The Earthstar Tarot Is Live!

The Earthstar Tarot is now live and I hope you’re enjoying it! Actually, it’s been live for the last week or so, I’ve just been slack with the announcement so sorry about that. 

It’s a collab between the artist Lauren Over + me and yes, it’s taken forever. I drove Lauren nuts with emails like “Upon further research, this card cannot be a Poppy, sorry can you can change it again?” and myriad screenshots attempting to parse why one ancient source attributed a flower to the Fire element and another insisted it was Air.

I love Lauren’s art: she is a classic little-bit-country/little-bit-urban Gemini, bona-fide 5th house woman, cat-lady, green-fingers and aspirant artisan of everything. She also has vibe – some sort of weird witchy bloodline no doubt.

I have a giant blow-up version of The Star card illo on a center wall and it lifts everything.

Some of the associations may seem random but it’s all legit connected. It works for me as I can get too much into my head and the Earthstar being so, well, earthy and botanical feels nourishing. The cards I pull are apt but they often inspire me to go do something sensual and nature-aligned, which is brilliant on multiple levels.

I’d actually like to do a hard-copy Moon Diary with Lauren’s art, all the astro, star-rise times and the right growing info. It wouldn’t be complex as my gardening is – at best – intuitive but it could include the old-fashioned Moon rules for when to plant, weed, prune etc and be adapted for your zone.

It can also be interesting to ponder the zodiac degrees on the cards: the Eight of Water, above, incorporates the first ten degrees of Pisces which is of course where Saturn has plonked his leaden self right now. If you got this card – see delineation below – you could also think about which sector of your birth chart incorporates Zero to Ten degrees of Pisces or specific people born in the first third of that sign.

The Eight of Water

Many people would be fulfilled by a structure or convention you’re preparing to leave behind – perhaps even the you of a short time ago. But you’re picking up on a metaphysical message or line of inspo and you’re heeding it. The Eight of Water resonates with Pegasus, the winged horse constellation – it’s Druidic Lunar Mansion is Aituarios – Nobility, Knowledge, Steadfast. Water Lily is your plant muse for serenity under transformation pressures – the flower floats in transcendental beauty, having turned gunk from the bottom of the lake or pond into whatever is required. You prevail.

The Earthstar Tarot draws off both the Hindu nakshatras – or lunar mansions – and the lesser-known Druidic lunar mansions. There is a lot of cross-over between them. It’s a discussion for another time but FYI, ages ago I interviewed Deepak Chopra and he absolutely thought they’d been integrated.

A Libra with Mercury, Mars and Jupiter in Scorpio/the 8th house, he started out with some soft tinkly patter about the pleasures of a ‘peaceful psyche’ and then amped up into a hyperbolic genius rave re the etymology of ‘druidic’ and ‘vedic.’

Annoyingly, I was a cadet reporter with a brief to mine him for snazzy quotes about quantum dieting techniques. We were in a plush but crowded hotel foyer bar and the infuriating Sagittarian newspaper photographer kept leaping around to ‘check the light’ and hissing ‘get him to fuqing levitate‘ in my ear.

Anyway, the Druidic component is cool and while researching I discovered the best translation of the Nine Herbs Charm/Spell: most versions are wrecked with an utterly inaccurate Christian overlay but this one is just magic. Warning: if you have an esoteric mindset or like to research metaphysics, the site is a beautiful labyrinth.

42 thoughts on “The Earthstar Tarot Is Live!”

  1. Wish Upon a Star

    I am a Pisces Rising at 9 – 10 degrees.

    ” Water Lily is your plant muse for serenity under transformation pressures – the flower floats in transcendental beauty, having turned gunk from the bottom of the lake or pond into whatever is required. You prevail.”

    The Symbolism is not wasted on me .It is so sweet. Thanks Lauren and Mystic.

