and also federal or state law in many areas – neither Mystic nor Stripe shares this information with third parties.

You can read the Privacy Policy of Stripe here.

4. Astrology Reports & Daily Horoscopes Birth Data

Your birth data is required for Astrology Reports and to generate the Daily Horoscopes. It is stored separately from other information and attached to whatever name you input with the data in the Birth Profiles section of your Mystic Dashboard. None of this data is shared externally.

If you like, however, you can delete previously ordered reports and birth data from your Mystic Dashboard, and simply re-enter as needed. This wouldn’t work for the Daily Horoscopes birth data.


1. Communication With You

We use your email address to communicate with you about your order and to send digital downloads. We also use it to send the Daily Mystic email that is included in the Mega Mystic membership. You can opt-in to receive information about sales, special deals, and new products. You can also opt-out of this list or of the Daily Mystic if you wish.

 2. Mailchimp

We use the third-party platform Mailchimp to send the Daily Mystic plus promotions emails (to advise of sales, new products etc) and Mailchimp use cookies to determine if an email was delivered successfully or blocked etc.

Mailchimp employs strong security and data protection procedures, regulations, and policies to ensure safety and security. Learn more about their Privacy Policy here.


The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) applies to you if you are a European resident.

Under this regulation, as a data subject you have the rights to:

  • Request a copy of your Personal Data that has been collected.
  • Rectify and erase your Personal Data from our archives.
  • Restrict the processing of your data.
  • Object to the processing of your data.
  • Receive your collected Personal Data in a machine-readable format, which can be forwarded directly to other data controllers.

You can learn more about the GDPR by going directly to their website here.

As a European resident, your Personal Data is processed in order to fulfill contracts we might have with you, such as making an order through the site, or otherwise to pursue our legitimate business interests as listed above.

If you would like to exercise any of these rights, such as requesting your data to be deleted/removed and not used in marketing activities, please email We will respond and issue your request well within the legal time frame of 30 days.


When you place an order through the site, we will maintain your Order Information for our records for 48 months, unless you ask us to delete this information prior to the end of this time period.

The exception to this is any order linked to a membership that goes beyond this time period – eg; a Lifetime membership – or a report/audio that is stored on your Mystic Dashboard. We are looking into a method that will improve this paradigm.


The site is not intended for individuals under the age of eighteen (18) years or the classified minimum age requirement for being an adult in your country.


If you do not agree to us handling your Personal Information in the manner set out in this Policy you must notify us and you should not provide us with any of your Personal Information.

For more information about our privacy practices or if you have a question, please Contact Us.