For a simple Q & A app, the Oracle is remarkably perceptive and fun to use! A perennial fave of long-time Mega-Mystic members, it consists of several pre-set questions and thousands of answers. How can yours be so apt? Some might say chance, Mystic thinks it is Dark Matter and swears there are answers in there that she did not write.

See screenshots below and – these are the current questions – note that “X” is the subject, venture or person on your mind as you ask the question so you substitute it for their name or the goal etc.

*What should my strategy be for X?
*What was my past life with X?
*What do I need to know right now?
*What is holding me back?
*What is my lucky talisman today?
*Is X thinking of me right now?
*Why hasn’t X contacted me?
*Why no love action?
*What should my next move be?
*What was the point of this attraction?
*What does the Old Chaldean Oracle Say?

The Chaldean Oracle is ancient and mystical, particularly compared to the rest of the Oracle but it can still be stunningly relevant if you’re not after a direct, right-now, answer.