    1. In my relocated chart, my Ascendant is 4-5 degrees Pisces, and my Part of Fortune is 2-3 degrees Pisces. 🙂 My grandmother and some other dear family and friends of mine have their sun here. So, I feel a special magic in this slice of the Zodiac, too! Thank you for your kind words!

      1. I was born with 6-7 degrees Taurus rising 💛. It’s interesting Mystic just posted about relocation charts. I only discovered them a few years ago. It explains the shift toward metaphysics I’ve experienced, plus a lot of significant Piscean friends in my life since moving. Have you moved at all/have a relocated chart?

      2. Wish Upon a Star

        Yes I have a relocated chart. Been in this area for about 12 years. No major changes except for Saturn being in my first house as opposed to second natally and north node in second opposed to third natally This explained my loss of self confidence more specifically : loss of identity. Then came the major health challenges. I am 56 years old now and have learnt alot through that process. Much happier now.

        Taurus rising sounds like a good grounding to venture into Pisces magic. They are both feminine signs and complement each other. Pisces friends are special. Your artwork feels light and airy. Uplifting.

      3. That’s fascinating- thank you for sharing that about your relocated chart! That does make a lot of sense. I’ve had some health/mind-body connection experiences and learning come up for me, too, with Uranus transiting my first house over the last several years! And a Uranus opposition coming up in the next year- ! I wonder how that was for you? I definitely agree about the Taurus-Pisces harmony and am very grateful for that…and I’ve also always loved the concept of ‘ethereal’ and airy/light…maybe that’s my Gemini sun in the mix! ☺️

      4. Wish Upon a Star

        Well I had Uranus conjunct my Taurus Moon 3rd house on and off. It woke me up. Gee Uranus in the 1st house, does sound challenging. I was going to ask if you had air in your chart and it appears you have telepathy, lol. It must be a Gemini thing, my sun is there also. Yes ethereal is the apt word. So welcoming for this Pluto in Aquarius time.

    2. Ah, another Gemini! Yes, I’m relieved to have Pluto in a fellow air sign for some time! Although I’m a bit nervous – my southnode is 2-3 degrees of Aqua, so I’m trying to visualize the best possible outcomes of this transit. 😬 Do you notice a shift, yet?

      1. Wish Upon a Star

        Yes I have noticed a shift. Things seem like less of a struggle and things that don’t serve me are dissolving. Although I am a Geminin Sun it is in my 4th house and On the relocated chart it is on my IC. Air is the smallest element in my chart so Pluto in Aqua is a welcome change.
        Nervous: being informed is the best policy hey. I get nervous about astrology when I don’t understand what is going on. Aqua is on your south node. My feeling is concentrate on moving forwards with your North Node in Leo, how lovely. I’m a bit of a 5th house person with Jupiter in Leo conjunct Venus in Cancer forming a grand trine with Neptune in Pisces. I also have Ceres in Cancer 5th house.
        When I found out you have NN in Leo a baby popped into my minds eye. Does that make any sense to you?

      2. Wish Upon a Star

        Wow Lauren, I just had a look at your website. I don’t know where to start. You have really made good use of your Leo Moon 5th house. I now understand how you work with children. I like the Bach Flower cards, I like how you have incorporated astrology into them, I like how your artwork inspires without getting in the way. Subtle and gently guiding. I can’t wait to refind my Myers Brigg type and look up the card. I could go on and on, your work is eclectic. Anyway I’m off to do my Myer Brigg test again.

    3. Thank you so much for this beautiful, thoughtful advice! Yes…that makes sense! I just had a tarot reading by someone and the Empress popped out as my first card, suggesting focusing on my creative expression…I think I’m past the point of having a physical child, but my artwork can fill its place in a way (also working with children)…what a fascinating and potent Jupiter-Venus conjunction you have! I have Venus in Cancer, too, and Ceres in Leo. Are you a mother and/or visual artist?

      1. Wish Upon a Star

        No I am not a mother. A visual artist : does my astrology suggest this, if so can you elaborate please? I am a very visual person though. I have been interested in Fashion and at one time I was getting images of amazing outfits but it was frustrating as I dont know how to draw. When I went through Chemo, its ok I am in remission, I felt like I lost my psychic abilities. But I think it is coming back slowly in a different way. A way that serves me better. I have always had an appreciation for the differences and quality of light much like a photographer. There are so many things that I want to try, I feel like I am coming into my own as I’m getting older. As for children and babies: I adore them. I have had the pleasure of minding two young souls and the connection was amazing.
        Anyway enough about me. Do you work with children? Please explain? Wow we both have Venus in Cancer. I cant fathom how some people dislike children. I am in my element when I am with them.

      2. Wish Upon a Star

        “Reality leaves alot to the imagination” John Lennon. LOL! You guessed it I am a INFP. I have a starfish on my bedroom wall. I love stars, I love Amethyst and I really relate to the profoundness of Scorpio. The Lotus flower has come up twice in my liminal messages and I was waiting for the third and alas it has just popped up, thanks Lauren. I can’t quite work out what the Tarot Card is?
        A Starfish Necklace, interesting !
        Thank you for inspiring my creative side. I come from a working class background and being artistic was not something that was encouraged. I was made to feel that it was very impractical. But seeing you artistic side manifest so encouraging.

    1. Maybe you could message me through my website! 😀 I’d love to keep chatting with you off of the thread. 🙂 I’ll email you then!

  2. I too discovered Earthstar a few days ago and am overjoyed with it’s innocent, quirky presentation with a world of knowledge behind the illustrations.
    Love the use of Vedic and Druid knowledge
    Earthstar Tarot is everything people have said and more.
    I love it, there’s so much to see and interpret in every card!
    Congratulations to you both….XX🦄

  3. I’m loving the Earthstar Tarot SO MUCH, its next level yet more accessible than the other tarots, which I use regularly. Thanks for its creation and arrival 🙂 The Earthstar has layers of depth, and the combo of element/astro/herbal/visual ‘medicine’ is offers such easy, fun practical magic!!!

    And, as a herbalist (albeit one who doesn’t practice it much/enough), it really resonates/reignites that passion and reminds of the wonderful practical and estoteric workings of herbs.

    Earthstar/Tarot query anectode:

    I told a subscriber bestie/friend of mine that Mystic had a Tarot up online, as I thought she would dig it (she does)…

    A week or so later I texted same friend expressing my woes of seriously needing a new hair reality and not quite sure where to go with it, which I knew she would empathise with yet not be able to aid decision making process, in my text noted I wasn’t asking her to help me with the decisison (multiple Libran). She shot back in agreeance and then instead suggested I ‘ask Mystic’s new tarot you told me about, you love her online tarot decks” (this Libran friend is an avid oracle card reader). Hair questions are generlally not the level I go to tarot/oracle advice for, but I thought hey, ‘why not?’.

    I got the Five of Fire
    0-10 deg Leo
    Cinnamon = “its magical function is to restore lost or misplaced pride”
    hmm, that seems like a clear message on hair colour + more

    Drastic colour chage, but one I have had in my back pocket for some point in time.

    Then I did an Alchemy tarot while I was at it just to make sure:

    “the flamboyant one, or the scorcher”

    I have leo mars in 1st house in this degree (triple cancerian + triple leo triple leo with most of it in the 1st house)

    Anyway I already loved the Earthstar, but can’t believe the layers of meaning, beyond the clear signal to go a bit fiery with the hair! I am deep in a creative process at the oment and in the process of trying to nudge myself into the creative/performance arena with it in and effort to grow rther than shrivel up).

    So interesting about cinnamon being said to ‘restore pride’ and the folkore around hair and strengh/pride… I could bang on about how mindblowing this card draw was for me.

    Will a red sheen to my leo locks give my sensitve cancerian parts the leo courage to put myself out there (with pride?)….

    1. Thank you for sharing this fantastic story! What a great illustration of how it can work. I have my moon in Leo, 5th house, and my northnode is 3 degrees of Leo…so I really relate to musing on the mythological power of hair! Did you end up going with the cinnamon/red/more fiery color? If so, how does it feel?🔥🧡

  4. Oh what a post – lots to parse! Would love to know more about the Druidic stuff but just wanted to quickly say thank you for the Earthstar Tarot – it’s absolutely gorgeous! You can absolutely feel all the care and thought that has gone into it. I just pulled 5 of air which was both relevant and soothing. I also wanted to say a big fat YES to a hard copy moon diary! I’d love something that could cover not just gardening but also beauty (best times for cutting/waxing etc), plus a sprinkling of general astro/metaphysical tips. I would so love the moon diary to happen. Thanks and congrats on the tarot!

  5. “Nobility Knowledge & Steadfast’ about Sagittarius so how could i not comment 🙂
    EarthStar is very different from the usual Waite deck & a lot more NOW & relatable to my psyche.
    Love it.

  6. I am adoring this deck! love the depth of the symbology, the texture of the line, the research and magic that has gone into each card. It feels like the best kind of fantasy fuel — rich literate and earthy. Bravo!

  7. Thank you so much to everyone who has left such kind and encouraging comments! It’s very fulfilling to see people connecting with and enjoying the deck! <3

  8. the tarot so far has been so weirdly spot on. maybe a few spit takes. I love it. It feels more magical than the others maybe because so much work and attention was woven into its creation

  9. I found it live a little while ago and was delighted by what felt like a secret treat! It has been wonderful for writing prompts!

    Beautiful work Mystic and Lauren

  10. I absolutely love Earthstar & connected with it immediately & on multiple levels. I hope you’ll consider producing print versions of this deck!! 😍

  11. This is such a beautiful tarot! I love how you tie together tarot, astrology, mythology, ancient lore, plant wisdom, and visual art. I’ll be consulting this deck frequently for the plant knowledge alone. Kudos to you, Mystic, for creating something so wonderful.

  12. This is the MOST BEAUTIFUL artwork. Lauren is an absolute sunbeam of a human and I am so glad to see this amazing deck out in the world! Brava!!!!

  13. I love it! Fantastic talented pair that you and Lauren are – also love the Moon diary idea too – hardcopy + download would be great as international shipping gets pricey these days.

  14. The Earthstar Tarot is so embodied in the earthy and physical, yet there is so much for the mind to explore in all these aspects of meaning that you researched!

  15. And thank you Lauren too, of course! Love your website, just beautiful – cats, plant & mineral lore, cosmic mysteries, Karmann Ghias & VW beetles – what’s there not to like?!

  16. These cards are so beautifully simple & elegant that it veils their profoundness – just as it should be. They are a joy to use.
    And that link is a treasure trove! Thank you so much, Mystic, you never cease to inspire.

  17. Hello uncanny supernatural accuracy + old world Druidic style magic! I LOVE! My first card was the ‘Hanged Man’ and the accuracy that I am currently in the depths of ancient spiritual realm magic and discovering my own healing method. It’s definitely anchored in earth energies with a cosmic twist lol. The images are thoughtful, yet thought provoking. You two definitely have left a strong energetic signature on these cards! Amaze 🔱✨

  18. You have excelled yourself Mystic! The Earthstar Tarot has added an extra dimension to the site for us.
    Something entirely different again. It feels light and effervescent.
    I like your idea today to also consider the zodiac degrees of the cards.
    As for “the first ten degrees of Pisces – which is of course where Saturn has plonked his leaden self right now” – ah, great laugh – thanks for that!

  19. I absolutely love the Earth Star Tarot! 10,000 times more than what I expected. Thank you Mystic for always going beyond and exceeding expectation!!

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